
The purpose of the blog is to capture the “who” in Public Lab. It is a space for people to share out! Beyond the research, beyond the discussion lists... Who is here and why? Start a post by clicking here: Post to the blog ### Examples of content for the Public Lab Blog: #### Stories * Learning about something new, * Discovering pollution in your community, * What got you involved in Public Lab, * Your interests or ideas in the Public Lab community, * Something that has been on your mind related to Public Lab. #### Reflections and Observations * What it has been like to work on a project, * On conversations in google groups, the wiki or amongst your community, * Thoughts you had after attending an event or an OpenHour. #### Cross-posting from other sites * Posts from somewhere else that you'd like to share with others in Public Lab (Be sure to reference your sources!) * News, * Articles, * Reviews. #### “Action Alerts” or request for specific assistance * Something your community is pushing for that you'd like to get the word out about, * Something new that you want to bring to people's attention. Questions or looking for help writing a post? email ...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
alaxallves " Hello everyone! Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. And let's work !! " | Read more » about 5 years ago
warren " @warren has marked @sylvan as a co-author. " | Read more » about 5 years ago
warren "Awesome to see many of you today!! On Mon, May 6, 2019, 6:25 PM \<> wrote: Hi! There's been a response to your r..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
rexagod "Thank you, Public Lab! Really excited for the upcoming Summer! Cheers, everyone! " | Read more » about 5 years ago
gauravano "Congrats everyone :tada: :smiley:. " | Read more » about 5 years ago
sagarpreet " Awesome !!! Congrats everyone :-) " | Read more » about 5 years ago
gauravano " Great! " | Read more » about 5 years ago
warren " Added a line on the increase in "Outreachy/GSoC season"! :raised_hands: " | Read more » about 5 years ago
kelukaliya " i just love this article " | Read more » about 5 years ago
kelukaliya " I hope that forum keeps growing to greater heights " | Read more » about 5 years ago
liz " Hi @sagarpreet these demos look amazing! To your questions above, 1) The gridline color in orange, with highlighted gridsquare in red looks great..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
sagarpreet " You can check these live demos here : See how markers are filtered at different zoom levels :" | Read more » about 5 years ago
bansal_sidharth2996 "GSOC application submission deadline today. Please submit the proposals at the earliest. Thanks all for writing such great proposals. Best of luck ..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
bansal_sidharth2996 " Hi, sorry for the interruption. Jeff's handle on PL is @warren(not @jywarren, @jywarren is on github). Just telling you all so that you can ping u..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
sagarpreet " Hi @liz , @stevie , I and @warren are working on integrating this library to /people page . I am hoping to get your opinion on : 1.) What shou..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
warren " Hi, I just wrote a detailed issue on the colorimetric project, with the bugs we'd need to solve, and some other ideas:" | Read more » about 5 years ago
lit2017001 "@jywarren, @tech4GT please review my proposal whenever you are free. Looking forward for your valuable suggestions. " | Read more » about 5 years ago
warren "This is so great, @sagarpreet!!!! :tada: you've done a fantastic job and these libraries are really coming to life! For others -- these will soon ..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
gauravano "Awesome work @sagarpreet @warren :tada: :100: " | Read more » about 5 years ago
sidntrivedi012 " Thanks a lot @jywarren. Will complete my proposal today. Please review whenever free. :smiley: :tada: " | Read more » about 5 years ago
warren "Hi @sidntrivedi012! One of the reasons we began developing the self-contained version SWB Capture was to make it more modular, better maintained, c..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
warren " OK! I just finished leaving comments on Outreachy proposals and need to take a break as it's very late here! I'll circle back to these proposals i..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
jywarren "This is so awesome!!!! On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 3:54 PM \<> wrote: Hi! You were mentioned by lit2017001 in a comme..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
lit2017001 " Thanks @gauravano. " | Read more » about 5 years ago