Proto-geographer, kite flyer and PhD candidate. I'm interested in the role of technology and citizen science in land use conflict as well as social and environmental justice.
I've been a little slack on the research notes. This is what I've been writing instead...
Breen, J, S Dosemagen, D Blair and L Barry. 2019. Public Laboratory: Play and civic engagement. In The Playful Citizen: Power, Creativity, Knowledge, eds. J Raessens, S Lammes, R Glas, M de Lange. Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press.
Breen, J, S Dosemagen, J Warren, and M Lippincott. 2015. Mapping Grassroots: Geodata and the structure of community-led open environmental science. ACME: an International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 14(3), 849–873.
Blair, D, J Breen, S Dosemagen, M Lippincott and L Barry. 2013. Civic, Citizen and Grassroots Science: Towards a Transformative Scientific Research Model. In Accountability Technologies: Tools for Asking Hard Questions, eds. D Offenhuber and K Schechtner. Vienna: Ambra Verlag.
Dosemagen, S, J Breen and D Blair (writing as "Public Lab"). 2013. “Democratizing Environmental Research.” In Enabling City: enhancing creative community resilience. Vol. 2., ed. C Camponeschi.
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