GSoC 2014

##Projects ###Implementing rubbersheeting in Leaflet.js for Mapknitter tool * **Student:** [Anish Shah](/profile/anishshah101) * **Mentors:** [Bryan Bonvallet](/profile/btbonval), [Stewart Long](/profile/gonzoearth) * **Proposal:** [Proposal](/notes/anishshah101/03-08-2014/gsoc-2014-proposal-porting-imagedistortion-class-in-the-mapknitter-interface-to-leaflet-js) * **Link to project on Github:** * **Link to project fork on Github:** ###MapKnitter Annotations using Fabric.js * **Student:** [Justin Manley](/profile/justinmanley) * **Mentors:** [Jeffrey Warren](/profile/warren), [Mathew Lippincott](/profile/mathew) * **Proposal:** [proposal](/notes/justinmanley/03-18-2014/mapknitter-annotations-using-fabric-js-gsoc-2014-proposal) * **Link to project on Github:** * **Link to project fork on Github:** ###MapKnitter Enhancements * **Student:** [Vidhun Vinod](/profile/xvidun) * **Mentors:** [Chris Fastie](/profile/cfastie), [Mathew Lippincott](/profile/mathew) * **Proposal:** [Proposal](/notes/xvidun/03-07-2014/gsoc-proposal-draft-mapknitter-enhancements) * **Link to project on Github:** * **Link to project fork on Github:** ###Sky Cam Enhancement - GSoC 2014 * **Student:** [Mercy Orangi](/profile/mercyorangi) * **Mentors:** [Stefan Unterhauser](/profile/nemo), [Ned Horning](/profile/nedhorning) * **Proposal:** [Proposal](/notes/mercyorangi/03-21-2014/sky-cam-enhancement-gsoc-2014) * **Link to project on Github:** * **Link to project fork on Github:** ###GSoC Proposal SpectralWorkbench * **Student:** [Pascal Winkelmann](/profile/pascalw) * **Mentors:** [Ben Gamari](/profile/bgamari), [Jeffrey Warren](/profile/warren) * **Proposal:** [Proposal](/notes/PascalW/03-11-2014/gsoc-proposal-spectralworkbench) * **Link to project on Github:** * **Link to project fork on Github:** ###Automatic Spectrometer Calibration & Macros Module, Offline Version of SWB * **Student:** [Sreyanth](/profile/Sreyanth) * **Mentors:** [Don Blair](/profile/donblair), [Jeffrey Warren](/profile/warren) * **Proposal:** [Proposal on Melange](, [Initial Proposal Discussions](/notes/Sreyanth/03-04-2014/automatic-spectrometer-calibration-and-offline-swb-gsoc-2014-proposal) * **Link to project on Github:** * **Link to project fork on Github:** ...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
Sreyanth "Hi Dave and Jeff Thanks for your feedback. I really liked the idea of using over-exposure to our advantage to create a high dynamic range spectrum..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
stoft "Jeff, Specific to data/analysis, post-processing can only as good as the source data. This is why I'm focused on first getting that data; other thi..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
warren "Anish - i'm going to paste in some questions and thoughts here related to how your project overlaps with Vidun's proposal. Some of these are for Vi..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
warren "Oops forgot to link to his project:" | Read more » over 10 years ago
warren "Vidun - i'm going to paste in some questions and thoughts here related to how your project overlaps with Anish's proposal. Some of these are for An..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
warren "OK, my thoughts -- very lengthy! I had a while on an airplane to really dig into this. Also Dave posted since I did, so maybe there's some overlap..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
xvidun "For this project, you may begin to overlap with this other GSoC proposal a bit. I've read the proposal and also did some digging, from what I unde..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
stoft "Sreyanth - Yes, off-line is a valuable capability as it frees the user from the internet and it allows independent capture and retention of spectra..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
warren "Sreyanth - can we or shall we send you at least a foldable spectrometer so you can test this stuff out? Do you have a webcam you could use with it?..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
warren "Hi! just a few thoughts to add: For this project, you may begin to overlap with this other GSoC proposal a bit -- not the same code or functions,..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
warren "Oh, one more thing to think about -- will you create the ImageOverlay subclass separately from the interactive code where users can distort the ima..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
warren "This is a great draft proposal, thanks Anish! One note: the OpenLayers.Layer.Image class is not used in the current implentation; actually the "Car..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
xvidun "Some day, more people will be using smartphones to take aerial photos. Is there some data on the number of images on mapknitter that contain GPS d..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
cfastie "Most android devices support GPS (lat, long, alt). Some day, more people will be using smartphones to take aerial photos, but today, a $40 (ebay) ..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
cfastie "my approach would be to upload multiple images and list them off-map. The user can then select photos to display them on map. I agree, this is a g..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
xvidun "Chris, Drag and drop is ubiquitous so probably easy to implement. The next issue is what to do with the photos after they are uploaded. Should th..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
cfastie "Vidhun, This looks impressive. The interface for uploading photos is a great place to start improving MapKnitter. The current system requires that ..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
Sreyanth "I think I will have to learn more about the spectrometers and what factors lead to over exposure and the patterns to determine those reasons automa..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
cfastie "It is easy to find CFL spectra that are overexposed. A quick survey suggests that maybe > 3/4 of the CFL spectra at SWB have at least one peak w..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
Sreyanth "Thanks for your informative comment Chris. Its interesting to know that you take still photos and later upload them to SWB. It would be great if w..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
cfastie "Sreyanth, I don't know the issues associated with using SWB offline. I always work offline -- taking still photos of spectra and later uploading t..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
Sreyanth "Hi Chris, Amazing. Thank you for detailing out what can be done. So, as far as I can understand, instead of finding our 2 peaks (which always make..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
cfastie "Hi Sreyanth, I really like the idea of combining information from the intensity graph of a spectrum with information about which colors the peaks ..." | Read more » over 10 years ago