Public Lab Wiki documentation


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A major goal of Public Laboratory is to produce simple and easy guides to construct many of our low-cost tools. Here are some of the illustrated guides, tutorials, and other supporting materials we've put together so far:

Illustrated Guides to Grassroots Mapping with balloons and kites

Balloon Mapping Quick Start Guide

we made this one specifically for filling and flying our balloon kit, but the flying info is generally applicable. Anyone can print, add to or edit the Google Doc, please translate it to new languages if you can!

Balloon Mapping Flight Checklist & Packing Lists

Sequential to-do lists and packing lists for every step of the process. Do it right every time! use a list. Again, anyone can download, print, or edit the Google Doc.


Spectrometer Guides

In progress

We're constantly improving and exploring new ways of documenting and disseminating our designs. Here are some prototypes and planning pages:

  • T-shirt guide - A t-shirt with instructions for balloon mapping printed on it.

In-progress Translations: