
Industry is a major contributor to pollution and land change. From manufacturing, to oil and gas, transportation, and mining, the industrial landscape of a place affects the way we live our lives and the health of our communities. ###Related topics Here are some topics related to Industry on Public Lab: - [particulate-matter]( - [oil-and-gas]( - [waste]( - [noise]( - [pipeline]( - [cafo]( - [agriculture]( ###What can I do? - You can follow "[industry](tag/industry )" or any of the subtopics listed above on Public Lab to get updates when people post related material. - You can contribute materials to Public Lab related to this issue by: - asking questions about this topic, - posting research related this topic, - posting monitoring activities people can use to observe and track industry. ###Recent questions [questions:industry] ###Recent posts: [notes:industry] ###Monitoring methods and wiki pages: [wikis:industry] ...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
stevie "There is a great resource on Public Comment on this wiki. I have heard of groups who divide up the key points and have different people focus in o..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
pdhixenbaugh "Some other things -- certain types of industries can ask for an exemption from this permit if they claim they have zero stormwater pollution exposu..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Just to clarify, #NPDES is the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System " | Read more » over 7 years ago
stevie "Yes! You can read about NPDES permit exemptions on this page "There are highly consequential exemptions listed in Section 402(l) of the Clean Wate..." | Read more » over 7 years ago