
An organizing page for LEAFFEST! ## Questions We tried proposing sessions in the form of questions this year, Jeopardy-style! [questions:leaffest] **** Past LEAFFEST info follows! ![LEAFFEST2013.jpg](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/001/320/medium/LEAFFEST2013.jpg) ##LEAFFEST 2013## **Learning Earth Appropriate Fact-Finding Environmental Science Tools** **When**: All weekend Saturday and Sunday, September 7 and 8, 2013 **Where**: [2878 Upper Plains Road,Salisbury, Vermont](https://www.google.com/maps?q=2878+Upper+Plains+Rd,+Salisbury,+VT&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=43.578243,101.513672&t=h&hnear=2878+Upper+Plains+Rd,+Salisbury,+Addison,+Vermont+05769&z=16) ###[Some research notes with the tag LEAFFEST2013](http://publiclab.org/tag/leaffest2013) *(so we know how many are coming)* LEAFFEST is an open gathering of the Public Lab community to work on environmental tools and share ideas about environmental science and activism. Projects this year will include Infragram photography, development of the online tool [Infragram.org](http://infragram.org/), pole aerial photography, characterizing the spectral response of Infragram cameras, and topics yet to be determined. ###Four Free Workshops ####**Workshop**: [Infragram ](http://publiclab.org/wiki/infragram)photography **When**: Saturday, September 7, 1:00 to 3:00 PM **Leader**: [Chris Fastie](http://publiclab.org/profile/cfastie) **Content**: - What is Infragram photography and why should I do it? - How do you do it? Bring a camera with the IR block filter removed and we will convert it to Infragram! - Taking Infragrams -- We will capture some Infragram photos and process them to test hypotheses about patterns of plant health we observe in the yard. - Advanced topics -- Several experienced Infragram developers will be present. What do you want to know from them? . #### **Workshop**: Pole Aerial Photography **When**: Saturday, September 7, 3:00 to 3:30 PM **Leader**: [Ned Horning](http://publiclab.org/profile/nedhorning) **Content**: Ned will demonstrate how to take photos from 10 m above the ground. He will explain his system of remote camera control, live video feed from the pole mounted camera, and his attempts to quantify the ground area captured by the camera for vegetation analysis. All participants will receive a free photo of the top of their head. . #### **Workshop**: Infragrammar **When**: Saturday, September 7, 8:00 to 8:30 PM **Leader**: [Jeff Warren](http://publiclab.org/profile/warren) **Content**: Infragrammar is a new way to interact with Infragram photos to explore how Infragram works and how to extract meaning from the derived images. Jeff will demonstrate how entering statements at the [Infragram Sandbox](http://infragram.org/static/sandbox/) in his simple language can harness the power of Infragram to reveal patterns of plant health and discover new uses for the technology. . . #### **Workshop**: Camera response to infrared light **When**: Saturday, September 7, 8:30 to 9:30 PM **Leader**: [Don Blair](http://publiclab.org/profile/donblair) **Content**: To better understand how to interpret Infragram photos, we need to describe how cameras capture infrared light. Don will demonstrate an experimental approach to tracing how near infrared light makes its way into the three color channels of consumer digital cameras (or does it?). . ###Stay the whole weekend or attend any part **Lodging: **There is plenty of room to camp in the yard and surrounding woods, and a some floor space inside. **Food:** [Food will come from here](http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/137008), so there will be plenty of good things to eat. However, desserts and breakfast pastries don't grow in the garden.ツ **Rideshare: **[Here is a Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApRLDm8W39oxdEdfWnd0VkI2bHVKNWJ4UnhHdDhIYUE&usp=sharing) for matching up riders and drivers. . Online Ticketing for LEAFFEST 2013 powered by Eventbrite . ####Some research notes from [LEAFFEST 2012](http://publiclab.org/tag/leaffest2012) . View Larger Map...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
cfastie "Jeff, Our goal is to have 1) a red channel which records how much NIR is reflecting from plants, and 2) a blue channel which records how much blue ..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
cfastie "Ned, The G11 photos in the panel above were recorded in camera raw. According to my naïve model of what camera raw does, it should be possible to t..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
warren "http://www.dunnedwards.com/PaintingContractors/ExploreColor/OrderColorSamples.aspx shows "Beautiful Blue" and hundreds of other paint card options...." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
mathew "Nice work with the LEDs. Look forward to seeing the setup at the Barnraising. " | Read more » almost 11 years ago
mathew "hmm... There are no paint sample cards available. Sounds like its time to buy a gallon and a roller. we have an opportunity to switch these out i..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
warren "I love the theory that the blue card is flooding the blue channel to minimize or outweigh or "wash out" the infrared from that channel. I think tha..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
warren "Boo, television chroma key suppliers... i really do suspect they just sell blue paper as "chroma key" because they sell it in big enough rolls. I h..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
nedhorning "This white balance stuff got me thinking. I don't think the white balance actually changes the amount of light recorded by the sensor but instead m..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
warren " " | Read more » almost 11 years ago
cfastie "The relative amounts of NIR vs visible light in each channel is definitely a big and important unknown. The camera can't do anything to change that..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
nedhorning "With the Infrablue filter there is both visible and NIR light hitting the camera sensor and it would be helpful to know how different wavelengths a..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
mrrg "okay, I was thinking you do not need to characterize it just treat all of it as NIR if you have a good filter.. Why do you need to characterize it?..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
warren "I guess the WB introduces a big unknown about the relative amounts of NIR vs visible light. One way the NIR and VIS might mix in blue is that perha..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
nedhorning "Sorry for not explaining this better. We were just trying to understand which sensor channels are recording which wavelengths of light. The images ..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
mrrg "Maybe I have misunderstod what you try to do.. but what if you add thicker sheet of HDPE plastic in front of the camera then only NIR would get thr..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
nedhorning "Thanks for posting this Jeff. The results are interesting. Most of the LEDs that I've seen have band widths in the 5nm - 10nm range. It's important..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
straylight "wow, good results jeff, as it happens, I'm about to do a similar test on some filters which we use for another experiment. It is rather important t..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
eustatic "someone make a pink elephants joke " | Read more » almost 11 years ago
patcoyle "Interesting to see the range of images. " | Read more » almost 11 years ago
cfastie "That's a good thing to test, and it's easy with your Superblue G11 which has two custom white balance presets, one for a blue surface in the shade ..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
nedhorning "Would the result improve if you set white balance using a neutral target? Concrete is pretty even across the visible and near IR. " | Read more » almost 11 years ago
Hayden Wilson "Hi! very cool project. does anyone know what the maximum wavelength that can be detected using a converted camera? " | Read more » almost 11 years ago
tomh4236 "I did this conversion. Everything went as above, except that the glue holding the sensor in place is most definitely NOT hot glue. It wouldn't me..." | Read more » about 11 years ago
mathew "Raspberry Pi is going to release a camera module: " | Read more » over 11 years ago