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Air Sampling

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This page collects resources, questions, requests related to air sampling, edit the page to add information or resources.


Air grab sampling is a way to capture air samples for laboratory testing. Most air grab sampling methods involve capturing air pulled into a bag through a vacuum system. The bag can then be sealed and shipped to a lab for testing. Air grab samples can be tested for over 100 different chemicals (Louisiana Bucket Brigade).


Title Author Updated Likes Comments
Creating a "videocamera" for passive dust collection over time? @natematias about 2 years ago 2
Looking for recommendations of how to obtain air quality samples around a fracked gas compressor station @SBucic over 2 years ago 3
Question about grab samples from the Bucket monitor tool: Which ones do I order? @amocorro over 3 years ago 3
For the Bucket Monitor, how many tedlar bags do you need per-sampling? @mimiss over 4 years ago 2
Have you used the bucket air sampler or other grab sample tool? @kgradow1 over 4 years ago 11
Where do you send air grab samples to for testing? @stevie over 7 years ago 3
Are there groups who are currently, or have recently, used the Bucket for air sampling? @stevie over 7 years ago 0
How do I choose between different types of air canisters for grab sampling? @stevie over 7 years ago 0
When is it better to do grab sampling versus other types of monitoring? @stevie over 7 years ago 2
Where can you purchase a bucket for air grab sampling? @stevie over 7 years ago 5
What methods are available for doing air grab samples for hydrogen sulfide? @stevie over 7 years ago 2


Activities should include a materials list, costs and a step-by-step guide to construction with photos. Learn what makes a good activity here.

Bucket Sampling:

"The Bucket is a patented device for capturing a sample of air for laboratory analysis in three minutes" from Blue Ridge Environmental Defence League. The Bucket is an EPA approved grab sampling method for measuring air pollution and is significantly less expensive than the other air grab systems such as the summa canister (from the Louisiana Bucket Brigade).

What it tests: The Bucket can measure up to 101 air pollutants including: dichloromethane, hydrogen sulfide, perchloroethylene, vinyl chloride, toluene, and benzene. Written instructions and information on how to use the bucket can be found here from the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League

Cost: The bucket itself cost around $100 each but they are reuseable. The lab sampling costs between $200-$500 each depending on what you want to get tested. The system also needs to be calibrated twice a year which can cost up to $400.

Video on how to use the bucket from Hilton Kelley of Community In Power and Development Association

Story of West Virginia Chemical Valley Bucket Brigade:

More resources and groups who have experience with the Bucket:

Summa Canister

The Summa Canister is a commercially available sampling system.

The Citizens for a Healthy Community in Paonia, Colorado have used the summa canister for air grab sampling. Here is a publication they put together on “How Oil & Gas Impacted Communities Can Test Air Quality On A Small Budget: A step-by-step guidebook based on the North Fork Valley Air Sampling Program” 2016