
The Public Lab spectrometry project is an open source community effort to develop low-cost spectrometers for a range of purposes. All open spectrometry hardware and software efforts are welcome here! **Join in by:** * Learning [what spectrometry is](#Whats+spectrometry) * Reading about goals and [asking great questions](#Frequently+Asked+Questions) * Building a basic spectrometer using [one of our starter kits](#Starter+Kits) * Trying (and critiquing) our [community-made how-to guides](#Activities) and posting your own * Building on others’ work; hack and remix the kits to refine and expand them * [Share your upgrades](#Upgrades) for others to try -- and perhaps for inclusion in an upcoming starter kit release or add-on kit **** ## Starter Kits Public Lab’s Kits initiative offers several starter kits, including many of the basic components, and instructions for constructing a basic visible light spectrometer. The point of the kits is to provide a shared reference design for building experimental setups onto. Lego Spectrometer Kit Our most recent kit, incorporating community improvements while balancing low cost and ease of construction. Choose between webcam and Raspberry Pi camera versions and build attachments width standard Lego connectors. Build one Buy one Papercraft Spectrometry Intro Kit A $9 paper spectrometer which you can attach to a smartphone or webcam. It’s made of paper to reduce cost and complexity, and is mainly intended as an “introductory” or educational kit. The flat design can be printed on a laser printer or photocopied to make more. Build one Buy one **** ## Activities This is a list of community-generated guides for specific applications using your spectrometry setup (either a [starter kit](#Starter+Kits) or a [modded design](#Upgrades)). These [activities can be categorized](https://publiclab.org/wiki/activity-categories), and some may be more reproduced -- or reproducible -- than others. Try them out to build your skills, and help improve them by leaving comments. Together, we can repeat and refine the activities into experiments. > **Note:** If you are working on an **urgent issue** such as a threat to your or someone else’s health, please know that these techniques may not be ready for your use; it's possible that they never will be. [Read more here](/notes/gretchengehrke/09-29-2016/common-low-cost-technique-limitations) ### Activity grid [activities:spectrometry] **** ## Upgrades Have you added to your starter kit, improved it, or redesigned it? Show others how to take it to the next level by posting a build guide here: [upgrades:spectrometry] Add your upgrade guide here Request or propose an upgrade _Mods should include a parts list and a step-by-step construction guide with photo documentation. See an example._ **** ## Challenges We're working to refine and improve DIY spectrometry on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own. For now, we're using the Q&A feature, so just click "Ask a question" to post your own challenge. Be sure to add: * constraints: expense, complexity * goals: performance, use cases [questions:spectrometry-challenge] **** ## Builds There’s a lot going on in open source spectrometry -- if you’ve developed another open source design you’d like to show others how to construct, post it here! * [RamanPi](https://hackaday.io/project/1279-ramanpi-raman-spectrometer) * [Hackteria “drop”-style spectrometers](https://publiclab.org/notes/gaudi/04-03-2014/diy-micro-volume-spectrophotometer) / [DIY NanoDrop on Hackteria.org](http://hackteria.org/wiki/index.php/DIY_NanoDrop) * _Add yours here_ ##What's spectrometry? Colored light is often a blend of different colors. A spectrometer is a device which splits those colors apart, like a prism, and measures the strength of each color. A typical output of a spectrometer looks like this spectrum of the daytime sky, with the actual light spectrum at the top and the graph of wavelength (horizontal axis, in nanometers of wavelength) and intensity (vertical axis) below: [![sky.png](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/005/455/original/sky.png)](https://spectralworkbench.org/analyze/spectrum/19882) > Needed: overview of spectra, calibration, units, comparison, and fluorescence/absorption. Please edit this page or link to a resource, potentially [the Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectroscopy), although that's quite full of technical jargon. ## Software Spectral data can be analyzed with https://spectralworkbench.org to create spectra plots, find centers of emissions plots, and find similar spectra. Data also can be exported in various formats (JSON, CSV, XML) for further analysis and visualization. ## How does this compare to a lab instrument? The [Desktop Spectrometry Starter Kit](/wiki/desktop-spectrometry-kit-3-0) is only one part in an experimental setup, and the following shows where it fits in an overall diagram of a lab spectrometric setup: [![tmp_31873-IMG_20161027_101601_2-79757779.jpg](https://publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/018/635/large/tmp_31873-IMG_20161027_101601_2-79757779.jpg)](https://publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/018/635/original/tmp_31873-IMG_20161027_101601_2-79757779.jpg) [![tmp_31873-IMG_20161027_095939_2-108076392.jpg](https://publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/018/636/large/tmp_31873-IMG_20161027_095939_2-108076392.jpg)](https://publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/018/636/original/tmp_31873-IMG_20161027_095939_2-108076392.jpg) There are many, many different types of spectrometry and spectrometers -- many don’t even measure light. Even among those that do, some detect light in the ultraviolet range, and others in the infrared range of light. The range of Public Lab spectrometers depends on the range of the commercially available cameras we attach them to (~400-700 nanometer wavelengths). A commercially available product with a slightly wider range (from 335 to 1000 nanometers) is [available from Cole Parmer](http://www.coleparmer.com/Product/Cole_Parmer_Visible_spectrophotometer_335_to_1000_nm_wavelength_range_analog_output/UX-83055-10). **** ## Frequently Asked Questions [questions:spectrometry] Note our previous Frequently Asked Questions page, which [can be found here »](/wiki/spectrometer-faq) -- please help port these into the new system, here!...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
Ag8n "Just to give an idea of what's going on, you're paralyzing a bit of the stopper. Then burning it to see the flame and flame color. It's very simi..." | Read more » almost 4 years ago
amocorro "@mimiss @purl - this is so neat! Definitely thought you should take a look. " | Read more » almost 4 years ago
Ag8n "Very good work. Another possible demonstration. I worked for a pharmaceutical company. We would check the incoming stoppers to see if they had b..." | Read more » almost 4 years ago
jterning "Hi, I am confused! My calibration looks ok but is I take a spectrum from a red LED screen I get something crazy: thanks, John " | Read more » almost 4 years ago
warren "Gosh, sorry for the late response! When you haven't yet completed the calibration, the numbers shown are for pixel position, not wavelength. Once y..." | Read more » almost 4 years ago
laxmiassociates "Very informative. Information is detailed in a comprehensive way regarding oil testing. Insightful. Thank you for this. " | Read more » about 4 years ago
milanq "Hey! I was trying to califrate a fluerescent bulb, and it appeared to fit good with the reference spectral workbench ives you, but when looking at..." | Read more » over 4 years ago
baophan448 "I did this! Thanks for the instrution! " | Read more » almost 5 years ago
dwhite01 "The instructions for the Papercraft spectrometer Kit are terrible!!What part of the DVD are we supposed to use? by the way,a Dvd does not want to b..." | Read more » almost 5 years ago
rebornteam0107 "Now a days there are so many people who are suffering from Knee Pain. This problem is most common in old age people. According to a survey, Cities ..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
ananyo2012 "Really a nice way to create a slit ! @warren Is it possible to adjust the slit in the same sheet as the spectrometer? The dimensions are pretty sma..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
ananyo2012 "Warm water with soap just worked fine for me. " | Read more » about 5 years ago
ananyo2012 "Duct tape or plastic tape works well for removing the aluminium coating. But just be careful that the adhesive from the tape doesn't stick to the p..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
ananyo2012 "Hey Jeff, Thanks for the reply. I will post my updates on replication. I see there are some Pi based upgrades as well. Curious about them as well ! " | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren "Hi Ananyo!!! So good to see you! A4 or letter both work fine! They'll come out slightly different sizes but they both work. " | Read more » over 5 years ago
ananyo2012 "Hi, I am just starting to make the new version of the papercraft spectrometer. What is the ideal size of the paper over which it should be printed ..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren "And here is one more; v2.0.10 which has a 0.375" margin on all sides: foldable-2.0.10.pdf foldable-2.0.10.svg foldable-reverse-2.0.10.svg " | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren "And here is version 2.0.9, resized to fit on a 6.625" x 9.375" page, so it's 1.75" wide when assembled, instead of 2". This isn't ideal but it fits..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
joyofsoy "Here's the most recent version of the Papercraft Spectrometer, v2.0.8. This version includes more simplified text, updated links, and a second page..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
botho_willer "I did this! " | Read more » over 5 years ago
mimiss "I did this! " | Read more » over 5 years ago
B-winters " If you are interested in getting access to the original CAD files, they are available for use on www.onshape.com under the file name "Visible Spec..." | Read more » almost 6 years ago
B-winters " chunbr, thanks for you interest. I apologize for missing your comment and questions, I have been exploring some new adaptations to this system tha..." | Read more » almost 6 years ago
Ag8n " The kits for these tests ( someone correct me if I'm wrong) appear to be made by RenekaBio. A quick look down the test procedure and method showe..." | Read more » almost 6 years ago