Public Lab Research note

Mine Reclamation: Research Area Review Summary

by bhamster , laurel_mire | April 12, 2022 15:37 12 Apr 15:37 | #30350 | #30350

At the end of March, we wrapped up a review on the topic of mine reclamation.

Our research area review on mine reclamation began with a kick-off call in February (notes here) and continued with weekly Open Calls. Community members investigating various kinds of mine operations posted research notes and questions, collected under the #mining tag and #mine-reclamation tag.

Many thanks to all who joined the conversations and engaged on the website to share and build knowledge together ❤️

@Pat, @junior_walk1337, @ekpeterman, @jfreemanfilm, @dswenson, @eustatic, Steve Hoffman, Caitlynn Beckett, @laurel_mire

⛰️ Presentation on community science and mine reclamation

We wrapped up the review with a presentation on community science resources for mine reclamation, including various monitoring methods and advocacy approaches that communities have used locally and shared guidance on. Slides from the presentation are below, and a recording of the call and all the links shared in the presentation and chat are here.

Following the presentation, @laurel_mire facilitated a conversation where we shared new questions and reflections arising from what we learned.


@bhamster has marked @laurel_mire as a co-author.

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