Security/privacy best practices for data and devices

### Public Lab privacy and security guidelines This document contains policies and recommendations followed by Public Lab staff for keeping digital data, devices, and private or sensitive data secure. There are a few simple things you can do to dramatically increase your security and prevent breaches. ## What’s at risk? Security and privacy is a broad topic, and the best way to begin is to identify what you’re trying to protect. Consider: * What are you protecting? Names and addresses? Photos, health data, passwords, or secrets? * Whose information is it? Who should it be kept from? What resources do they have to find it out? * Where do you store or transmit information? Using your phone or laptop? By email, text message, or phone call? On Dropbox or Slack? * Who are you trusting when you store or transmit information? Your colleagues? An online service? Your office neighbors? People who share your printer? ## PDF download Get the full document here: PublicLabElectronicSecurityBestPractices-v1-01-08-2019.pdf ## Resources * * (readable, practical) * ​ (thorough and clearly organized, via our friends at Tactical Tech Collective) * ​ (too much info) ## Questions [questions:security]...

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Security/privacy best practices for data and devices


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