
The Public Lab community has been using variants of the Mobius ActionCam for aerial photography purposes for some time, and has also used this as the basis of our Infragram Point and Shoot camera. The purpose of this page is to provide an overview of operation for these cameras, specifically as an aerial mapping tool. ## Questions [questions:mobius] ## Activities [activities:mobius] **** ## Lenses ### Model A From the factory, the Mobius has a couple options, including the Model A, which has an 87-degree field of view. This is the __least__ fisheye option from the sales channels, such as Amazon or Mobius-USA websites. We offer this camera in the PL store, and this is the model we have modified as part of the Infragram Point and Shoot camera (where they remove the IR cut filter at the factory, and replace with our red gel for NDVI photography. ### M12 Security Camera Lenses The Mobius was designed to take a standard "M12" threaded lens, which makes it simple to swap out the kit lens for any of a number of lenses available online. @pcoyle posted some research around finding the best options for aerial mapping, and you can find those notes [here]( Based on this research, we decided to offer Mobius cameras pre-fitted with 6mm lenses [found here](, installed at the factory. We also offer 8mm lenses as an alternate. ## Exchanging Lenses this involves opening the camera, then using the small hex driver (provided) to loosen a set screw. This will allow the original lens to be unthreaded and exchanged. Photos and tutorial on exchanging lenses to be created soon, but for now, you can find this information readily on youtube, examples [here]( and [here]( In order to focus the lens, you can view the camera in a live-view mode, a.k.a. webcam mode, and manually adjust the focus. Once the focus is set, you can choose to lock the focus in place, or to leave it unlocked before closing the camera body housing. Locking it will prevent accidental loss of focus, but will limit you to the one focal setting. In aerial applications, this is preferable, leaving focus locked at infinity. In some operations, you may want ability to focus on nearer objects. ## Camera Operation [![mobius-demo.jpg](//](// This is the basic instructions we ship with the camera, explaining the custom default settings we install, and enough info to get you going. The Mobius has three main modes of operation. You can toggle between these modes by pressing the "Mode" button (signified by "M" on the button). The modes are: * Photo mode (Red) * 1080p Video (Yellow) * 720p Video (Blue) We modify the firmware and system configuration before selling these cameras to optimize them for aerial mapping purposes. Specifically we: * set the default mode to "Photo" * set the photo mode to a 5-second intervelometer, at highest resolution * allow locking white balance and exposure by pressing and holding "mode" button for 3 seconds * setting camera to turn off automatically after 2 minutes of down time. * turning off the time/date stamp ###Setting balance and exposure It is ideal to lock both white balance and exposure prior to taking a large series of photos, especially if you plan to later "stitch" these photos together, as inconsistencies in the exposure settings can make the job much more difficult. You can set custom white balance and exposure for the duration of an entire flight by simply aiming the camera at the grey card provided (or any 18% grey card or equivalent), in lighting conditions as close to your flight as possible. Make sure the camera is turned on, and in standby mode (not taking photos). Top LED should be a solid red. Then hold down the "Mode" button for 3 seconds, until the camera LED light turns off. Release the "mode" button, and your exposure is now set. ## Mounting the Mobius camera for flight There are many ways to attach a camera such as the Mobius to a flying line; one of the biggest advantages of such a camera is that its light weight and tiny form factor allow it to be easily rigged up. Here we will give a couple of the most direct options, using common materials. You can post your own solutions, and find many others under development, by looking at Public Lab research notes with the tag: pendulum-rig. ## Customizing the configuration file and firmware. We ship the camera with the current version of firmware. You can find the most up-to-date version here, and if you see a discrepency between this and our version, please let us know by emailing We might have missed the update! The coinfiguration file can be edited in a few ways. There are graphical tools available to let you edit the configuation file on your camera, available for Mac and Windows systems. The most direct way is to edit the file directly using a text editor program, such as Notepad for Windows ## accessories some accessories that look promising, currently available from third-party vendors (links provided as example, not we don't actually recommend anyone in particular). ###lens extension cable ###silicon housing ###AV Out cable (for live view applications) ##other relevant links and notes link here to other links and tags on PL and beyond....

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
cfastie "With a blue filter which blocks only red light, the red channel will capture NIR. Use the red channel for NIR and the blue channel for visible ligh..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
J_tanna "@cfastie What should be the formula of NDVI for NIR camera as it is blocking red light. " | Read more » over 7 years ago
FrankA "I found this very interesting: I use NVDI Modded Mobius.. Blue filter Lens for Mobius ActionCam - 6mm for $6.00 each from public labs I get very li..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
mathew "I'm working on some activities for calibrating and deploying the MiniVol. I posted my activities as a works-in-progress, because I had a two-step ..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
mathew "I often get tripped up on the firmware upload stage; The c..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Hmm, i have an older one, so the firmware may have changed. Maybe best to ask about this on the main Grassroots Mapping list, as I think I remember..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
jbreen "You had me at "squid-shaped kite." I've been using the DIY Mini Kite Kit but for the life of me cannot seem to get the Mobius camera to go into ti..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
FrankA " addendum how to file : sorry about the Clip quality.... NEW clip to follow in due course. I realised the Caiibration..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Hi, i dug into the code a bit and found the section I think we need to modify, but it's WebGL, and relatively obscure:" | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Indeed, i used Scott's posted images and got the same issues. But then I tried cropping them to square, and re-running them, using these settings:..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Cool, thanks. I took a pic of a grid with my Mobius (an old one, i'm not actually sure of the lens) and got this: I couldn't get a perfect undis..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
eustatic "See " | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Update: I added full-resolution, and also made it so that if you drop a succession of images onto it, it adds them below in a kind of 'gallery' -- ..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "@glennwalquist is having some good successes with a Crenova trail cam in this post -- just wanted to connect the dots!" | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Sounds like the interface for setting the cameras to timelapse isn't very clear -- can anyone who's gotten that working photo the section of the in..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Also -- just a thought -- there are a few others testing this out too, so if you could take some contextual photos of how you set it up, what it's ..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Oh, that's great to hear. Good luck and we'll talk soon i hope! " | Read more » over 7 years ago
bkleist "@warren, I have gotten ahold of Dr. Pierce, and he said that the camera has come in, and is ready to be deployed!!! We are hoping to set it up as s..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
bkleist "@warren, I believe that it has, but I have not been able to get ahold of my research professor lately. I just sent him another email, and will let ..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Hi, @bkleist -- has the game camera worked out better for you at all? Wishing you good luck! " | Read more » over 7 years ago
cfastie "Sorry to hear about the short lifespan of your timelapse deployment. Tony did some trials with the Mobius last spring and learned that it has a bat..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Oh, that's really too bad -- I'm really hopeful that the game "trail camera" we're sending (today!) will help. I don't know how long 8 fresh AA bat..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Thanks for the link! So many colors :-) -- " | Read more » almost 8 years ago
shanlter "The squid looks so nice in the sky! Here is the link:" | Read more » almost 8 years ago