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HalLasell "This is an old thread, and this has probably been resolved. However, Matlab has tools which enable which support conversion of Matlab code to C co..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
tmoravec "the reason for the fast fallof at 600+ nm is IR filter on the CCD/CMOS chip of the camera. I am currently working on similar problem. I need to cal..." | Read more » over 10 years ago
warren "I think if we do something with a few more lines, as you say, we can try it out. Say, 75-50-25-0-25-50-75, each band being about a 1/4" wide. If yo..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
stoft "Yes, I could print a couple sheets but it would be best to decide on the best pattern and density if you're looking to send something along the lin..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
warren "Aha! I'll order this now; maybe drying won't be a problem with a laser print..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
warren "I actually don't have an inkjet printer; would you be at all interested in printing a few sheets of this and mailing it to me? I could then cut it ..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
stoft "Yes, I ink-jet printed on 'Grafix' transparency film (not the adhesive version)-- it's available on-line via Amazon. It's reasonably stiff in small..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
warren "Thinking about how to do this well... did you print on a laserprinter? Can you run transparency through one of those? Would inkjet work, or would i..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
stoft "I see your point. I just wonder about having only a single attenuation step which could make it difficult to find the best level; a case of too lit..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
warren "I actually think there's an advantage to stepped grading, because a) it's easier to pick out the pattern -- like a barcode -- vs. continuous chang..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
stoft "Ok, interesting idea. The extension to this is a continuously variable attenuator and let the detection algorithm pick the line w/max signal but w/..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
warren "users would naturally just pick the middle I guess I'm suggesting that with a 50/0/50 attenuator, although users may pick the middle naturally (as..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
stoft "I'd agree that giving more visibility the the clipping issue would be good and this is a simple, cheap tool. However, I don't quite follow your 2-s..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
warren "Hi, Dave - I was thinking that given the propensity to take clipped data in almost all devices out there, what if we printed a whole bunch of these..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
mathew "Dave, I bet quite a few folks in our community have Matlab, and it would be nice if they could replicate your experiments using your setup. Its ok..." | Read more » about 11 years ago
stoft "Stu, thanks. Yes, there's still much to be understood about the performance limitations. Jeff, the app is in matlab though it could probably be co..." | Read more » about 11 years ago
stoft "Jeff, Thanks. I've just posted an addendum at the end of this research note to add some plots specifically looking for linearity. I believe the ima..." | Read more » about 11 years ago
warren "Hi, Dave - very interesting... is this fairly related then to the suggestion of an "HDR" neutral density filter where we could get 0/25/50/75/100% ..." | Read more » about 11 years ago
warren "Hi, Dave - i'm very curious about the "app" you built - what was it in? Can you share it, or are you interested in open sourcing it? I'd love to tr..." | Read more » about 11 years ago
straylight "nice work Dave, very impressive. Some excellent diagrams and graphs. I think that a lot of work that we might do with the spectroscope will be wor..." | Read more » about 11 years ago