Water conductivity monitoring

**Conductivity** is a measure of a solution's ability to conduct electricity, as measured in Siemens per meter (S/m). (lead image by @ddileona) This page is under development, please add background info: * Info about regulations * Info about ecological or human health impacts * Advocacy leverage points * Constraints we're working within: cost, complexity, sensitivity, time Also see resources on this page: https://publiclab.org/wiki/conductivity_sensing ## Questions [questions:conductivity] **** ## Sensors Here's a list of different conductivity sensors and measurement systems. Also see below for some Do-It-Yourself approaches to measuring conductivity, and [this page](https://publiclab.org/wiki/conductivity_sensing) for more information. * [the Coqui](/wiki/coqui) **** ## Activities Activities for people to test methods (these develop over time) [activities:conductivity] **** ## Existing work [notes:conductivity] ...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
donblair "Ah, this is all so great! This brings up a bunch of interesting issue for me that I'd love to get feedback on. Naming conventions. Maybe it'd be..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
kanarinka "Hey @warren @donblair and Katie - Nice work - this is simple and exciting. we did a home brewed test of Coquí here last weekend with hot/cold water..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
cfastie "The first time i have ever found a tree frog in my house was at the LEAFFEST where the Coqui was built, tested, and designed for PCB. . . Clearly..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
kgradow1 "Markdown This looks really good! " | Read more » almost 10 years ago
WhiteRabbit "Also, FWIW, not all stainless steels are the same. For instance, 316 SS is more resistant to corrosion than 304. " | Read more » almost 10 years ago
WhiteRabbit "Be mindful how temperature may affect your saline conductivity measurements, as I tried to point out in the comments here: http://publiclab.org/not..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
WhiteRabbit "You'll probably need to correct for differences in sample temperature. i.e. temperature will affect the conductivity of the salt solution. So, to..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
DavidMack "seems like a good approach. maybe specify the type of salt: fine sea salt, table salt (with iodine), kosher salt (no iodine), or Himalayan pink sa..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
neilh20 "Hi Don, looks great procedure, and while not knowing if it actually works - it does give a procedure for establishing a range for a specific set of..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
patcoyle "Terrific writeup and results, +1 to above comments. Excellent. " | Read more » almost 10 years ago
straylight "great workshop, really well run and I loved reading about the glitches along the way :) Now you have a prototype working, the next step would be t..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
kanarinka "Awesome write-up guys - I can't believe how much progress was made in such a short time. I think the audio stuff has so much educational potential ..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
kanarinka "I got the email notification @warren. So super awesome to see the progress on this " | Read more » about 10 years ago
mathew "visualizing data is hot right now, but this is some next level $#!%-- in-situ data landscape audiolization--- its so cutting edge the spellchecker ..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
warren "Great tone difference at around 2:26! I love the idea (discussed with @dorncox) of listening to two of these at different ends of your yard, or up ..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
donblair "Yay! @mathew: Great! And we already have a pretty nice relevant smt board design -- coin cell powered, with an RGB led and a piezo buzzer: http..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
warren "@dorncox and I "riffed" on this idea today in Somerville... can we call it the Riffle Cricket, maybe, referencing that cricket chirps encode the ai..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
mathew "I've been offline for the past four days or I would have been all "THIS! THIS!" immediately. because this is awesome! soooooooooo cool. We should..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
amysoyka "Are you using a spark labs kit? " | Read more » about 10 years ago
warren "@kanarinka and I chatted about this idea also at PDF, including found an audio version you could leave a voicemail with at the server to submit dat..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
warren "Wow, very cool. Does the Arduino monitor it via a light sensor? I also want to test the new callouts feature: @mathew, did you get a notification ..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
EdMallon "Despite my zeal for the project, I have tried not to bomb everyone here with the many incremental updates as I go along. But I think I might have p..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
mathew "is the audio jack leaking? or is this the DC ion channel build up problem you were worried about? " | Read more » about 10 years ago
mathew "WARNING: do not, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES get distracted by searching e-bay for vintage Hygrothermographs. " | Read more » about 10 years ago