
Author Comment Last activity Moderation
Thomas12345 "Hey, if you are still looking for more information how to get good camera, here's the good resource: http://bestquadwithcamera.com/tips-and-guides/..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
muyueh "Thanks for all your comment. Some firefighters actually died because they were not sure of the cause of the explosions, I would like to think that ..." | Read more » over 9 years ago
stevie "This is incredible. I'm so sorry about what happened. You did an excellent job capturing the visual data and brining it to the public's eye. " | Read more » over 9 years ago
eustatic "wow. thanks for all of your work. " | Read more » over 9 years ago
liz "Hi Muyueh, i am so sorry to hear about this tragedy. Your map is incredibly well-made. Now that you have exported it, you can add annotations to th..." | Read more » over 9 years ago
bc512 "happy to get in contact guys shoot me an email; brad@djsgrowers.com.au " | Read more » over 10 years ago
rmark "STAndrews00, send me more information: rockart@infomagic.net. " | Read more » over 10 years ago
STAndrews00 "No, the application in general. GPS overlay web-app, with adjustable positioning. There is more too. Sorry to cause confusion. " | Read more » over 10 years ago
warren "wait, sean -- the T-bracket? " | Read more » over 10 years ago
STAndrews00 "rmark, I am looking for quadcoptor enthusiest and engineers to work on a very cool project, let me know if you are interested! " | Read more » over 10 years ago
STAndrews00 "And bc512, would love to get in touch! " | Read more » over 10 years ago
STAndrews00 "Warren, Sean here, this is EXACTLY what I invisioned 6 months ago when I thought of this. We need to get in touch asap! " | Read more » over 10 years ago
rmark "Thanks. Options now include GoPro camera/lens correction modules in Photoshop and in Dxo. These became available after the images posted above. " | Read more » almost 11 years ago
mathew "Neat. Photoshop is very capable, but you might try using Hugin to do the barrel distortion, since its open source and easier to script. Here's a ..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
patcoyle "Nice indeed! What tools are you using to stitch the images? " | Read more » almost 11 years ago
warren "Wow, very nice map! How have you modified the a495? " | Read more » almost 11 years ago
bc512 "for free of course, that above sounded a lot like business talk haha, But no i am just happy to help! " | Read more » almost 11 years ago
warren "Nice! i used the same T-bracket to mount dual infrared/visible cameras. Good choice :-) " | Read more » almost 11 years ago