Public Lab Research note

Wrapping up an air quality research area review

by bhamster | January 05, 2021 23:44 05 Jan 23:44 | #25422 | #25422

Image: Visualization of PM2.5 levels over 24 hours in Taiwan, from the LASS PM2.5 Open Data Portal. CC BY NC SA.

Public Lab's latest research area review on air quality is wrapping up.

As usual, the conversations we had with people from the Public Lab community and beyond uncovered the latest and richest resources to examine further. Much gratitude to the folx who shared their time, knowledge, and experiences in air quality monitoring:

The tips, resources, and questions that people shared during these conversations informed the bulk of the updates to the air quality pages and posts on Public Lab.

Virtual event: What's in your AIRea?

We wrapped the research area review with a virtual, open event on community air monitoring. We showed highlights from refreshed Public Lab pages, shared about ongoing air monitoring projects, and traded tips and resources. Check out a recording of the call plus all shared links here, and learn more about research area reviews and how to get involved here.

We'll pick another topic for our next research area review to kick off the year, so stay tuned! And please comment below if you have any ideas, questions, or feedback.

Some ongoing questions and challenges discussed on the call:

  • In addition to monitoring, what immediate remediation options are there for communities with polluted air? DIY / inexpensive air filters, perhaps distributed with government emergency funds.
  • The need to answer multiple questions at once in regions experiencing immediate health impacts, like the US Gulf Coast.
  • What are different ways to get air quality information to people in a community? Real-time in the event of an emergency, or when not everyone can/will use online methods?


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