A microscope is an optical instrument that can be used for magnification. It's often made up of multiple parts, including:
- optics (lens, focus, calibration)
- a camera
- a lighting system
- a moving stage to hold slides
Not all are necessary to view something microscopic!
Basic Microscope Kit
While there are lots of different microscopes -- both commercial and open source (see below) -- we're highlighting an introductory-level Do-It-Yourself microscope kit that's a good place to start:
Basic Microscope Kit -- prototyping kit now available for pre-order in the Public Lab store
Microscope projects
What kinds of microscope are available, both Do-It-Yourself ones and commercially available ones? We've posted this question here, and are keeping a comparison table below.
See and edit the full spreadsheet here
Questions can be either frequently asked questions, or "next step" challenges we're looking to solve.
Activities show how to use this project, step by step.
Activities should include a materials list, costs and a step-by-step guide to construction with photos. Learn what makes a good activity here.