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ReLaMa "Who drank all that soy sauce???? " | Read more » over 9 years ago
amysoyka "I was trying to go by the amount of light refracted in the glass! ..I guessed B instead of D. :/ Oh well...no new car...guess its probably best fo..." | Read more » over 9 years ago
amysoyka "Amazing! " | Read more » over 9 years ago
amysoyka "B? (Guesswork) " | Read more » over 9 years ago
stevie "C! " | Read more » over 9 years ago
cfastie "Ho, Ho, Ho! . Oh, maybe you meant something else by spirit? " | Read more » over 9 years ago
Shannon "I'm awarding you the holiday spirit Barnstar! " | Read more » over 9 years ago
straylight "Chris, this is so cool, really good info. I wonder if it applies to single malts ? " | Read more » over 11 years ago
cfastie "Excel allows nesting if statements, so: if((if(red>green,red,green))>blue,(if(red>green,red,green)),blue) should work, if you're not int..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
cfastie "=max(blue:red) is soo much easier. Thanks. The greater of three method seems to be useful for transmission or absorption spectra when a continuous..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
cfastie "Dan, you are correct that all we want to know is how the light intensity varies across the sensor where the grating has spread out the spectrum. Un..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
warren "The Bayer filter is frustrating, but if we can figure it out, it might be a hidden plus for us; in some ways, the R, G, and B channels can be treat..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
danbeavers "Perhaps I missed the explination but please help me understand why you don't just sum the 3 bands. It seems to me that the operative filter is the ..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
Tom_H "I think the essence here is that you have to watch carefully what is going on and choose a method that seems most appropriate for the situation. Th..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
Tom_H "Blown out data should show up as 255 in the csv file and thus would appear in a graph as peaks with a flat top (plateau) when graphed in excel, and..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
Tom_H "A simpler formula is: =max(red:blue) " | Read more » over 11 years ago
eustatic "As a huge fan of maple syrup, i approve of this post " | Read more » over 11 years ago
cfastie "Tom, I'm glad you asked. The proper Excel expression for choosing the greatest among three values did not come to me quickly, so I just used the eq..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
liz "This is, like, /so/ Vermont. I love it! " | Read more » over 11 years ago
Tom_H "Hi Chris, How did you pick the color channel with the highest value? Did you write an expression for Excel to pick the highest value and use that? ..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
cfastie "Thanks Mat. The paucity of easily accessible answers to your question suggests that they don't really understand what happens when syrup is made. A..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
cfastie "I guess they plate the stainless steel mesh with gold to keep metallic flavors out of your tea (also used for coffee filters). I noticed it in the ..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
danbeavers ""I filtered it through a gold tea strainer" Man, I can't hold a candle to that! " | Read more » over 11 years ago
mathew "Great info, Chris! Grade B is my favorite on taste-- I wonder what that last 12% of evaporation is doing that changes the color and gives that rich..." | Read more » over 11 years ago