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Locked pages

Here's a list of locked pages:

Title Updated Version Views Likes
Public Lab Barnraisings over 1 year ago by jmacha 766 1,729 10
Board of Directors over 1 year ago by jmacha 42 8,844 1
Events almost 2 years ago by bhamster 97 527 11
Contact Us about 2 years ago by thewrightjess 24 38,055 7
Open Call about 2 years ago by bhamster 24 43,708 4
Write an Issue Brief about 2 years ago by liz 33 5,513 3
Chat over 2 years ago by warren 55 427 12
Security/privacy best practices for data and devices about 3 years ago by warren 8 992 2
Public Lab Privacy Policy over 3 years ago by sashadev-sky 7 13,512 1
Projects about 4 years ago by liz 10 29,294 3
Project page template about 4 years ago by liz 12 848 1
Strategic Plan about 4 years ago by joyofsoy 8 1,283 2
Getting Started about 4 years ago by liz 102 4,406 37
Kits Initiative over 4 years ago by mimiss 85 31,225 7
Public Lab Community Newsletter about 5 years ago by warren 29 281 2
Mailing lists about 5 years ago by warren 265 296 10
Public Lab Bibliography over 6 years ago by Shannon 3 265 0
Inactive Lists over 6 years ago by stevie 3 407 0
Giving Tuesday over 6 years ago by warren 8 8 1
Membership over 6 years ago by warren 5 45 2