Five Borough Farm

_The above map depicts [Feedback Farms]( on Bergen Street, Brooklyn, in July 2013._ **Link to sign up to use the Garden Tracking Toolkit:** **Link to PDF:** **** ###Project Background Five Borough Farm: Why Measuring Matters from Design Trust for Public Space on Vimeo. The Five Borough Farm toolkit is a set of field research tools and methods for gardeners themselves to track progress towards their own goals, i.e., food production, compost production, landfill diversion, healthy eating experiences for participants, project completion, task management, etc. These tools are open source and available for all to use for free. Five Borough Farm (5BF) was originally created by the [Design Trust for Public Space]( [Farming Concrete]( are partners on the project and are building the companion software for logging data,, and for publicly viewing data in aggregate, The project website can be viewed here: This project was piloted in 2013 with 25 gardeners who first participated in an open space technology workshop. After the workshop, the ideas were synthesized by [Phil Silva](/profile/p_silva_82) and [Liz Barry](/profile/liz), and materials were distributed to participating gardeners during summer 2013. Based on a season's worth of field testing, a second iteration was completed, simplifying the language and adding additional protocols. **2015 Table of Contents:** [![Screen_Shot_2015-01-27_at_11.11.33_AM.png](]( **Here's what the landing page of Barn looks like:** [![Screen_Shot_2015-01-04_at_4.18.09_PM.png](]( NB The name Five Borough Farm is because this project began in New York City, which has five counties known as boroughs. **2013 table of contents:** [![Screen_Shot_2013-10-14_at_2.07.07_PM.png](](

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
liz "This picture of Carla was very popular on twitter! It was retweeted by Newark's Office of Sustainability, another group encouraging New Jersey-base..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
liz "link to map from July 27! " | Read more » almost 10 years ago
id022012 "Regarding overexposure, If I am not mistaken, most intelligent phones have a lux-meter embedded near the frontal camera. It is used in measuring am..." | Read more » about 11 years ago
warren "It might be helpful to try comparing these to the NDVI generated by Ned Horning's plugin, too, using the same photos. " | Read more » about 11 years ago
warren "I believe that in the over the water shot, that's not a shadow at all -- it's a reflection, as is a lot of the light in that picture. I think that ..." | Read more » about 11 years ago
gonzoearth "Excellent! It would be interesting to try to move around the garden and put a vertical mosaic together. " | Read more » about 11 years ago
mathew "Thanks Pat, I used Hugin! " | Read more » about 11 years ago
patcoyle "Neat, another tool for the kit. Nice that it collapses to 4'. What software did you use to make the composite image? " | Read more » about 11 years ago