
Wetlands are places that are saturated with water, either salt or fresh. Wetlands include areas on the edges of larger water bodies including lakes, oceans, bayous, rivers and deltas. There are also wetlands that are independent from bodies of water, but remain saturated seasonally or year around. You can read more about wetland types from [NOAA here ](https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/wetland.html) and from the [EPA here](https://www.epa.gov/wetlands/what-wetland). ###Benefits of Wetlands Wetlands are beneficial for wildlife and human health for many reasons. They provide natural water filtration, storm protection, and flood control. They also support the breeding grounds for most aquatic life, and many bird species. ###The Destruction of Wetlands Wetlands are often destroyed in land development projects, harmed by pollution events from industry and susceptible to being destroyed with land subsidence and sea level rise. When wetlands are destroyed, the land is less able to absorb water. This causes communities to become more susceptible to flooding and storm surges. "Without wetlands, cities have to spend more money to treat water for their citizens, floods are more devastating to nearby communities, storm surges from hurricanes can penetrate farther inland, animals are displaced or die out, and food supplies are disrupted, along with livelihoods." Read more about the destruction of wetlands from [World Wildlife Fund here](https://www.worldwildlife.org/habitats/wetlands). ###How are wetlands protected? In the US, many states have regulations that help to protect wetlands. The Clean Water Act is the primary federal protection legislation, through it five federal agencies are charged with protecting various aspects of the wetland health, "The [Army] Corps' duties are related to navigation and water supply. The EPA's authorities are related to protecting wetlands primarily for their contributions to the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation's waters. The [Fish and Wildlife Services'] authorities are related to managing fish and wildlife-game species and threatened and endangered species. Wetland authority of NOAA lies in its charge to manage the Nation's coastal resources. The NRCS focuses on wetlands affected by agricultural activities." Read more on USGS's page on [legislation here](https://water.usgs.gov/nwsum/WSP2425/legislation.html). Federally and regionally there are many groups who work on wetland protections. You can read about how groups like [Healthy Gulf](https://www.healthygulf.org/our-work/defending-wetlands-2/stopping-wetlands-destruction) work to protect wetlands in places they are threatened such as Louisiana. ##Wetlands Monitoring Activities [activities:wetlands] ## Frequently Asked Questions [questions:wetlands] **** ## Updates [notes:wetlands!question:wetlands] **** ## Project Pages Here are some Public Lab projects that have been dedicated to the monitoring and protecting of wetlands: - The Barataria Mapping Project: https://publiclab.org/wiki/barataria-bay-mapping-project - The New Orleans Urban Water Mapping Project: https://publiclab.org/wiki/urban-waters-mapping-nola ###Wikis related to wetlands: [wikis:wetlands] ...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
cfastie "Another excellent lesson. But part of that lesson is that 25 mph winds are a problem that can be solved with money. A big soft kite like the Parafo..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
Rural "Chris, agreed on the best lesson being how little wind it takes to fly a kite. Yesterday, I was able to sneak in a 45 minute kite session where I l..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
cfastie "Ah, those were the days when the boy might have considered joining me for KAP. Enjoy it while you can. It sounds like you did some useful experi..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
eustatic " " | Read more » almost 9 years ago
eustatic " " | Read more » almost 9 years ago
eustatic " " | Read more » almost 9 years ago
liz "Anyone know where the original image set is for the map associated with this note? The map was completed and put in the Archive here: http://public..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
eustatic "no wind. MSY had 5mph, i don't think we had that--which is unusual for the lake --normally we have turbulent winds at the land / water interface " | Read more » almost 9 years ago
geraldmc "Congrats on results. Awesome! Was there wind enough to fly kites too? " | Read more » about 9 years ago
eustatic "Giant Salvinia need to document this via inaturalist for email to managers " | Read more » about 9 years ago
eustatic " " | Read more » about 9 years ago
eustatic "http://publiclab.org/map/laplace-louisiana-wetlands-watchers/2012-03-06 LaPlace iz da place " | Read more » about 9 years ago
LauraChipley "this is great! " | Read more » over 9 years ago
eustatic "dope " | Read more » over 9 years ago
liz "@eymund i couldn't be happier that you came to Barnraising this year! What a great and informative note, with hilarious GIFs. " | Read more » over 9 years ago
eustatic "BM2 in this note = BM1 for real https://mapknitter.org/maps/bm1-barataria-2014 " | Read more » over 9 years ago
eustatic "Things that are great about this photo: Digital Globe has clouds over the land on this date, demonstrating that balloon mapping beats clouds. a W..." | Read more » over 9 years ago
eustatic "Tracking this area, here the ERMA max oiling map http://gomex.erma.noaa.gov/erma.html#/x=-90.39528&y=29.28989&z=13&layers=16169 " | Read more » over 9 years ago
eymund "Some samples of the dye dispersion patterns as seen from the balloon camera: Vechte's Brook - Bronwen running pour tests.. Dentons Spring We..." | Read more » over 9 years ago
eymund "Thanks for the comments on dye density ! Because the dye was largely freshwater being poured into brackish saltwater it tended to float on surface..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
eustatic "Source images: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B32DNGN8pX_XNHNyQ2NuMnlqS2s&usp=sharing " | Read more » almost 10 years ago
eustatic " " | Read more » almost 10 years ago
liz "Photo featured here: http://plannerspointing.tumblr.com/post/98902068918/september-27-2014-eymund-diegel-discussing-the " | Read more » almost 10 years ago
btbonval "Talking about density, temperature, and floating makes me think of a Galileo thermometer: they are sealed with little glass beads that show the tem..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago