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This is the project page for the Val Verde Air Quality Monitoring Program (VVAMP). Esta es la página de proyecto para el Programa de Monitoreo de Calidad de Aire de Val Verde.

On this page

Background and motivation for Air Quality Monitoring
Questions - support our work by helping us work through these questions
How we monitor air - read and subscribe to recent updates on this project
Timeline - Creating and developing VVAMP
Data - supporting data we have related to this issue


California´s Chiquita canyon landfill is located adjacent to the Val Verde neighborhood.

Background and motivations

The Chiquita Canyon Landfill has been operating in the community of Val Verde in Los Angeles County, CA since 1972. Throughout the history of the landfill’s operation, there has never been a local ambient air testing program, despite grievances from the community and multiple violations issued by South Coast Air Quality Management.

The community has odor concerns due to health related issues like asthma and the psychological impact of not being comfortable in their houses due to odors. In the community’s fight against the landfill odor, and the premise of the right to know what they are breathing, residents have created VVAMP in order to conduct preliminary air monitoring results, collect, share, document and report their concerns to every accessible body including to government agencies, the company itself and the public.


1) Regularly collect and share air quality monitoring data to grow the body of evidence on existing air quality and related concerns.
2) Have someone who is local (ideally spanish speaking), trained to do the different types of monitoring necessary.
3) Developed a program that can be passed off about air quality monitoring in Val Verde including:
- Instructional materials and manual (Bilingual).
- A protocol. for when to test/ what is concerning about the landfill and it’s proximity to these Val Verde communities.
- Have instruments packed up and clear guidelines on how/best conditions to use them.
- Organize a lending material Library.

4) Work towards advocacy outcomes on the landfill issue including:
- Informing the public about the air quality on an ongoing basis and interfacing with local civic and regulatory boards.

People who are involved

Sara Sage, Chris Nidel, Jeremiah Dockray, and many more Val Verde residents who have volunteered their time. VVAMP is partnered with the Val Verde Civic Association (VVCA). You are welcome to participate as a volunteer or to serve as a member of our nonprofit board. Contact us at

How the air monitoring is done


We take readings of the local ambient air with air quality sensors and post data to our website at We test daily and in case of an odor event.

First: Call the South Coast Air Quality Management District at 1-800-CUT-SMOG.They are the regulatory agency and they verify the air quality. SQAQMD is very responsive to the community and works with the polluter to curb the source of the odor. The call will be anonymous.
Next: Call VVAMP at 661239-9390 to make an odor complaint. Please indicate the cross streets and address of the odor. Our Field techs will visit your location to take independent ambient air quality readings. We do not share your personal information.

WHAT DO WE MEASURE? We measure Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Oxygen (O2), Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), Methane (CH4), Sulfur dioxide (SO2), Ammonia (NH3), Formaldehyde (CH20), Particulate matter (PM), Humidity and temperature.


  • GX 6000 from RKI custom-made to read VOCs in ppb only.
  • GX 2012 from RKI for CO O2 H2S CH4.
  • Eagle II from RKI for SO2 NH3 H2S.
  • FP 31 from RKI for CH20 (CHOH).
  • The “Bucket” Air Quality Monitor from Public Lab.
  • UT938C from UNI-T for Humidity temp VOC 5.
  • Various stationary weather stations which automatically send data to the Wunderground network.

These devices are really easy to use from personal experience once they are ready to use. What is difficult is to service them: removing the data and calibrating them. We need to buy gas canisters created in the manufacturer’s lab with known quantities of gas to make sure they are reading correctly. We take daily and mark our location using a GPS app.


Interested in following along in the project? Subscribe to the tag below to get updates when the team posts new material.

Subscribe to updates on this project

Title Author Updated Likes Comments
Logging Complex Odors @sarasage over 3 years ago 5
A quick question on the GX 6000 monitor @Ag8n over 3 years ago 0
Historical Chart Of Odor Complaints for VVAMP @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 1
Troubleshooting the Bucket Monitor @sarasage over 3 years ago 3
What are air quality indicators you should watch for around a landfill that indicate you should take a grab sample? @stevie over 3 years ago 3
HOW WE RECOLLECT OUR DATA @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 0
Is there a correlation between humidity and particulates in the air? @sarasage over 3 years ago 3
Choosing Locations and Methodology for Air-Quality Gas Testing @sarasage over 3 years ago 2
Gas-Calibrated Monitor Explainer @sarasage over 3 years ago 0
Does anyone know why ambient oxygen levels would be higher than the normal 21%? @sarasage over 3 years ago 4
First hand experience on using Public Lab with Sara Sage @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 1
Bucket Monitor Build: VVAMP @sarasage over 3 years ago 0
Personal Introduction / Post de Presentación @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 0
Best Method(s) of Datalogging Location in the Field Without Cell Reception? @sarasage over 3 years ago 9


Frequently Asked Questions area:

Title Author Updated Likes Comments
A quick question on the GX 6000 monitor @Ag8n over 3 years ago 0
What are air quality indicators you should watch for around a landfill that indicate you should take a grab sample? @stevie over 3 years ago 3
Is there a correlation between humidity and particulates in the air? @sarasage over 3 years ago 3
What would be the optimal time according to the atm pressure to take measurements @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 1
How subsurface gasses migrate and what allows them to dissipate? Landfill gasses @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 4
What is kriging? How it works and how can we use it when measuring purple air? @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 2
Does anyone know why ambient oxygen levels would be higher than the normal 21%? @sarasage over 3 years ago 4
What kind of continous air monitoring devices measure HAPs and PAHs? @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 4
What kind of monitoring tools might I need to use to identify indicators before sampling with the bucket? @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 0
What kind of event would trigger me needing to take an air sample with the bucket? @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 1
Question about grab samples from the Bucket monitor tool: Which ones do I order? @amocorro almost 4 years ago 3
Are you smelling odors in your community, and should you be concerned? @amocorro almost 4 years ago 2
What are the most effective methods to monitor air quality if you live near a landfill? @amocorro almost 4 years ago 3
Are you sampling local air quality? Are you sending results to a lab? Ask these questions! @amocorro almost 4 years ago 1
Which Air Quality Monitroring devices you are using, do they make noise? @denissebn_06 almost 4 years ago 2
How difficult is to figure out how to use Air Quality monitoring devices? @denissebn_06 almost 4 years ago 2
Best Method(s) of Datalogging Location in the Field Without Cell Reception? @sarasage over 3 years ago 9
There are natural sources of VOCs, what are they? How do I avoid them in my air quality monitoring? @denissebn_06 almost 4 years ago 3
When you don’t have permission to monitor on a property from the owners and/or your neighbors, what’s your method for asking them and/or getting permission to monitor? @denissebn_06 almost 4 years ago 1


Program research:

  • Consulted with experts in the months of January and February
  • Support provided by Public Lab, four fellowship positions awarded Twice-monthly meetings, plus ongoing, daily support via Slack Technical guidance resources.
  • Will host air monitoring data on their site for the community to lessen the risk of hacking.

Ongoing Steps

  • Instructional Manual Development: Create a manual so anybody can do the air monitoring.
  • Reduce language barriers within the community. Eliminate need for a complicated instrument manual for people sampling in the field. The manual will allow a wider pool of volunteers and potentially, paid community members to perform regular sampling.
  • Program Manual: the program manual is the final work product for the Public Lab Fellowship Will allow for the program to continue regardless of board membership or personnel.
  • Ongoing illustration, science and design project to be completed on November 1, 2021. All materials will be in English and Spanish.
  • Hacked Stationary-Monitoring.

Next Steps

  • Lending library.
  • Continuing Air Quality monitoring. Future monitoring for PM.


Stay tuned for data for this project (for example spreadsheets, graphs, maps)


En esta página

Antecedentes y motivación para el Monitorea de Aire
Preguntas- Apoya nuestro trabajo ayudándonos con preguntas acerca de nuestro proyecto.
Actualizaciones- Lee y Suscribirse sobre actualizaciones de este proyecto.
Cronología- Sobre las circunstancias ocurridas y como las hemos enfrentado.
Datos- Datos de respaldo que tenemos sobre el problema.


El Relleno sanitario del cañón de Chiquita California esta ubicado adjunto a la comunidad de Val Verde.

Antecedentes y motivación

El Relleno sanitario del cañón de Chiquita ha operado en la comunidad de Val Verde en el Contado de Los Angeles, California desde 1972. A través de la historia de operación del relleno sanitario, nunca ha habido un programa local de teste de aire ambiental, a pesa de reclamos de la comunidad y múltiples violaciones emitidas por la Gestión de la calidad del aire de la costa Sur.
La comunidad tiene preocupaciones por los malos olores y como estos pueden estar relacionados problemas de salud como el asma, además del impacto psicológico de no estar cómodo en los propios hogares. En la lucha de la comunidad en contra del mal olor del relleno sanitario, y la premisa del derecho al saber, residentes han creado VVAMP con el fin de realizar monitoreo preliminar de aire, recolectar, compartir, documentar y reportar sus preocupaciones a cualquier cuerpo accesible incluyendo agencias del gobierno, la compañía del relleno sanitario y más importante el público.


1) Recolectarán y compartirán datos del monitorea de la calidad de aire para incrementar el cuerpo de evidencia sobre la calidad del aire existente y preocupaciones relacionadas.
2) Tener a alguien local (idealmente hispano hablante), entrenado para hacer los diferentes tipos de monitoreo necesario.
3) Desarrollar un programa que pueda ser compartido acerca del monitoreo de calidad de aire en Val Verde incluyendo:
- Un manual de instrucciones sobre los materiales (Bilingüe).
- Un protocolo sobre cuando testear que incluya lo que es preocupante sobre el relleno sanitario y su proximidad a esta comunidad de Val Verde.
- Tenes los instrumentos empacados y los lineamientos claros sobre cual es la mejor condición de usarlos.
- Organizar una Librería de préstamos de material.

4) Trabajar en base a resultados la abogacía acerca de los problemas del relleno sanitario, incluyendo:
- Informar al publico acerca de la calidad del aire de forma continua e interactuando con las juntas cívicas y reguladoras locales.

Personas involucradas

Sara Sage, Chris Nidel, Jeremiah Dockray, y muchos más Residentes de Val Verde que han voluntariado su tiempo. VVAMP está asociada con la Asociación cívica de Val Verde (VVCA). Tu estas bienvenido y bienvenida a participar como voluntario o para servir como miembro en la junta de nuestra organización sin fines de lucro. Contáctanos a

Cómo se hace el monitoreo de aire


Tomamos lecturas locales del aire ambiental con sensores de calidad de aire y posteamos los datos y resultados en nuestra página web en Testeamos a diario y en caso de un evento de mal olor.

Primero: Llama al manejo de calidad de aire de la Costa sur al número 1-800-CUT-SMOG.

Son una agencia regulatoria y ellos verifican la calidad del aire. SQAQMD por sus siglas en inglés son muy receptivos con la comunidad y trabajan con el contaminante para frenar la fuente del mal olor. Personalmente hemos llamado a este número y nos han atendido bien, la llamada es anónima y no pueden compartir tu información con nadie.

Después: Llama a VVAMP al 661239-9390 para hacer una queja de mal olor. Por favor indique su ubicación con el cruce de calle donde se encuentra el mal olor. Nuestro técnico de campo visitará la ubicación para tomar muestra independiente de la calidad de aire ambiental. Nosotros no compartimos tu información.

Nosotros medimos Compuestos orgánicos volátiles (VOCs), Monóxido de carbono (CO), Oxigeno (O2), Sulfuro de hidrógeno (H2S), Metano (CH4), Dióxido de azufre (SO2), Amonio (NH3), Formaldehido (CH2O), Material particulado (PM), Humedad y temperatura.


  • GX 6000 de la compañia RKI hecho a medida para leer VOCs solo en ppb.
  • GX 2012 de la compañía RKI para medir CO, O2, H2S, CH4.
  • Eagle II de la compañía RKI para medir SO2, NH3, H2S.
  • FP 31 de la compañía RKI para medir CH2O (CHOC)
  • La “Cubeta” para monitor de calidad de aire de Public Lab.
  • UT938C de la compañía UNI-T para medir Temperatura, Humedad y VOC 5
  • Varias estaciones de clima que automáticamente mandan la información a la red de “Wunderground”.

Estos dispositivos son fáciles de usar por nuestra experiencia personal cuando ya están listos para usar. Lo que es difícil es calibrarlos: descargar los datos y calibrarlos. Se necesita comprar las latas de gas manufacturado en laboratorio con las cantidades conocidas de los gases para asegurar que los dispositivos están leyendo la información de manera correcta. Marcamos diariamente nuestra ubicación usando una aplicación de GPS.


¿Interesado en seguir nuestros avances del proyecto? Suscríbete en cuadro azul para obtener notificaciones cuando el equipo postee materia.

Subscribe to updates on this project

Title Author Updated Likes Comments
Logging Complex Odors @sarasage over 3 years ago 5
A quick question on the GX 6000 monitor @Ag8n over 3 years ago 0
Historical Chart Of Odor Complaints for VVAMP @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 1
Troubleshooting the Bucket Monitor @sarasage over 3 years ago 3
What are air quality indicators you should watch for around a landfill that indicate you should take a grab sample? @stevie over 3 years ago 3
HOW WE RECOLLECT OUR DATA @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 0
Is there a correlation between humidity and particulates in the air? @sarasage over 3 years ago 3
Choosing Locations and Methodology for Air-Quality Gas Testing @sarasage over 3 years ago 2
Gas-Calibrated Monitor Explainer @sarasage over 3 years ago 0
Does anyone know why ambient oxygen levels would be higher than the normal 21%? @sarasage over 3 years ago 4
First hand experience on using Public Lab with Sara Sage @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 1
Bucket Monitor Build: VVAMP @sarasage over 3 years ago 0
Personal Introduction / Post de Presentación @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 0
Best Method(s) of Datalogging Location in the Field Without Cell Reception? @sarasage over 3 years ago 9


Title Author Updated Likes Comments
A quick question on the GX 6000 monitor @Ag8n over 3 years ago 0
What are air quality indicators you should watch for around a landfill that indicate you should take a grab sample? @stevie over 3 years ago 3
Is there a correlation between humidity and particulates in the air? @sarasage over 3 years ago 3
What would be the optimal time according to the atm pressure to take measurements @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 1
How subsurface gasses migrate and what allows them to dissipate? Landfill gasses @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 4
What is kriging? How it works and how can we use it when measuring purple air? @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 2
Does anyone know why ambient oxygen levels would be higher than the normal 21%? @sarasage over 3 years ago 4
What kind of continous air monitoring devices measure HAPs and PAHs? @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 4
What kind of monitoring tools might I need to use to identify indicators before sampling with the bucket? @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 0
What kind of event would trigger me needing to take an air sample with the bucket? @denissebn_06 over 3 years ago 1
Question about grab samples from the Bucket monitor tool: Which ones do I order? @amocorro almost 4 years ago 3
Are you smelling odors in your community, and should you be concerned? @amocorro almost 4 years ago 2
What are the most effective methods to monitor air quality if you live near a landfill? @amocorro almost 4 years ago 3
Are you sampling local air quality? Are you sending results to a lab? Ask these questions! @amocorro almost 4 years ago 1
Which Air Quality Monitroring devices you are using, do they make noise? @denissebn_06 almost 4 years ago 2
How difficult is to figure out how to use Air Quality monitoring devices? @denissebn_06 almost 4 years ago 2
Best Method(s) of Datalogging Location in the Field Without Cell Reception? @sarasage over 3 years ago 9
There are natural sources of VOCs, what are they? How do I avoid them in my air quality monitoring? @denissebn_06 almost 4 years ago 3
When you don’t have permission to monitor on a property from the owners and/or your neighbors, what’s your method for asking them and/or getting permission to monitor? @denissebn_06 almost 4 years ago 1


  • 1972 relleno sanitario presenta eventos de mal olor.
  • 2016 expansión del relleno sanitario y renovación del permiso del relleno sanitario.
  • 2017 VVAMP fue creado y registrado con la secretaria de Estado de California
  • 2018-2020 VVAMP condujo testeo informal.
  • 2021 VVAMP

Programa de investigación:

  • Se consultó a expertos en los meses de enero y febrero.
  • Apoyo proporcionado por Public Lab. Cuatro posiciones de becas dadas, reuniones bimensuales, además, de apoyo por medio de SLACK.
  • Public Lab alojará los datos de monitoreo de aire en su sitio web para la comunidad con el fin de reducir los riesgos de piratería.

Pasos en curso:

  • Desarrollo del Manual de instrucciones: Creación de un manual para que cualquier persona pueda hacer monitoreo de aire.
  • Reducir las barreras del lenguaje ente la comunidad. Eliminar la necesidad de un complicado manual de instrumentos para las personas puedan realizar los muestreos en el campo. El manual permitirá que un grupo más amplio de voluntarios y potencialmente miembros de la comunidad pagados realicen muestreos regulares.
  • Programa de manual: es el producto será el producto final para que el becado de Public Lab pueda continuar el programa sin necesidad de ser parte de la junta directiva de VVAMP.
  • Estamos trabajando en ilustraciones, ciencia y diseño del proyecto, planeamos terminar el 1º de Noviembre, 2021. Todos los materiales en español e Inglés.
  • Monitoreo estacionario continuo.

Siguientes pasos:

  • Librería de préstamos
  • Continuación de los monitoreos de calidad de aire. Futuramente monitorear PM


Está pendiente por la data de nuestro proyecto. (por ejemplo: gráficos, mapas, hoja de cálculo, etc.)