pH Sensors
Title | Author | Updated | Likes | Comments |
Pros/cons to cheap handheld water meters for pH, TDS, conductivity? | @warren | over 5 years ago | 0 | 3 |
What are good ways to test for pH levels and where can we get materials to do so? | @stevie | almost 7 years ago | 0 | 6 |
How do I use pH strips to test pH? | @warren | almost 7 years ago | 1 | 4 |
What are examples of citizen science projects that have tested water for pH? | @liz | over 7 years ago | 1 | 4 |
When is litmus paper not good enough for measuring pH? | @liz | over 7 years ago | 0 | 1 |
How has pH testing evolved over time? | @liz | over 7 years ago | 0 | 3 |
Sensor: ORP versus PH | @MadTinker | over 7 years ago | 1 | 2 |
Purpose | Category | Status | Author | Time | Difficulty | Replications |
¿Cómo mido el pH de una solución con un repollo morado? Su relación con la calidad de agua | - | - | @alejobonifacio | - | - | 0 replications: Try it » |
How to measure the pH of a solution with a purple cabbage? Its relation to water quality | - | - | @alejobonifacio | - | - | 0 replications: Try it » |
Water Quality Testing At Turkey Creek | - | - | @Delaney | - | - | 0 replications: Try it » |
Knowflow组装(一)——pH和温度监测 | - | - | @incaking | - | - | 0 replications: Try it » |
Testing the DF Robot pH Sensor | - | - | @wmacfarl | - | - | 0 replications: Try it » |
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