Lead photo: Early experiments in Vermont with the Public Lab's infrared camera tool.
Vermont is part of the Northeast region.
Public Lab organizers Chris Fastie and Ned Horning are involved in multispectral imaging hardware, multispectral image processing, control and monitoring of airborne cameras, agricultural and vegetation mapping and imaging, and spectroscopy.
PLOTS and TAC join forces in Vermont
Public Laboratory and the Toxics Action Center are collaborating on a project to apply Public Lab tools to several Vermont projects being investigated by TAC. Details of these projects are outlined here.
Recent Events
September 12-14, 2014
February 22&23, 2014
Vermont Environmental Summit
November 9, 2013
Chris Fastie led a workshop introducing Public Lab tools.
September 7-8, 2013
Learning Earth Appropriate Fact-Finding Environmental Science Tools
May 18, 2013
Aerial and multispectral imaging and mapping for agricultural applications
Middlebury Meetup
April 30, 2013
An informal meeting to fly a camera over the Middlebury College Organic Farm
Montpelier Kite Mapping Workshop
April 6, 2013
Chris Fastie led a workshop on aerial mapping with Public Lab tools.
Vermont Environmental Summit
November 18, 2012
Chris Fastie led a workshop on aerial mapping with Public Lab tools.
Low Elevation Aerial Flights For Earth Sensing Technology
September 21-23, 2012
Here are some Research Notes on the activities at LEAFFEST 2012.