谷仓聚会 Barnraising Guangzhou, China
(This is a bilingual event, for English information please visit https://publiclab.org/barnraising)
2018年 开放科学实验室谷仓聚会, China
- 主题:土地与社群——全球视野,本地视角
- 时间:2018年10月14日 8:00 -15日18:00 (外地参与者住宿从13号晚开始提供)
- 地点:广州,长洲岛,华师初中开放科学实验室
- 住宿:4人学生宿舍,每间包含2个淋浴和卫生间。强烈建议本地参与者也留宿岛上。
- 餐饮:第一日提供3餐,第二日早午餐。以中式餐饮为主,提供素食和特殊饮食。
- 交通:通过公共交通工具,可方便抵达长洲岛。有需要者,我们会在码头迎送。
- 语言:中英双语。目前预计的中文参与者数量会多于英文,现场会有5-10名志愿翻译。
"谷仓聚会"并不是真的去谷仓里面开 party,这个名词来自 Barnraising 的英文翻译 (请建议我们更好的中文名称),我们像共同建造一座谷仓那样,通过劳动和合作共同完成一件事情。从2012年以来已经在美国举办过13次 Barnraising 了,这次将是第一次在中国举办。
- 从其他角度更好的理解你所关心的事情;
- 通过面对面的合作和交流,结交朋友,加强原有的关系;
- 更好的理解本地环境和健康议题(很可能是通过田野调查);
- 制作或者改装科学设备,获取数据进行分析;
- 交换各地的倡导策略;
- 学习如何和全球社群协作。
可参考往届 Barnraising 的记录来了解更多。 中文文章:
- 2018 Crisis Convening & Barnraising, Newark, New Jersey
- 2017 Barnraising: Cocodrie, Louisiana
- 2017 Appalachia Barnraising
- 2016 Barnraising: Cocodrie, Louisiana
- 2016 Regional Barnraising, Val Verde, CA
- 2015 Barnraising: Cocodrie, Louisiana
- 2015 Midwest Regional Barnraising: Chicago, Illinois
- 2014 Barnrasing: Cocodrie, Louisiana
- 2014 Northeast Regional Barnraising: Plymouth, Massachusetts
- 2013 Barnraising: New Orleans, Louisiana
- 2012 Barnraising: Cocodrie, Louisiana
- 2011 Barnraising: Asheville, North Carolina
目前的预计是,我们主要的参与者会来自 Public Lab 社群,开放科学硬件大会社群(Gathering for Open Source Hardware),长洲岛本地生态和农业社群,广州开源科技社群,科学家和研究科技的社会学者,珠三角的创客,社会运动者,环保行动者,艺术家,科普和教育工作者等等。
- 工具设备组:帮助统计参会者携带的各种工具设备,这些设备可能用于环境调查,科学分析,教学,工作坊等
- 食物组:帮助统计参会者饮食需求,食材准备,厨房协调,茶歇购买等
- 会务组:帮助协调场地,日常清理,
- 传媒组:帮助照相、摄像、社交媒体发布、媒体风险控制等等
- 记录组:帮助记录会议讨论内容,制作每日通讯《谷仓建造者》(Barnraiser)
- 开心组:准备桌游、啤酒、音乐、户外活动等等,让大家轻松参会。
联系组织者: 小河 i@shan.blue
English Version Below:
Open Science Lab Barnraising, Guangzhou, China, 2018
Dates: October 14th and 15th 2018
Theme: Land and Community - Global Vision, Local Perspective
Venue: Open Science Laboratory, Huashi Junior High School, Changzhou Island, Guangzhou
On this page:
- Basic logistics
- About this event
- Get Involved with event support
- History of the Barnraising and past events
Basic Logistics:
Date: October 14th and 15th, 2018, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm (participant accommodation is available from the evening of the 13th)
Accommodation: 4 student residence halls, each with 2 showers and toilets.
Meals: This event will cover 3 meals on the first day (14th) and 2 meals on the second day. Based on Chinese cuisine, it offers vegetarian and special diets.
Transportation: It is convenient to reach Changzhou Island by public transportation. Those in need, we will greet at the station/ferry ports.
Language: Chinese and English. The number of Chinese participants is currently expected to be more than English, with 5-10 volunteer translators on site.
Registration Costs: Registration fees help us to put on this event. The $62USD registration covers housing for two nights (14th and 15th) and meals at the event. You are also welcome to join on for just a day (14th or 15th) with a registration fee of $32USD. We are also offering an extra night of housing before the event starts (13th) for $12 for those coming in from out of town. The costs for putting on the event exceeds what we ask for in registration, we appreciate donations for those who can help to support the event! Discount codes for registration are available for those who require reduced registration to attend email shanh0510@gmail.com to enquire.
Registration: For those traveling in to China from out of country, you can use:
If you're from China, please feel free to use:
About this event
What is a Barnraising?
Barnraisings (or in Chinese "谷仓聚会") are open to the public and with an emphasis on "doing stuff together." At these events, people come together to exchange field-tested technical knowledge and and share stories in person. There have been 13 Barnraisings in the United States since 2012, this will be the first Barnraising in China!
The event does not have an established agenda. On the first morning of the event, we make our own schedule using an "Open Space Technology" approach; this ensures that the agenda speaks directly to the interests of the people present. There are usually several activities happening at the same time at Barnraisings, some are discussions, some are hands-on, and some go into the field to practice. Wherever you are, participants follow the Code of Conduct in order to exercise respect and maintain a safe space for everyone to participate.
Generally, in a Barnraising, participants work to:
- Learn about issues and share with others from different places,
- Make friends and strengthen the relationship through face-to-face work and exchanges,
- Better understand the local environment and health through hands on exploration,
- Produce or modify scientific equipment and gather data,
- Learn how to collaborate with the global community.
Who will come
At Barnraising events, everyone comes with the opportunity to share and learn from others, and the event provides a space to share and collaborate in many ways. We anticipate participants will come from the Public Lab community, the Gathering for Open Science Hardware, the local ecological and agricultural community of Changzhou Island, the Guangzhou Open Source Technology Community, and makers in the Pearl River Delta and more. Based on the limitations of venue and organizational capabilities, the ideal number of participants is around 40.
About the Theme: Land and Community
What is the connection between us and the land we live on? Do we have the power to decide on local development and planning? Do we still have "in-place technology"? Is there any way to help us better understand and respond to local environmental questions? How do we communicate technology in the face of the next generation? What are the characteristics of the community based on different geographical relationships, and what are the common demands? How does technology developed and shared in the local community? Can the community define the problem itself through data and research? How can technology directly help the community solve problems?
In today's globalized technology, it is difficult to see technological exploration from local needs and perspectives. Although there are some traces in food and architecture, ranging from everyday items to industrial manufacturing, we are increasingly relying on unified theories and practices. While enjoying great convenience, we are also experiencing the disappearance of the community, the alienation of the land, and environmental crisis. All this allows us to reflect on whether there is a better path for scientific and technological development.
The reason for choosing this theme is because the meeting place is on Changzhou Island. This is not far from the urban area of Guangzhou, the land is collectively owned, and many islanders still make a living from farming. Such rural attributes have attracted many friends from Guangzhou who are engaged in environmental protection, sustainable living, and alternative education. Shenjing village has a strong community atmosphere and hopes that all friends from other places will feel this during the meeting.
Get Involved with event support
While this event is hosted by the Open Science Lab, there is no one manager of a Barnraising. The event's planning and support depend on the efforts of everyone. Please sign up to participate in the the support committees to help make this event possible!
- Meal prep and cleanup: help statistics participants' dietary needs, food preparation, kitchen coordination, tea break purchase, etc.
- Logistics support: help coordinate the venue, daily cleaning,
- Social media: Helping photography, video, social media publishing, media risk control, etc.
- Event documentation and facilitation: Helps record meeting discussions and make a daily newsletter, Barnraiser
- Organizing off-time fun activities: Prepare for board games, beer, music, outdoor activities, etc., so that everyone can participate easily.
- Tool Equipment support: Helps to count the various tools and equipment carried by participants which may be used for environmental investigation, scientific analysis, teaching, workshops, etc.