
A microscope is an optical instrument that can be used for magnification. It's often made up of multiple parts, including: * optics (lens, focus, calibration) * a camera * a lighting system * a moving stage to hold slides Community Microscope Kit We’ve developed a microscope kit you can build yourself - the result of many teams’ work coming together! Read more about the Community Microscope! ## Questions Questions can be either frequently asked questions, or "next step" challenges we're looking to solve. [questions:microscopes] ## Activities Activities show how to use this project, step by step. [activities:microscopes] ## Updates [notes:microscopes] ...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
Aleksi12358 "I managed to connect with usb. Now I will try to get camera to work and calibrate my spectrometer. I followed this: https://learn.adafruit.com/turn..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
Aleksi12358 "I have problem with this. I cannot get my raspberry pi to connect to my wifi router. I have tried different thing in wpa_supplicant file that I fou..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
SarahC "Remember - you're buying an OIL objective lens. This means it's been designed and built to use oil in contact with the lens and the cover-slip of ..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
cfastie "Whoops, I just noticed this. I will try to print the parts and let you know how it works. Sorry for the delay. " | Read more » about 6 years ago
warren "Sorry to detail here, you can get in touch via email if you like or repost your address if you want - I just wanted to be sure you didn't inadverte..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
warren "Hi, good call @amirberAgain - i wasn't sure if @MaggPi knew this was a public page, so I just deleted the comment. The rest of the comment was: @c..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
amirberAgain "@Maggpi @Warren please consider deleting any message with personal details. " | Read more » about 6 years ago
cfastie "I see the little triangles of zero-thickness. My slicer (Simplify3D) ignores them, so it looks like they will print okay. @MaggPi, would you like m..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
warren "Oh, hmm. You may want to ask here: https://github.com/rwb27/openflexure_microscope/issues/ I also wonder if you could choose a different material ..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
MaggPi "This is just a note that my 3d print company flagged the design for the pi-camera holder , I don't think its a problem but I am not sure how to cor..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
warren "This may also be helpful! https://publiclab.org/notes/partsandcrafts/12-03-2017/setting-up-the-raspberry-pi-camera-for-wireless-streaming " | Read more » about 6 years ago
warren "Hi, @lach_myers -- we are trying to link up RPi Cam Control to SpectralWorkbench.org -- take a look here: https://publiclab.org/questions/warren/0..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
MaggPi "Thanks! also thinking of using the picamera cover/holder for a spectrometer build BTW " | Read more » about 6 years ago
partsandcrafts "@MaggPi -- Sorry about that. I didn't update the link to the research note version of the instructions. I will do that now. The correct links ar..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
MaggPi "Hi, I would like to use the raspberry pi camera holder but the link is no longer posted. Can you please (re) post the stl files. Thank You " | Read more » about 6 years ago
warren "Wow, great info. Love this! " | Read more » about 6 years ago
michalby "Mineral oil should work. I sometimes use on a professional immersion objectives a mixture of drugstore-bought liquid paraffin (sold as a laxative) ..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
warren " @warren has marked warren as a co-author. " | Read more » about 6 years ago
warren "@maggPi @partsandcrafts @wmacfarl @kgradow1 @dusjagr @gaudi @maxliboiron @j-bower @amirberagain " | Read more » about 6 years ago
warren "Hi @partsandcrafts @bmela @wmacfarl @kgradow1 - I broke out the "install on an SD card" steps into a separate activity: https://publiclab.org/note..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "@partsandcrafts @kgradow1 @wmacfarl @bmela check it out! " | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "We've ended up trying a webcam as an easier starting point, later upgradable to Raspberry Pi camera. It's working really well! And these laser-cutt..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
stevie "ohh interesting. I was about to buy the 10x. Any fixes for this? or any troubleshooting success @kgradow1 ? " | Read more » over 6 years ago
richardbowman "@kgradow1 are you using one of the openflexure optics modules? If so, that might explain why the 10x lens didn't work as expected. Finite-conjuga..." | Read more » over 6 years ago