
An organizing page for LEAFFEST! ## Questions We tried proposing sessions in the form of questions this year, Jeopardy-style! [questions:leaffest] **** Past LEAFFEST info follows! ![LEAFFEST2013.jpg](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/001/320/medium/LEAFFEST2013.jpg) ##LEAFFEST 2013## **Learning Earth Appropriate Fact-Finding Environmental Science Tools** **When**: All weekend Saturday and Sunday, September 7 and 8, 2013 **Where**: [2878 Upper Plains Road,Salisbury, Vermont](https://www.google.com/maps?q=2878+Upper+Plains+Rd,+Salisbury,+VT&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=43.578243,101.513672&t=h&hnear=2878+Upper+Plains+Rd,+Salisbury,+Addison,+Vermont+05769&z=16) ###[Some research notes with the tag LEAFFEST2013](http://publiclab.org/tag/leaffest2013) *(so we know how many are coming)* LEAFFEST is an open gathering of the Public Lab community to work on environmental tools and share ideas about environmental science and activism. Projects this year will include Infragram photography, development of the online tool [Infragram.org](http://infragram.org/), pole aerial photography, characterizing the spectral response of Infragram cameras, and topics yet to be determined. ###Four Free Workshops ####**Workshop**: [Infragram ](http://publiclab.org/wiki/infragram)photography **When**: Saturday, September 7, 1:00 to 3:00 PM **Leader**: [Chris Fastie](http://publiclab.org/profile/cfastie) **Content**: - What is Infragram photography and why should I do it? - How do you do it? Bring a camera with the IR block filter removed and we will convert it to Infragram! - Taking Infragrams -- We will capture some Infragram photos and process them to test hypotheses about patterns of plant health we observe in the yard. - Advanced topics -- Several experienced Infragram developers will be present. What do you want to know from them? . #### **Workshop**: Pole Aerial Photography **When**: Saturday, September 7, 3:00 to 3:30 PM **Leader**: [Ned Horning](http://publiclab.org/profile/nedhorning) **Content**: Ned will demonstrate how to take photos from 10 m above the ground. He will explain his system of remote camera control, live video feed from the pole mounted camera, and his attempts to quantify the ground area captured by the camera for vegetation analysis. All participants will receive a free photo of the top of their head. . #### **Workshop**: Infragrammar **When**: Saturday, September 7, 8:00 to 8:30 PM **Leader**: [Jeff Warren](http://publiclab.org/profile/warren) **Content**: Infragrammar is a new way to interact with Infragram photos to explore how Infragram works and how to extract meaning from the derived images. Jeff will demonstrate how entering statements at the [Infragram Sandbox](http://infragram.org/static/sandbox/) in his simple language can harness the power of Infragram to reveal patterns of plant health and discover new uses for the technology. . . #### **Workshop**: Camera response to infrared light **When**: Saturday, September 7, 8:30 to 9:30 PM **Leader**: [Don Blair](http://publiclab.org/profile/donblair) **Content**: To better understand how to interpret Infragram photos, we need to describe how cameras capture infrared light. Don will demonstrate an experimental approach to tracing how near infrared light makes its way into the three color channels of consumer digital cameras (or does it?). . ###Stay the whole weekend or attend any part **Lodging: **There is plenty of room to camp in the yard and surrounding woods, and a some floor space inside. **Food:** [Food will come from here](http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/137008), so there will be plenty of good things to eat. However, desserts and breakfast pastries don't grow in the garden.ツ **Rideshare: **[Here is a Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApRLDm8W39oxdEdfWnd0VkI2bHVKNWJ4UnhHdDhIYUE&usp=sharing) for matching up riders and drivers. . Online Ticketing for LEAFFEST 2013 powered by Eventbrite . ####Some research notes from [LEAFFEST 2012](http://publiclab.org/tag/leaffest2012) . View Larger Map...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
jbreen "You had me at "squid-shaped kite." I've been using the DIY Mini Kite Kit but for the life of me cannot seem to get the Mobius camera to go into ti..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
xose "Just for the record, It can be easily done using GNU/linux. Here two tutorials for Kdenlive (just GNU/linux) and OpenShot (the only multiplatform, ..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
mathew "On mac, the easiest way is to use Quicktime 7, File --> Open Image Sequence " | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "And @cfastie provided some guidance for using Adobe Premier: https://publiclab.org/notes/glennwalquist/12-04-2016/monitoring-sargent-sand-mining-op..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "I did find a bunch of YouTube videos of how to use different programs, but haven't done so myself: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ma..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "I've submitted a bug report with steps to fix: https://github.com/publiclab/plots2/issues/885 -- sorry! " | Read more » almost 8 years ago
warren "I'm actually having trouble editing this page -- must be a bug due to it being "converted" to a question instead of being one from the start. " | Read more » almost 8 years ago
warren "Actually i haven't tried marking a question as an activity; i guess it works? Maybe not a good practice? I dunno -- new territory for us! As to you..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
pdhixenbaugh "Also: I'm not sure if you're testing (1) Hot Tap Water vs Cold Tap Water, or (2) Hot Tap Water vs. Hot Tap Water which has cooled down. Put another..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
pdhixenbaugh "So both questions and research notes can be marked as an activity? And at some point, folks replicating the activity can post their answers? I like..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
cfastie "Scott, There is no problem. The Mobius can do interval shooting at any interval, and it can also do motion detection. The trail camera has NIR LED..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
eustatic "Is the problem that the mobius can t do intervals greater than a certain amount? or mostly it's the NIR and motion capture that you are looking fo..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
warren "Thanks for the link! So many colors :-) -- " | Read more » almost 8 years ago
shanlter "The squid looks so nice in the sky! Here is the link: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.0.0.YLWxJc&id=44263991526&ns=1&skuI..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
liz "The delivery was convenient too -- we bought a dozen, and they were shipped in a tape-wrapped tarp to a local mini-mart in Guangzhou where we picke..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
mathew "omg you're kidding me that is so cheap this kite is so awesome " | Read more » almost 8 years ago
liz "The 5.5M kite was ~USD$4 on taobao in mainland China -- @shanlter can you post the link to the taobao store that you helped me buy from? " | Read more » almost 8 years ago
warren "Replication is a pretty big topic -- i put down some notes from a discussion we had among staff yesterday in this GitHub issue, looking forward to ..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
gretchengehrke "@wmacfarl, I completely agree with you there. Thanks for highlighting that. I also think that we need to provide more feedback options than "succe..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
liz "@wmacfarl this is really, really helpful. 1) we're working on how to document fails this week! We'll keep you posted. 2) Is there a good example ..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
liz "Lovely Chris! Except for the gratuitous comment about "wimpy city folk" -- come down off your mountain and tell me how you fare on the city streets..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
wmacfarl "@warren, @liz -- I mentioned this at #leaffest-2016 but wanted to put it here as well. I think that "common pitfalls" or "troubleshooting" or some..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
cfastie "Thanks Leslie. In five years I think this is the first real evaluation of LEAFFEST. It’s so nice to get some reassurance that at least someone didn..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
warren "Sorry, I meant make an activity out of this, with step by step instructions and such, not one taking the next step. So, yes! I'm hoping @stevie an..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago