Water quality
Rivers, oceans, lakes, aquifers, groundwater, stormwater, urban canals, underground streams, estuaries, and more -- we are passionate about water quality! This page will help you find resources to explore the waterbodies you care about, and connect with other people who have the same interests:
Questions on Water Quality:
Water quality parameters
Read about different water quality parameters here, including pH, nitrogen, conductivity, temperature, ORP and turbidity:
Groups and projects working on water quality issues:
Title | Updated | Version | Views | Likes | |
BabyLegs | about 4 years ago by a1ahna | 29 | 9,521 | 6 | |
Water Quality Sensor | about 5 years ago by warren | 12 | 10,861 | 2 | |
Coqui conductivity sensor | over 5 years ago by warren | 57 | 5,725 | 22 | |
Riffle: an Open Source Water Monitoring Approach | about 7 years ago by warren | 100 | 6,088 | 15 | |
KnowFlow | over 7 years ago by liz | 2 | 1,694 | 3 | |
Open Water | almost 8 years ago by klie | 122 | 5,340 | 19 | |
infoamazonia-network | over 9 years ago by vjpixel | 2 | 557 | 2 |
Water quality related pages
Title | Updated | Version | Views | Likes | |
Minnesota Land and Manoomin Protection Project | almost 2 years ago by JuliaGuerrein | 12 | 539 | 4 | |
Bioassay | about 3 years ago by alejobonifacio | 7 | 1,042 | 3 | |
Wastewater | about 3 years ago by bhamster | 2 | 290 | 0 | |
Detecting wastewater pollution | about 3 years ago by bhamster | 3 | 500 | 2 | |
AppEar - Ciencia ciudadana en ríos, lagos, lagunas y estuarios | over 3 years ago by alejobonifacio | 1 | 161 | 3 | |
The Sand Sentinel Program | almost 4 years ago by stevie | 24 | 3,836 | 2 | |
BabyLegs | about 4 years ago by a1ahna | 29 | 9,521 | 6 | |
Projects | over 4 years ago by liz | 10 | 30,028 | 3 | |
Tortuga Guardian | over 4 years ago by GSan | 27 | 1,320 | 1 | |
Oil and Gas Water Quality | almost 5 years ago by stevie | 19 | 673 | 1 | |
Simple Water Sensor Platform | almost 5 years ago by wmacfarl | 9 | 447 | 1 | |
Water Quality Sensor | about 5 years ago by warren | 12 | 10,861 | 2 | |
Oil and Gas Water Fellowship Trio | about 5 years ago by stevie | 5 | 184 | 2 | |
CAFO | about 5 years ago by stevie | 3 | 590 | 0 | |
Observable water quality violations related to frac sand mining | over 5 years ago by stevie | 8 | 276 | 1 | |
Coqui conductivity sensor | over 5 years ago by warren | 57 | 5,725 | 22 | |
Assess Turbidity in Water | over 5 years ago by liz | 13 | 4,481 | 2 | |
Common Water Contaminants | over 5 years ago by warren | 36 | 2,090 | 4 | |
Water quality | over 5 years ago by warren | 18 | 1,611 | 3 | |
Nitrogen | almost 6 years ago by warren | 3 | 425 | 1 | |
Water quality parameters | almost 6 years ago by warren | 13 | 636 | 2 | |
Filters | almost 6 years ago by warren | 11 | 695 | 2 | |
The Lead (Pb) Data Initiative | about 6 years ago by read_holman | 9 | 444 | 3 | |
Conductivity of Water and Community Science | almost 7 years ago by gilbert | 5 | 908 | 1 |
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