Public Lab Research note

Smartphone Spectrometer

by omarormachea | October 20, 2017 20:58 20 Oct 20:58 | #15077 | #15077

The aim of the project is to develope a miniaturized low-cost spectrometer that uses the camera of an Android Smatphone and processes the images in our spectrometry software (Android App).

The SpectraUPB App Demo Version of SpectraUPB in Google Play - SpectraUPB (Demo), allows to calibrate the spectrometer in function of the wavelength (using a flourescent lamp) and to obtain spectra in real time, using the camera of an Android Smarphone. The spectra are obtained through a DIY 3D printed mini-spectrometer, that is clipped to the Smartphone. The printable 3D model and instructions how to build it are available.

The calibration by wavelength (lambda) can be seen in the following video.


This software is broken. It won't run.

hi @njmalhq , sorry to hear this isn't going smoothly. What browser are you using? Firefox is the best one to use on the phone because you can specify which camera to look through.

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I don't think browser version is relevant here. This is a standalone android app which no longer runs. In fact every similar software I have found on android app store is variously dysfunctional -- looks like they are not being maintained anymore. Spectralworkbench also doesnt' work well on mobile devices, multiple browsers. Last I looked there was a login loop that one can't get past.

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