
Author Comment Last activity Moderation
stef "I have used photographic neutral density filters and have not been able to view the sun directly using the spec3 highly modified device. The attenu..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
Ag8n "Only one suggestion then. Sunlight can be strong. As a safety measure, partially block the sun and work your way up to full exposure. Might not ..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
jsbonillam "I am going to make and analyse the graphs with the wavelength and absorption. " | Read more » over 6 years ago
Ag8n "Please forgive the question, but what lines are you using and what method of analysis? Thank you for the information. " | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "Oh, i don't know, but it looks very cool! " | Read more » over 6 years ago
jsbonillam "@warren The camera will be just part of the spectrometer. I am still considering whether to use LDRs (light depending resistors), as here http://ww..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "@ewilder and @hannahJG - I've moved this page over to -- and I really love the how-to guide!..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "How would you set up the spectrometer next to the other equipment, or the tracker? Are you using a raspberry pi camera as-is, as well, or just as p..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "I think the Lego spectrometer's suitability for this is an open question, but the Raspberry Pi Camera v2 is very low noise and could be worth testi..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "Good luck! And please do post it as an activity once you do - folks would love to see this step by step with some photos and such! " | Read more » over 6 years ago
Flameytail "i have not done the experement yet- but a detailed pre writen procedure is due on december 1st tommorow " | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "This looks very cool! Have you taken photos of these steps, or might you? We would love to feature this as an activity if you can illustrate at lea..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "Also see this related question: " | Read more » almost 7 years ago
warren "I'm also posting a new issue for @cfastie's suggestion: That click vanished the note I was working on which did not seem very fair. I don't know m..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
warren "No problem, thanks for your input! That's curious about the autosave not being visible at first. I'm not sure what would've caused that but will lo..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
MadTinker "All, My apologies, my question probably came across a bit harsh. One of those days on my end. One other observation on this particular issue that ..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
warren "Also, a couple notes on other things you mentioned -- the main image does not get cropped, but the preview image is displayed oddly, so I can under..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
warren "Hi, sorry, that's always frustrating -- there is an auto-save function in the rich editor which you can use to retrieve drafts -- it's under the ....." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
cfastie "When the rich text editor went live (a year or two ago?) I gave it a try. In the middle of writing my first Rich research note I couldn't figure so..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
zengirl2 "Just want to add that if you are having problems attaching a file, definitely switch to the "legacy" editor. I found that there was a problem attac..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
liz "wow yikes. Thanks Leslie. This is odd behavior. We will be checking it out! Do you have a time when you will be on PUblic Lab next? " | Read more » almost 7 years ago
liz "Hi @madtinker , your dedication is inspiring, and i'm so sorry that there was any difficulty presented by the website. " | Read more » almost 7 years ago
zengirl2 "I just published a note today and it was also wonky. There was some message at the top of the screen that was hovering. I had to click that off. I ..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
MadTinker "Okay, re-accomplished the introduction. Wrote it in something else and copy/paste to avoid me screwing something up. Not sure what's been done sinc..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago