Public Lab Wiki documentation

Water quality

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5 | 18 | | #9937

Rivers, oceans, lakes, aquifers, groundwater, stormwater, urban canals, underground streams, estuaries, and more -- we are passionate about water quality! This page will help you find resources to explore the waterbodies you care about, and connect with other people who have the same interests:

Questions on Water Quality:

Title Author Updated Likes Comments
Using UVC or "deep UV" light to detect lead by fluorescence @warren over 2 years ago 14
Can DIY spectrometers be useful for pH determination and/or dissolved organic carbon of a water solution? @alejobonifacio over 2 years ago 19
Can pond testing kits be used for stream/river water? @belkinsa over 2 years ago 3
What can you do about oil in your ditch following a natural disaster when traditional resources/normal pathways are not available? @laurel_mire almost 3 years ago 10
How do I...use luminescence with the spectrometer? @Ag8n almost 3 years ago 8
What are some observable tell-tale signs of wastewater pollution? @bhamster almost 3 years ago 11
What groups or agencies are looking at the intersections of land/soil management and ocean pollution? @laurel_mire about 3 years ago 1
Tips about seeking funding for water testing? @Greenhorns about 3 years ago 5
Water testing protocols for Sulfide Mining? @Greenhorns about 3 years ago 1
As soil and water share similar pollution problems, what research methods can be shared between them? @alejobonifacio about 3 years ago 10
What kind of spatial acidity variation could be evidence of pollution source in a river? @warren about 3 years ago 5
Who is a specialist in our area on water quality/pollution? @Wendydelgado over 3 years ago 1
Does anyone have any concerns regarding the water quality in New Orleans? @stevie over 3 years ago 3
What are the differences in water quality in various bodies of water in the New Orleans area? @Chickynuggies02 over 3 years ago 2
Is Bayou water cleaner than river water? @pawpatrol over 3 years ago 2
How can I test whether beach foam is natural or potential pollution? @bhamster about 4 years ago 6
Will high turbidity levels affect the babylegs trawl? @stevie about 4 years ago 1
What are ways to monitor for oil and gas spills on private property? @stevie about 4 years ago 2
Looking for water controller resource @lanesharman over 4 years ago 1
Are there examples where environmental concerns were addressed as a result of people filing complaints (or suspected permit violations)? @stevie over 4 years ago 7
How can you tell if a sheen on water is bacterial or petroleum (oil)? @stevie over 4 years ago 1
Are there simple tests for nitrates in well water? @stevie over 4 years ago 8
DFRobot Turbidity Sensor Troubleshooting @mimiss over 4 years ago 5
Reused fracking water? @charlotte_clarke over 4 years ago 1


Water quality parameters

Read about different water quality parameters here, including pH, nitrogen, conductivity, temperature, ORP and turbidity:

Groups and projects working on water quality issues:

Title Updated Version Views Likes
BabyLegs over 3 years ago by a1ahna 29 9,412 6
Water Quality Sensor over 4 years ago by warren 12 10,820 2
Coqui conductivity sensor about 5 years ago by warren 57 5,587 22
Riffle: an Open Source Water Monitoring Approach over 6 years ago by warren 100 6,032 15
KnowFlow about 7 years ago by liz 2 1,666 3
Open Water over 7 years ago by klie 122 5,277 19
infoamazonia-network almost 9 years ago by vjpixel 2 528 2

Water quality related pages

Title Updated Version Views Likes
Wastewater almost 3 years ago by bhamster 2 264 0
Assess Turbidity in Water about 5 years ago by liz 13 4,426 2
Common Water Contaminants over 5 years ago by warren 36 1,998 4
Nitrogen over 5 years ago by warren 3 378 1
Water quality parameters over 5 years ago by warren 13 636 2
Filters over 5 years ago by warren 11 648 2
Water conductivity monitoring about 6 years ago by warren 9 1,359 2
Conductivity of Water and Community Science over 6 years ago by gilbert 5 882 1
pH over 6 years ago by warren 4 569 0
Turbidity Measurement Methods & Regulations over 6 years ago by gilbert 1 1,767 0
Water Sensors over 6 years ago by Nova 41 7,055 6
Water Sampling almost 7 years ago by warren 2 1,692 2
NPDES over 7 years ago by warren 17 950 0
Parâmetros de qualidade da água over 8 years ago by vjpixel 3 6,163 0
water quality indices almost 9 years ago by vjpixel 5 1,047 2
What's going on in Water Monitoring? about 10 years ago by kanarinka 5 591 4
Water Quality Primer with Jeff Walker about 10 years ago by kanarinka 4 727 3
The Open Water Project: FAQ about 10 years ago by donblair 4 620 2


Purpose Category Status Author Time Difficulty Replications
PureLab:Experiment and Installing Water Filters Record In Banmentun - - @shanlter - - 0 replications: Try it »
¿Cómo mido el pH de una solución con un repollo morado? Su relación con la calidad de agua - - @alejobonifacio - - 0 replications: Try it »
How to measure the pH of a solution with a purple cabbage? Its relation to water quality - - @alejobonifacio - - 0 replications: Try it »
Coqui BBv1.0: Testing conductivity of a solution observe draft @donblair 1h easy 1 replications: Try it »
Water Quality Testing At Turkey Creek - - @Delaney - - 0 replications: Try it »
¿Cómo evaluo la calidad de un ambiente acuático con mi teléfono móvil? / How do I assess the quality of an aquatic environment with my mobile phone? observe complete @alejobonifacio 1h easy 0 replications: Try it »
¿Cómo evaluar la calidad de un río con insectos acuáticos (bioindicadores)? / How do I assess the quality of an river with aquatic insects (bioindicators)? - - @alejobonifacio - - 0 replications: Try it »
Practice reporting suspected frac sand violations - - @stevie - - 0 replications: Try it »
¿Cómo detectar abrillantadores ópticos (aguas residuales) yendo a un río? / How to detect optical brighteners (wastewater) going to a river? - - @alejobonifacio - - 0 replications: Try it »
Draft: Collect a sample for laboratory analysis - - @warren - - 0 replications: Try it »
How to test a water sheen to tell if it is bacterial or petroleum - - @stevie - - 0 replications: Try it »
How to find out if waterbodies near you in the US are healthy or impaired observe - @bhamster 30m easy 0 replications: Try it »
Draft: Find the concentration of a liquid with a DIY spectrometer - - @warren - - 0 replications: Try it »
How to collect a water sample - - @stevie - - 0 replications: Try it »

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