Public Lab Wiki documentation

Power Tags

This is a revision from December 18, 2013 16:49. View all revisions
15 | 75 | | #9898

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Power tags are an advanced feature which can add extra functions and layout options to your wiki pages (and sometimes research notes). They are entered like regular tags but follow the format key:value. After adding a power tag, you must refresh the page.

List of power tags:

  • lat:41.023 and lon:-71.023 latitude and longitude
  • events:foo displays a listing of research notes tagged with "event" and "foo", and a link to post new notes with those tags
  • list:foo displays recent posts from a Google Group with the name "foo" and a subscription input box
  • tabbed:notes and tabbed:wikis display a tabbed header which offers tabs with links of related research note and wiki content
  • sidebar:featured displays "featured" links and images in the sidebar instead of the usual "related content"
  • style:presentation hides the wiki toolbar (with Edit, Talk, Revisions) for more formal pages
  • style:wide removes the 800px width limit from wiki pages, and allows them to flow full page