
Author Comment Last activity Moderation
Haikiuser "wowo great bro.. keep going and thank you for share it " | Read more » about 4 years ago
liz "Hello again after a long time @John_Wells ! It is certainly great to hear from you. :smiley: " | Read more » about 4 years ago
John_Wells "Seven posters from 2012 on our community kite aerial photography leading up to SNAPS:" | Read more » about 4 years ago
John_Wells "UPDATE This project finished in 2016 and is archived here: It is a ..." | Read more » about 4 years ago
warren "Hi! The Mobius can be used as a webcam, and a converted lens is available in the store:" | Read more » about 7 years ago
msfisher "Do you know if there is a place I can buy a usb camera already with the Wratten 25A, I got the original infragram which uses the blue channel, but ..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
Rmeyer "Thank you so much, Chris! Indeed, lots to think about. Will let you know what sort of first steps we come up with, and where it goes from there. " | Read more » about 7 years ago
cfastie "This is a really intriguing project. The Seek camera makes possible a lot of otherwise very difficult investigations. It should be straightforward ..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
FrankA "Hi Suman. This is my setup… Mobius Action cam Docking station + Foam anti vibration tubing… all held on with quick release cable ties. I have the..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
suman "Dear FrankA, Greetings from Nepal, I have a mobius actioncam ( Green Blue and Near Infrared ) which is modified to take near infrared spectrum for..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
FrankA " addendum how to file : sorry about the Clip quality.... NEW clip to follow in due course. I realised the Caiibration..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
ashwinvasudevan "@abdul You can take a look at the project here Basically, Mirkix modified the linux port of the Ardupilot proje..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
abdul "Hello @ashwinvasudevan, could you post a note about this open source drone add on? I'm curious to read more about it! " | Read more » over 7 years ago
ashwinvasudevan "Thank you @pdhixenbaugh Much appreciated. " | Read more » almost 8 years ago
pdhixenbaugh "Hey, and welcome to public lab. That sounds like an awesome project! I'm not as involved in the spectrometry side of public lab, but I can take a s..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
cfastie "Yes, those photos are good. Ideal photos have some live plants, maybe some recently dead leaves, and some things that are not foliage. Outdoor phot..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "Specifically, I think we need to encourage people to structure experiments around what these cameras do best at the moment -- comparisons between v..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
cfastie "I think you're right that subjective is the wrong word. Maybe qualitative. A plant with an actual NDVI value of 0.5 may have an infragram NDVI valu..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "Hi, Chris - I've been plugged into several other projects and really didn't have time to do this properly, and there was some confusion over the we..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
cfastie "A standard coefficient is a tough nut. The amount you would want to shift the NDVI values will differ a lot among photos. Exposure and color balanc..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "It looks to me like both offer pretty good differentiation, but that the red filtered version depresses NDVI values. But since we're not assuming a..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "You're right - we need to display the colormap in the saved images too -- but we haven't had any time to do further development on, s..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "The colormap is based on one of yours: " | Read more » about 9 years ago
cfastie "Yes, I can't say much without seeing the originals. Someone familiar with what does might be able to infer something. When I follow ..." | Read more » about 9 years ago