Thermal photography

Thermal infrared cameras are designed to take photos or videos of heat (not to be confused with [near infrared cameras](/wiki/multispectral-imaging)). Some of these are tuned specifically for gases, and can be used to image #methane. ## Applications Thermal imaging can be used to document heat/AC leaks from insulation gaps on a building's facade, reveal warmer ground water inflows (either fresh or chemical-laden) or "thermal pollution" from industrial processes entering ocean-temperature waterbodies, as well as identify areas on the human body experiencing infection or stress (includes epidemiological applications). Specific models of FLIR brand cameras, known as the FLIR GasFinder ( See [GasFinder](#gas+finder) below for more. Community applications so far include both a "heat-busters" program in East Harlem and a "forensic" water quality monitoring program in the [Gowanus Canal](/place/new-york-city). ## Questions [questions:thermal-photography] *** ## DIY Approaches There are three Do-It-Yourself prototypes in development to try to do this more cheaply than the off-the-shelf options. These projects were started a few years ago and may not be active: * A **[Thermal Flashlight](/wiki/thermal-flashlight)**: a RGB LED flashlight with a non-contact infrared sensor that "paints" the temperature of the surface directly on the wall for capture with a second timelapse camera. * A [Thermal Fishing Bob](/wiki/thermal-fishing-bob): dragging a thermometer through the water, taking contact measurements mapped to a RGB light, also for capture with a second timelapse camera. * A [scanning thermal camera](/wiki/scanning-thermal-camera) on a LEGO turntable (software also in development) that sweeps back and forth across a scene, recording the temperature variation to build up an image. ## Problem Why make a DIY version? "FLIR" cameras can produce images such as the one below, and are typically used to identify heat leaks, but even low-resolution FLIR cameras can cost thousands of dollars. The goal of these DIY thermal camera projects is to make this kind of investigation (and the potential savings) cheap, easy, fun, and informative for those of us without $10k in our pockets. **** ## Activities [activities:thermal-photography] ...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
stevie "For the infrared cameras, it looks like some of the cameras detects some of the chemicals listed below with this note: "Gases Detected and Minimum..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "Via Annie on the main publiclaboratory list In case you have not heard back, check EarthWorks website for application for community group to reque..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
warren "Hi!! @madtinker recently posted a note which got some answers that may be relevant:" | Read more » almost 7 years ago
rfdave "@carohowe Is Rockville close enough? I'm an experienced EE who would be happy to help build stuff " | Read more » almost 7 years ago
nedhorning "Hi - This recent paper might be helpful: From my experience satellite based surface temperature works best over f..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
carohowe "Thanks so much @liz @stevie and @bronwen for your input. Liz, I think it's a fantastic idea to use existing data to inform where we'd like to go de..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
Bronwen "I haven't used this tool myself, but you might find this project about another open source temperature logger interesting: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
liz "LB: Hi @carohowe i am wondering if there might be any use to starting with publicly available data on the DC urban heat island before building a lo..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
stevie "Hi! The I See Change project was in Harlem not DC, but it might be a good example to check out. " | Read more » about 7 years ago
warren "@stevie was talking about a project with in DC -- Stevie, did you have a link, or am I mixing it up with the project in Harlem? http..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
Rmeyer "Thank you so much, Chris! Indeed, lots to think about. Will let you know what sort of first steps we come up with, and where it goes from there. " | Read more » about 7 years ago
cfastie "This is a really intriguing project. The Seek camera makes possible a lot of otherwise very difficult investigations. It should be straightforward ..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
ajawitz "Now that this project is taking on a life of its own, I figured it was time to give it, its own research note at-" | Read more » about 9 years ago
ajawitz "I might have a temporary workaround for the control issue... At least until we can incorporate some kind of autonomous navigation... According t..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
ajawitz "UPDATE 6/29/15: I've managed to build most of the "buoyancy engine" with a large syringe, 3D printed parts, threaded drive bolts and metal "BBs"..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
liz "This is a great question about bulk ordering. @mathew can you comment on this? " | Read more » about 9 years ago
ajawitz "I just can't resist the temptation to build one myself! Even though the DIY version is probably useless in an ocean environment, it just looks so ..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
ajawitz "Dan's response in the accompanying thread to this note in the discussion forum gave me an idea about retrieving the Glider in an ocean/large lake e..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
ajawitz "i wonder if it really would make sense then to base the navigation controls off of a flight controller IMU like the one I've been (very slowly) dev..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
danbeavers "Probably just pressure would be sufficient. I am not certain but there is probably a constant relationship between pressure change rate and speed/..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
mathew "If flow/water speed and pressure/descent was being measured too then those measurements could be used to generate approximate locations between GPS..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
danbeavers "I reviewed the design and there is no port and starboard control. That could be accomplished by changing the center of gravity to the left or righ..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
ajawitz "In that case, perhaps a better question would be about using the sensor pod as a platform for RIFFLE or other Open Water tools? The only problem w..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
danbeavers "I believe it would be better to just store the data and use dead reckoning between fixes. That assumes you get GPS on each surfacing. " | Read more » about 9 years ago