Water quality
Rivers, oceans, lakes, aquifers, groundwater, stormwater, urban canals, underground streams, estuaries, and more -- we are passionate about water quality! This page will help you find resources to explore the waterbodies you care about, and connect with other people who have the same interests:
Questions on Water Quality:
Groups working on water quality issues:
Mystic River Open Water
Along with IOBY.org, the Mystic River Open Water project aims to build an open-source, DIY water quality monitoring network. Support the IOBY campaign here.
InfoAmazonia Network
The project will use environmental sensors connected via mobile networks to generate indicators of water quality in cities in the Brazilian Amazon. Read more.
Leif Percifield's water quality sensor system. Developed during the Water Hackathon on March 23-25 in New York City, the water quality sensor is a multipurpose tool for collecting data remotely. This tool is rapidly changing and is being used as part of the on going research initiative called DontFlush.Me
Title | Updated | Version | Views | Likes | |
Minnesota Land and Manoomin Protection Project | almost 2 years ago by JuliaGuerrein | 12 | 539 | 4 | |
Bioassay | about 3 years ago by alejobonifacio | 7 | 1,042 | 3 | |
Wastewater | about 3 years ago by bhamster | 2 | 290 | 0 | |
Detecting wastewater pollution | about 3 years ago by bhamster | 3 | 500 | 2 | |
AppEar - Ciencia ciudadana en ríos, lagos, lagunas y estuarios | over 3 years ago by alejobonifacio | 1 | 161 | 3 | |
The Sand Sentinel Program | almost 4 years ago by stevie | 24 | 3,838 | 2 | |
BabyLegs | about 4 years ago by a1ahna | 29 | 9,521 | 6 | |
Projects | over 4 years ago by liz | 10 | 30,028 | 3 | |
Tortuga Guardian | over 4 years ago by GSan | 27 | 1,320 | 1 | |
Oil and Gas Water Quality | almost 5 years ago by stevie | 19 | 673 | 1 | |
Simple Water Sensor Platform | almost 5 years ago by wmacfarl | 9 | 447 | 1 | |
Water Quality Sensor | about 5 years ago by warren | 12 | 10,861 | 2 | |
Oil and Gas Water Fellowship Trio | about 5 years ago by stevie | 5 | 184 | 2 | |
CAFO | about 5 years ago by stevie | 3 | 590 | 0 | |
Observable water quality violations related to frac sand mining | over 5 years ago by stevie | 8 | 276 | 1 | |
Coqui conductivity sensor | over 5 years ago by warren | 57 | 5,725 | 22 | |
Assess Turbidity in Water | over 5 years ago by liz | 13 | 4,481 | 2 | |
Common Water Contaminants | over 5 years ago by warren | 36 | 2,090 | 4 | |
Water quality | over 5 years ago by warren | 18 | 1,611 | 3 | |
Nitrogen | almost 6 years ago by warren | 3 | 425 | 1 | |
Water quality parameters | almost 6 years ago by warren | 13 | 636 | 2 | |
Filters | almost 6 years ago by warren | 11 | 695 | 2 | |
The Lead (Pb) Data Initiative | about 6 years ago by read_holman | 9 | 444 | 3 | |
Conductivity of Water and Community Science | almost 7 years ago by gilbert | 5 | 908 | 1 |
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