Oil and Gas Accountability Toolkit

The Public Lab non-profit hosts the **Oil and Gas Accountability Toolkit**, a collection of resources and a coalition of people working around the world on oil and gas issues. This toolkit goes beyond just "tools" to include: * peer support networks * [stories](/blog) of change and of challenges * ways to [build a community of practice](/facilitation) for sustained collaboration on a problem To see a full list of monitoring methods related to oil and gas, [click here](https://publiclab.org/methods#oil-and-gas). ### Coalitions What follows are a range of different topic-specific coalitions we've helped to bring together around a range of oil and gas related issues. We’ve learned more than ever to rely on the creativity and diverse skill-sets of contributors to develop new and unexpected ways of achieving goals. The thousands of people around the world who make up the Public Lab network **bring incredible expertise and a willingness to plug in and tackle problems** and continue to inspire us in their power and capacity. It’s our continuing responsibility to help them recognize and form alliances, and to solve problems together. ### Frac sand mining These resources are built around work supported by the [11th Hour Project](https://11thhourproject.org) which [focused on the issue of frac sand mining](/frac-sand). Since then, a range of projects have evolved to address different aspects of the issue. **** ## Air Monitoring ![microscope](https://publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/022/880/large/OI000139_2.jpg) ### Microscope The Basic Microscope project on Public Lab was born from people’s interest in being able to visualize particulate matter that is known to be harmful for human and livestock health. Several local community members recognized the challenges in advocating with purely numerical data; when people can’t visualize and directly see threats, it can be easier to ignore. [wikis:microscopes] ### Air sampling Building on work by the Bucket Brigade, we've documented and collected several different techniques for collecting air samples for processing at a lab. [wikis:air-sampling] ### Measuring particles There are many different ways to measure particulate pollution. Read below to find out more. [wikis:particulate-sensing-overview] ### Visual emission monitoring Using your eyes or a camera to monitor emissions is a powerful type of monitoring which has several EPA methods associated with it. [wikis:visual-monitoring] ![Screen_Shot_2018-04-16_at_2.57.43_PM.png](https://publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/024/620/large/Screen_Shot_2018-04-16_at_2.57.43_PM.png) ### Hydrogen Sulfide (above image by @ErikHanley11) [wikis:h2s-overview] ### Odor Reporting [wikis:odor] **** ![stormwater](/system/images/photos/000/024/626/large/Screen_Shot_2018-04-16_at_3.42.04_PM.png) ## Water Monitoring A wide range of sample-based, electronic, and other methods of monitoring water quality have been compiled on Public Lab, reflecting a range of efforts across our community. [wikis:water-monitoring] ![timelapse](/system/images/photos/000/018/073/large/Screenshot_2016-09-19_at_2.32.15_PM.png) ### Photo documentation Public Lab work began with photographic monitoring using [balloons and kites](/balloon-mapping). We've grown our coalition around a number of other ways that powerful visual evidence can be produced through photography. [wikis:photo-monitoring] ### Turbidity A range of techniques has been compiled around turbidity monitoring: [wikis:turbidity] ![datalogger](/system/images/photos/000/020/770/large/Screenshot_2017-06-12_at_3.06.25_PM.png) ### Datalogging A surprisingly broad coalition of projects has developed around Public Lab for logging data from different sources. See the main [Data Logging page](/data-logging) for more. [wikis:datalogger] **** ![soil sampling](/system/images/photos/000/024/627/large/Screen_Shot_2018-04-16_at_3.44.24_PM.png) ## Soil Monitoring We're developing initial soil sampling and monitoring techniques and resources under the "soil testing" topic: [wikis:soil-testing] **** ## Questions [questions:oil-and-gas]...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
ianbarbour "I will be attending! " | Read more » over 8 years ago
ianbarbour "I will be attending! " | Read more » over 8 years ago
Matej "Thanks and happy to see you there guys!! :-) " | Read more » over 8 years ago
nicholas "I will be attending! @Matej great post on oil collecting! " | Read more » over 8 years ago
Matej "Here is a research note from Oil Collecting we did 2 days ago for the workshop! Pretty crazy stuff! https://publiclab.org/notes/Matej/02-12-2016/co..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
liz "adding @taramei :) " | Read more » over 8 years ago
liz "I will be attending! " | Read more » over 8 years ago
warren "I will be attending! " | Read more » over 8 years ago
liz "@bronwen @englishkillsproject @nejohnson @eymund @nicholas @ann @matej @ChangeAdmin @warren @nameiswillis @jenmansta -- join for lunch at noon, mee..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
englishkillsproject "I will be attending! " | Read more » over 8 years ago
Bronwen "I'll be there! " | Read more » over 8 years ago
Bronwen "I will be attending! " | Read more » over 8 years ago
warren "Thanks, Mary! The report is almost complete; it's here: https://publiclab.org/wiki/diy-oil-testing We'll be announcing it soon :-) " | Read more » over 8 years ago
warren "Oh, it doesn't have to be CC-BY-SA -- it could be CC-BY; your permission here wouldn't be CC-licensing but just a one-off to us, right? The only re..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
eustatic "Photo rules at GRN are a bit sensitive just now. I can give you permission to use them with attribution ("by Gulf Restoration Network") immediatel..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
warren "And do you have a link to the HAZCAT guide from Randy? Thanks! " | Read more » over 8 years ago
warren "Oh, just noticed -- on your dielectric fluid scan, you need to select a new cross section -- the top row of pixels is blank. Great post! " | Read more » over 8 years ago
warren "@ernestootero -- what about methanol, which is somewhat less toxic than hexane or acetone? Have you used isopropyl? " | Read more » over 8 years ago
warren "Hi, Scott - we're using some of the photos you posted here in our report, but I was curious if you'd release the linked-to albums under CC-BY or CC..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
marlokeno "Hi Jeff! Use, crop the picture, whatever works best for the publication. You can crop it if you want it right away, or if that is the simplest. I d..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
warren "Hi, Mary! We're working on a publication about oil spills and such, and wanted to use your above image. Even if you don't find a copy without the c..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
stoft "Jeff, I did a few quick tests and added an "Opacity" section above. While more observations are needed, these limited results are interesting. " | Read more » over 8 years ago
stoft "Thanks; good comments. 1 - Dilution: I updated the note to clarify that the larger signals were only attenuated to better match the range of the w..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
warren "I especially appreciated your introduction of a "false positive" of laundry detergent here; excellently displayed too. In your first two conclusio..." | Read more » over 8 years ago