This is a regional page for the Public Lab community in the northwestern United States and western Canada, reaching from . Join the mailing list--publiclab-northeast--in the left sidebar. Also, look through the places listed below and see if your locality is already organizing locally. If so, join its local mailing list and subscribe to relevant tags on the website.
Our Northwest Organizers:
- Ann Chen (Edmonton, AB & Vancouver, BC)
- Melissa Nunes (Vancouver, BC)
Existing Chapters (TBD)
You can connect with other Northwest Public Lab members by joining the Public Laboratory community and signing up for the public-lab-northwest mailing list. We also have a public-lab-vancouver mailing list too. This is how we communicate local events and projects that you can get involved with.
If you're interested in proposing a project, want to conduct your own mapping session or just want to hear about how you can get involved please contact us through the google group, and we'll help you get started (equipment, training, finding volunteers, etc.).
Current Projects
Pipeline Mapping is a project initiated by Public Lab organizer and Fulbright scholar Ann Chen to collectively map the Northern Gateway Pipeline route through aerial imagery, oral histories, field recordings, photos and video. From October 1, 2014 - July 1, 2015, she will be traveling along the Northern Gateway Pipeline route organizing aerial mapping workshops with local communities to create an environmental picture and story about these places.
Would you like to get involved? Is there another pipeline you would like to map? Join the Pipeline Mapping Google Group to be part of a growing discussion around pipeline monitoring.
Join Pipeline Mapping Google Group
Contact pipelinemapping [at]
Relevant Links: