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Tom_H "A simpler formula is: =max(red:blue) " | Read more » over 11 years ago
eustatic "As a huge fan of maple syrup, i approve of this post " | Read more » over 11 years ago
cfastie "Tom, I'm glad you asked. The proper Excel expression for choosing the greatest among three values did not come to me quickly, so I just used the eq..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
liz "This is, like, /so/ Vermont. I love it! " | Read more » over 11 years ago
Tom_H "Hi Chris, How did you pick the color channel with the highest value? Did you write an expression for Excel to pick the highest value and use that? ..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
cfastie "Thanks Mat. The paucity of easily accessible answers to your question suggests that they don't really understand what happens when syrup is made. A..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
cfastie "I guess they plate the stainless steel mesh with gold to keep metallic flavors out of your tea (also used for coffee filters). I noticed it in the ..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
danbeavers ""I filtered it through a gold tea strainer" Man, I can't hold a candle to that! " | Read more » over 11 years ago
cfastie "That would be very good news if the problem was lens distortion, because that can be corrected with a single click. I will look into that. The imag..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
mathew "Great info, Chris! Grade B is my favorite on taste-- I wonder what that last 12% of evaporation is doing that changes the color and gives that rich..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
danbeavers ""I filtered it through a gold tea strainer" Man, I can't hold a candle to that! " | Read more » over 11 years ago
Tom_H "I am guessing that what you are seeing is due to lens distortions from your camera. If this is the case, each different camera will have a differe..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
warren "Man, Chris, you really have the obscure references down -- i haven't seen ST:TMP for over a decade... The reason I thought of just "smoothing" (mo..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
cfastie "The corduroy appearance of the image is a mystery. The vertical lines are very regular in places, so I assumed they were related to the lines on th..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
warren "Very cool to see the noise reduction graphed properly. Do you think the remaining "wobbliness" in the line is due in part to the spectrum itself (I..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
cfastie "That sort of worked: https://spectralworkbench.org/analyze/spectrum/4476. I cut out a 50 pixel tall horizontal slice of the Snowy Sky spectrogram ..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
warren "You know what we need? vertical averaging to smooth out noise. In live/waterfall mode, this'd be time averaging. For your spec, it'd just be averag..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
Tom_H "Hi Chris, Two comments. 1) You might be overestimating Ebert's rigidity, so try deliberately stressing it to see how much change you get in the CFL..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
cfastie "Mercury can account for the blue and green peaks, but not the red peaks. So all the tubes (except maybe the red one) have mercury. The red, pink, a..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
warren "wow, cool -- i guess all mercury, huh? i suppose there aren't that many things that glow as bright as mercury, and if it gives you R, G and B, tint..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
cfastie "Hi Spectralod, Your long tube CFL spectrum is calibrated correctly. I am not sure why you are not getting more distinct peaks with regions between ..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
spectralod "I should have also said that I don't understand this website. It's all over the place. Is there one of those standardized forums you could use inst..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
spectralod "How do you calibrate anything? I haven't figured this out yet. I don't have 3 blue wavelengths to choose from...I don't know which other green wave..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
Tom_H "Chris, I also noticed the 405nm line was all but absent in your spectrum, and that is one reason I brought up my previous experience. I came acros..." | Read more » over 11 years ago