
Taking samples is a key technique in environmental monitoring. Sample collection, when done well, can be cheap, numerous samples can be taken, and many people can participate in sample collection. Lead image from @warren's [work]( ## Types of sampling Not all of these types of sampling have pages yet, but we are working together to collect these resources, so please help by editing this page: * [Water sampling](/wiki/water-sampling) * [Soil sampling](/wiki/soil-sampling) * [Air sampling](/wiki/air-sampling) * [Dust sampling](/wiki/dust-sampling) * [Spectrometry sampling](/wiki/spectrometry-sampling) Please add other types of sampling here as well. ## Questions Ask and answer general questions about sampling: [questions:sampling] ...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
kgradow1 "Hi Stevie! I'd like to link this on the bucket project page, would you be willing to add the tag bucket-monitor? " | Read more » about 4 years ago
liz "What size tedlar bag is needed for the bucket, and have we ever put in a bulk order for them? " | Read more » over 6 years ago
gretchengehrke "Table 8.2 in that doc is particularly useful. " | Read more » over 6 years ago
gretchengehrke "Here is a great reference document that helps parse out some different types of sampling for different study designs, depths of samples, etc. We co..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
gretchengehrke "Hi @bbutler, How did this turn out? Did you get it tested? Another thought is to go to a local state public health laboratory (general info about p..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
stevie "Just found this article for reference. " | Read more » over 6 years ago
stevie "I'm not sure. Think these would maybe need to be separate questions? " | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "What are the requirements for the bucket, like material and size? I think is a good place to start, or US Plastics... Isn't it supposed t..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
kayaerbil " I am going to reach out to the geoscience alliance about this. It's something my friend suggested. Als..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
kayaerbil "I am in touch with someone who lives in Standing Rock who used to work for the EPA and left because of corruption. She's talking about getting a j..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
nshapiro "Interesting question! if you'd like to elaborate a bit more on your thoughts or talk about how the photo spectroscopy kit could be of help, please..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "If you're in touch with water protectors, maybe there is already some documentation we can help compile based on their workflow? Thanks for posting! " | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "Hi, I was thinking that one thing that might really help to: enable different testing approaches make it easier to run a "standard" test in compa..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
stevie "I know. I guess in compairson to some of the other canister systems which look around the 2k range, it is pretty good. Things start getting expensi..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
zengirl2 "There's also this post on sensors from this Public Lab post. " | Read more » almost 7 years ago
zengirl2 "Wow, so I thought this easy answer was Bucket Brigade until I saw the $250 pricetag. " | Read more » almost 7 years ago
gretchengehrke "Hi Stevie, in my experience, it really depends on what the end goals are (e.g. assessing general/chronic conditions or synopses of specific conditi..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
stevie "I've found a couple systems for grab sampling. It seems as though there are some commercially available systems such as the Summa Canister, but the..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
bbutler "oh man Gretchen and David, you guys rock! thank you! " | Read more » almost 7 years ago
DavidMack " " | Read more » almost 7 years ago
bbutler "Thank you David, I appreciate those insights. However, what I'm really looking for is a referral to a lab anywhere in the country that could analyz..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
gretchengehrke "The folks at San Francisco Estuary Institute ( may be able to point you in the direction of a company or research group that may test ..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
DavidMack "it could just be a fungus among us. there are some really weird looking fungi, e.g. google "fungus that looks like vomit" and click on IMAGES. " | Read more » almost 7 years ago
stevie "ok got it! thanks " | Read more » almost 7 years ago