(This page is a snapshot of 2011-13 out of date website improvement ideas) Formatting based on: ...
Public Lab is an open community which collaboratively develops accessible, open source, Do-It-Yourself technologies for investigating local environmental health and justice issues.
11 CURRENT | warren |
March 28, 2019 18:58
| almost 6 years ago
(This page is a snapshot of 2011-13 out of date website improvement ideas) Formatting based on: http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/gsoc-ideas Due DatesApril 18: Point people write 1-2 sentence descriptions April 19: Team review complete April 20: Send to list to see if others are interested in working on these tasks May 15: Proposals for each item due Discussion has started in Github on some projects; feel free to jump in there or on the main mailing list (publiclaboratory@googlegroups.com). MockupsAs the design process moves from defining needs/problems to proposing solutions, you may be ready to start making mockups. These can be sketched on a napkin or made in Photoshop, but Balsamiq's "Mockups" app is a nice way to create simple sketch-like mockups to try out design ideas. We have an open-access account where anyone can jump in and make/modify mockups: https://publiclaboratory.mybalsamiq.com/ Solution may require programmingUser interface with website- involvement in projectsThis project will address involvement questions such as how to host a meet-up, how do I get involved in a regional Public Lab project or on a Public Lab tool. We’ll also be developing a system to address topics that people are requesting assistance with. Point: Shannon Team: Liz, Sara, Mathew (passive) Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/121
Subscription to feedsThe goal of this project is to increase the usability of subscriptions by making them easier to make and track. We also aim to use the subscriptions to facilitate online collaboration by allowing individuals to know and communicate with those following them. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/122
User Dashboard redesignUser dashboards suffer from lack of actionability (clear calls to action), crowding, and other issues. We will look at other sites' dashboards, make mockups, solicit feedback, and analyze current use patterns in Google Analytics. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Liz, Sara, Mathew Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/123
$$$ pageWe’re interested in either creating a new page/system for donations or figuring out how to integrate all existing forms of income into a single page. Will require some research into both microfinance options and standard donation systems. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High-Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/124
PLOTS App DevelopmentPoint: Liz Team: Stewart, Sara Importance: Exploratory project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/125
Place pages overhaulThis project will create pages that are more dynamic than the current pages including the integration of events for each site, meet-up groups, forums (really?), links into related wiki pages and content, etc. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/126
Integrate mailing list with home pageThe goal of this project is to increase interaction between the mailing list and the website by facilitating the push and pull of data and conversations between these two communication methods. Specifically we will review and revise current cross communication such as the mailing list feed on the website. Point: Sara Team: RJ, Stewart, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium- by October Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/12 (originally a duplicate issue: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/127)
Make user profiles “cute” and more usefulFirst we want to make user profiles more attractive- adding images, better ways for users to connect and making sure that you can actually find someone you’re looking for. The second part of this project is to explore a badge system such as barnstars (wikipedia) or the Mozilla badges. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/128
Thermal image archivingWe need to settle on what this data looks like and attempt to categorize it for sorting/tagging/archiving, and if it come in different formats than we attempt a 1.0 categorization. The goal is to create the most effective format and archive such that people will be encouraged to contribute and help cultivate it onward. Point: Stewart Team: Sara, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium-low Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/129
Bitnami stack for MapMill and MapKnitterWe’ve started off in the Gulf Coast by creating DVDs of images and maps for libraries. We’d like to create MapKnitter and MapMill into formats that can be demoed and used offline. The principal use scenario is for locations where there isn’t a strong Internet connection- which is alot of places. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew, Stewart, Anita, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/130
Annotations/geo-comments for mapsPLOTS would like to use annotations to record field notes and facilitate conversations about the things going on within the maps themselves. Map observers can comment or ask questions about what they see. Stories behind the map such as irrigation design or pollution can be told. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Jeff, Mathew, RJ Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/131
Programming bottleneckExploring strategies for attracting more programmers to the PLOTS site and tools, potentially reaching out to Drupal or other FOSS communities and holding a hackathon. Also 2013 Google Summer of Code. Point: Jeff Team: Stewart, Shannon Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/132
Sandbox category for toolsRenaming or modifying tool status labels and creating better documentation for criteria for different tags. Displaying or branding status more clearly on tool pages. Mockups and wiki content. Point: Jeff Team: n/a Importance: n/a Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/133
"Mega-like" buttons (open to re-naming)Exploratory/brainstorming about how to engage users asynchronously across the lifetime of a project. Cheerleaders might subscribe to hear when projects reach certain stages, or offer bounties or resources contingent on certain outcomes depending on what each has to offer. Point: Mathew Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/134
Case studies on website useInterested in developing case studies around use of the Public Laboratory website? This project might be of particular interest to social scientists in the community that want to talk to others about how they perceive different functions of the website. Point: Shannon Team: not yet assigned Importance: low- September Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/135
Can be solved by anyoneVisual overload on home pageSeparation of different use cases on home page (new technical user, new activist user, returning users...) and better lead into use cases ("how to get involved" stories) might result in a more approachable site. A short video intro and possibly binary tree could be used. Point: Jeff Team: not assigned/collaborative? Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/136
User interface for "editing/changing the website"Clarify and if need be simplify how to edit or add to the site. Offer staged invitation to at first simply post research notes and later edit or create wiki pages. Advanced uses may not need to be apparent to new users. Make people aware that they can materially change the website via editing wiki pages.
Tool page- development of documentation/dashboardThis project aims to revise the documentation of tool development on the website in order to increase community access and participation in development through better tools for tracking involvement, communicating/setting/meeting project development needs and goals and improving information flows between tool development projects. Specifically we will redesign the tools homepage, tool pages, and a develop “tool developer” dashboard. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/138
Documentation overload/strategyToo much documentation creates its own problems. A unified index of how-tos could work if it is up to date. Other options include a help chatroom or better wiki indexing. Resolve orphaned documentation problem. Point: Mathew Team: Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/139
Better organization for research notesThe goal of this item is to enable easier browsing of research notes by people unfamiliar with PLOTS. Basic categories of spectral techniques or balloon mapping arranged in order of technical nature or date created would be great. Possibly no thumbnails would allow more results to be shown on the page. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/140
Re-examining and extending GrassrootsMapping.orgThe Grassroots Mapping blog (grassrootsmapping.org) is awesome, but we’ve really moved away from using it. We are interested in recreating the blog as a more comprehensive Public Laboratory site where people can share stories that might not fit in the “research note” category. On this project you’ll help with the site redesign, generating content and wrangling people to write. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Adam Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/141
Links to apps on websiteBetter interconnect the peripheral "apps" like MapKnitter and SpectralWorkbench with the Plots site. common user login, better links from tool pages to apps. Point: Jeff Team: Adam Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/142
Events page rethinkThe Events page needs to link to sites and have searchable text, not just the embedded Google Cal api. Events should be presented uniformly and efficiently. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/143
GMF and website interconnectionExplore ways to better integrate the Grassroots Mapping Forum with the website, including more interactivity from the Forum and potentially generating Forums pdfs directly from the website using tags. Point: Mathew Team: Stewart, Jeff, Shannon Importance: ongoing project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/144 * Link between GMF and website - new feature, how do we build forums - M do better job as a GD template "Walking papers"-style offline contribution toolsPublic Laboratory research and archive entry forms essentially. Example: We create a PLOTS stylized template for the map details page that is filled out by the mapping party and when the map is added to the website the form is transcribed. In some cases this will allow more participation on the website among non-digital people, but it should also help people realize what to do after the flight, and could go along with our current paper instructions from the kit. We could also create offline forms for other things such as research notes. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Sara, Liz Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/145
Site navigation overviewDesign assessment and work on menus, headers, user interface related to navigation for different kinds of users. Analysis of Google Analytics, wireframing and testing of new header designs. Potential splitting of Logged-in and Non-logged-in headers. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/146
Revert | |
10 | liz |
September 28, 2017 13:50
| over 7 years ago
Formatting based on: http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/gsoc-ideas Due DatesApril 18: Point people write 1-2 sentence descriptions April 19: Team review complete April 20: Send to list to see if others are interested in working on these tasks May 15: Proposals for each item due Discussion has started in Github on some projects; feel free to jump in there or on the main mailing list (publiclaboratory@googlegroups.com). MockupsAs the design process moves from defining needs/problems to proposing solutions, you may be ready to start making mockups. These can be sketched on a napkin or made in Photoshop, but Balsamiq's "Mockups" app is a nice way to create simple sketch-like mockups to try out design ideas. We have an open-access account where anyone can jump in and make/modify mockups: https://publiclaboratory.mybalsamiq.com/ Solution may require programmingUser interface with website- involvement in projectsThis project will address involvement questions such as how to host a meet-up, how do I get involved in a regional Public Lab project or on a Public Lab tool. We’ll also be developing a system to address topics that people are requesting assistance with. Point: Shannon Team: Liz, Sara, Mathew (passive) Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/121
Subscription to feedsThe goal of this project is to increase the usability of subscriptions by making them easier to make and track. We also aim to use the subscriptions to facilitate online collaboration by allowing individuals to know and communicate with those following them. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/122
User Dashboard redesignUser dashboards suffer from lack of actionability (clear calls to action), crowding, and other issues. We will look at other sites' dashboards, make mockups, solicit feedback, and analyze current use patterns in Google Analytics. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Liz, Sara, Mathew Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/123
$$$ pageWe’re interested in either creating a new page/system for donations or figuring out how to integrate all existing forms of income into a single page. Will require some research into both microfinance options and standard donation systems. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High-Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/124
PLOTS App DevelopmentPoint: Liz Team: Stewart, Sara Importance: Exploratory project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/125
Place pages overhaulThis project will create pages that are more dynamic than the current pages including the integration of events for each site, meet-up groups, forums (really?), links into related wiki pages and content, etc. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/126
Integrate mailing list with home pageThe goal of this project is to increase interaction between the mailing list and the website by facilitating the push and pull of data and conversations between these two communication methods. Specifically we will review and revise current cross communication such as the mailing list feed on the website. Point: Sara Team: RJ, Stewart, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium- by October Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/12 (originally a duplicate issue: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/127)
Make user profiles “cute” and more usefulFirst we want to make user profiles more attractive- adding images, better ways for users to connect and making sure that you can actually find someone you’re looking for. The second part of this project is to explore a badge system such as barnstars (wikipedia) or the Mozilla badges. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/128
Thermal image archivingWe need to settle on what this data looks like and attempt to categorize it for sorting/tagging/archiving, and if it come in different formats than we attempt a 1.0 categorization. The goal is to create the most effective format and archive such that people will be encouraged to contribute and help cultivate it onward. Point: Stewart Team: Sara, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium-low Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/129
Bitnami stack for MapMill and MapKnitterWe’ve started off in the Gulf Coast by creating DVDs of images and maps for libraries. We’d like to create MapKnitter and MapMill into formats that can be demoed and used offline. The principal use scenario is for locations where there isn’t a strong Internet connection- which is alot of places. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew, Stewart, Anita, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/130
Annotations/geo-comments for mapsPLOTS would like to use annotations to record field notes and facilitate conversations about the things going on within the maps themselves. Map observers can comment or ask questions about what they see. Stories behind the map such as irrigation design or pollution can be told. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Jeff, Mathew, RJ Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/131
Programming bottleneckExploring strategies for attracting more programmers to the PLOTS site and tools, potentially reaching out to Drupal or other FOSS communities and holding a hackathon. Also 2013 Google Summer of Code. Point: Jeff Team: Stewart, Shannon Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/132
Sandbox category for toolsRenaming or modifying tool status labels and creating better documentation for criteria for different tags. Displaying or branding status more clearly on tool pages. Mockups and wiki content. Point: Jeff Team: n/a Importance: n/a Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/133
"Mega-like" buttons (open to re-naming)Exploratory/brainstorming about how to engage users asynchronously across the lifetime of a project. Cheerleaders might subscribe to hear when projects reach certain stages, or offer bounties or resources contingent on certain outcomes depending on what each has to offer. Point: Mathew Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/134
Case studies on website useInterested in developing case studies around use of the Public Laboratory website? This project might be of particular interest to social scientists in the community that want to talk to others about how they perceive different functions of the website. Point: Shannon Team: not yet assigned Importance: low- September Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/135
Can be solved by anyoneVisual overload on home pageSeparation of different use cases on home page (new technical user, new activist user, returning users...) and better lead into use cases ("how to get involved" stories) might result in a more approachable site. A short video intro and possibly binary tree could be used. Point: Jeff Team: not assigned/collaborative? Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/136
User interface for "editing/changing the website"Clarify and if need be simplify how to edit or add to the site. Offer staged invitation to at first simply post research notes and later edit or create wiki pages. Advanced uses may not need to be apparent to new users. Make people aware that they can materially change the website via editing wiki pages.
Tool page- development of documentation/dashboardThis project aims to revise the documentation of tool development on the website in order to increase community access and participation in development through better tools for tracking involvement, communicating/setting/meeting project development needs and goals and improving information flows between tool development projects. Specifically we will redesign the tools homepage, tool pages, and a develop “tool developer” dashboard. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/138
Documentation overload/strategyToo much documentation creates its own problems. A unified index of how-tos could work if it is up to date. Other options include a help chatroom or better wiki indexing. Resolve orphaned documentation problem. Point: Mathew Team: Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/139
Better organization for research notesThe goal of this item is to enable easier browsing of research notes by people unfamiliar with PLOTS. Basic categories of spectral techniques or balloon mapping arranged in order of technical nature or date created would be great. Possibly no thumbnails would allow more results to be shown on the page. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/140
Re-examining and extending GrassrootsMapping.orgThe Grassroots Mapping blog (grassrootsmapping.org) is awesome, but we’ve really moved away from using it. We are interested in recreating the blog as a more comprehensive Public Laboratory site where people can share stories that might not fit in the “research note” category. On this project you’ll help with the site redesign, generating content and wrangling people to write. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Adam Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/141
Links to apps on websiteBetter interconnect the peripheral "apps" like MapKnitter and SpectralWorkbench with the Plots site. common user login, better links from tool pages to apps. Point: Jeff Team: Adam Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/142
Events page rethinkThe Events page needs to link to sites and have searchable text, not just the embedded Google Cal api. Events should be presented uniformly and efficiently. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/143
GMF and website interconnectionExplore ways to better integrate the Grassroots Mapping Forum with the website, including more interactivity from the Forum and potentially generating Forums pdfs directly from the website using tags. Point: Mathew Team: Stewart, Jeff, Shannon Importance: ongoing project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/144 * Link between GMF and website - new feature, how do we build forums - M do better job as a GD template "Walking papers"-style offline contribution toolsPublic Laboratory research and archive entry forms essentially. Example: We create a PLOTS stylized template for the map details page that is filled out by the mapping party and when the map is added to the website the form is transcribed. In some cases this will allow more participation on the website among non-digital people, but it should also help people realize what to do after the flight, and could go along with our current paper instructions from the kit. We could also create offline forms for other things such as research notes. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Sara, Liz Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/145
Site navigation overviewDesign assessment and work on menus, headers, user interface related to navigation for different kinds of users. Analysis of Google Analytics, wireframing and testing of new header designs. Potential splitting of Logged-in and Non-logged-in headers. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/146
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9 | liz |
March 15, 2013 20:28
| almost 12 years ago
Formatting based on: http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/gsoc-ideas Due DatesApril 18: Point people write 1-2 sentence descriptions April 19: Team review complete April 20: Send to list to see if others are interested in working on these tasks May 15: Proposals for each item due Discussion has started in Github on some projects; feel free to jump in there or on the main mailing list (publiclaboratory@googlegroups.com). MockupsAs the design process moves from defining needs/problems to proposing solutions, you may be ready to start making mockups. These can be sketched on a napkin or made in Photoshop, but Balsamiq's "Mockups" app is a nice way to create simple sketch-like mockups to try out design ideas. We have an open-access account where anyone can jump in and make/modify mockups: https://publiclaboratory.mybalsamiq.com/ Solution may require programmingUser interface with website- involvement in projectsThis project will address involvement questions such as how to host a meet-up, how do I get involved in a regional Public Lab project or on a Public Lab tool. We’ll also be developing a system to address topics that people are requesting assistance with. Point: Shannon Team: Liz, Sara, Mathew (passive) Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/121
Subscription to feedsThe goal of this project is to increase the usability of subscriptions by making them easier to make and track. We also aim to use the subscriptions to facilitate online collaboration by allowing individuals to know and communicate with those following them. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/122
User Dashboard redesignUser dashboards suffer from lack of actionability (clear calls to action), crowding, and other issues. We will look at other sites' dashboards, make mockups, solicit feedback, and analyze current use patterns in Google Analytics. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Liz, Sara, Mathew Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/123
$$$ pageWe’re interested in either creating a new page/system for donations or figuring out how to integrate all existing forms of income into a single page. Will require some research into both microfinance options and standard donation systems. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High-Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/124
PLOTS App DevelopmentPoint: Liz Team: Stewart, Sara Importance: Exploratory project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/125
Place pages overhaulThis project will create pages that are more dynamic than the current pages including the integration of events for each site, meet-up groups, forums (really?), links into related wiki pages and content, etc. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/126
Integrate mailing list with home pageThe goal of this project is to increase interaction between the mailing list and the website by facilitating the push and pull of data and conversations between these two communication methods. Specifically we will review and revise current cross communication such as the mailing list feed on the website. Point: Sara Team: RJ, Stewart, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium- by October Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/12 (originally a duplicate issue: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/127)
Make user profiles “cute” and more usefulFirst we want to make user profiles more attractive- adding images, better ways for users to connect and making sure that you can actually find someone you’re looking for. The second part of this project is to explore a badge system such as barnstars (wikipedia) or the Mozilla badges. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/128
Thermal image archivingWe need to settle on what this data looks like and attempt to categorize it for sorting/tagging/archiving, and if it come in different formats than we attempt a 1.0 categorization. The goal is to create the most effective format and archive such that people will be encouraged to contribute and help cultivate it onward. Point: Stewart Team: Sara, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium-low Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/129
Bitnami stack for MapMill and MapKnitterWe’ve started off in the Gulf Coast by creating DVDs of images and maps for libraries. We’d like to create MapKnitter and MapMill into formats that can be demoed and used offline. The principal use scenario is for locations where there isn’t a strong Internet connection- which is alot of places. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew, Stewart, Anita, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/130
Annotations/geo-comments for mapsPLOTS would like to use annotations to record field notes and facilitate conversations about the things going on within the maps themselves. Map observers can comment or ask questions about what they see. Stories behind the map such as irrigation design or pollution can be told. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Jeff, Mathew, RJ Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/131
Programming bottleneckExploring strategies for attracting more programmers to the PLOTS site and tools, potentially reaching out to Drupal or other FOSS communities and holding a hackathon. Also 2013 Google Summer of Code. Point: Jeff Team: Stewart, Shannon Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/132
Sandbox category for toolsRenaming or modifying tool status labels and creating better documentation for criteria for different tags. Displaying or branding status more clearly on tool pages. Mockups and wiki content. Point: Jeff Team: n/a Importance: n/a Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/133
"Mega-like" buttons (open to re-naming)Exploratory/brainstorming about how to engage users asynchronously across the lifetime of a project. Cheerleaders might subscribe to hear when projects reach certain stages, or offer bounties or resources contingent on certain outcomes depending on what each has to offer. Point: Mathew Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/134
Case studies on website useInterested in developing case studies around use of the Public Laboratory website? This project might be of particular interest to social scientists in the community that want to talk to others about how they perceive different functions of the website. Point: Shannon Team: not yet assigned Importance: low- September Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/135
Can be solved by anyoneVisual overload on home pageSeparation of different use cases on home page (new technical user, new activist user, returning users...) and better lead into use cases ("how to get involved" stories) might result in a more approachable site. A short video intro and possibly binary tree could be used. Point: Jeff Team: not assigned/collaborative? Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/136
User interface for "editing/changing the website"Clarify and if need be simplify how to edit or add to the site. Offer staged invitation to at first simply post research notes and later edit or create wiki pages. Advanced uses may not need to be apparent to new users. Make people aware that they can materially change the website via editing wiki pages.
Tool page- development of documentation/dashboardThis project aims to revise the documentation of tool development on the website in order to increase community access and participation in development through better tools for tracking involvement, communicating/setting/meeting project development needs and goals and improving information flows between tool development projects. Specifically we will redesign the tools homepage, tool pages, and a develop “tool developer” dashboard. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/138
Documentation overload/strategyToo much documentation creates its own problems. A unified index of how-tos could work if it is up to date. Other options include a help chatroom or better wiki indexing. Resolve orphaned documentation problem. Point: Mathew Team: Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/139
Better organization for research notesThe goal of this item is to enable easier browsing of research notes by people unfamiliar with PLOTS. Basic categories of spectral techniques or balloon mapping arranged in order of technical nature or date created would be great. Possibly no thumbnails would allow more results to be shown on the page. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/140
Re-examining and extending GrassrootsMapping.orgThe Grassroots Mapping blog (grassrootsmapping.org) is awesome, but we’ve really moved away from using it. We are interested in recreating the blog as a more comprehensive Public Laboratory site where people can share stories that might not fit in the “research note” category. On this project you’ll help with the site redesign, generating content and wrangling people to write. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Adam Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/141
Links to apps on websiteBetter interconnect the peripheral "apps" like MapKnitter and SpectralWorkbench with the Plots site. common user login, better links from tool pages to apps. Point: Jeff Team: Adam Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/142
Events page rethinkThe Events page needs to link to sites and have searchable text, not just the embedded Google Cal api. Events should be presented uniformly and efficiently. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/143
GMF and website interconnectionExplore ways to better integrate the Grassroots Mapping Forum with the website, including more interactivity from the Forum and potentially generating Forums pdfs directly from the website using tags. Point: Mathew Team: Stewart, Jeff, Shannon Importance: ongoing project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/144 * Link between GMF and website - new feature, how do we build forums - M do better job as a GD template "Walking papers"-style offline contribution toolsPublic Laboratory research and archive entry forms essentially. Example: We create a PLOTS stylized template for the map details page that is filled out by the mapping party and when the map is added to the website the form is transcribed. In some cases this will allow more participation on the website among non-digital people, but it should also help people realize what to do after the flight, and could go along with our current paper instructions from the kit. We could also create offline forms for other things such as research notes. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Sara, Liz Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/145
Site navigation overviewDesign assessment and work on menus, headers, user interface related to navigation for different kinds of users. Analysis of Google Analytics, wireframing and testing of new header designs. Potential splitting of Logged-in and Non-logged-in headers. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/146
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8 | warren |
May 30, 2012 22:01
| over 12 years ago
Formatting based on: http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/gsoc-ideas Due DatesApril 18: Point people write 1-2 sentence descriptions April 19: Team review complete April 20: Send to list to see if others are interested in working on these tasks May 15: Proposals for each item due Discussion has started in Github on some projects; feel free to jump in there or on the main mailing list (publiclaboratory@googlegroups.com). MockupsAs the design process moves from defining needs/problems to proposing solutions, you may be ready to start making mockups. These can be sketched on a napkin or made in Photoshop, but Balsamiq's "Mockups" app is a nice way to create simple sketch-like mockups to try out design ideas. Solution may require programmingUser interface with website- involvement in projectsThis project will address involvement questions such as how to host a meet-up, how do I get involved in a regional Public Lab project or on a Public Lab tool. We’ll also be developing a system to address topics that people are requesting assistance with. Point: Shannon Team: Liz, Sara, Mathew (passive) Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/121
Subscription to feedsThe goal of this project is to increase the usability of subscriptions by making them easier to make and track. We also aim to use the subscriptions to facilitate online collaboration by allowing individuals to know and communicate with those following them. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/122
Dashboard needs wireframeUser dashboards suffer from lack of actionability (clear calls to action), crowding, and other issues. We will look at other sites' dashboards, make mockups, solicit feedback, and analyze current use patterns in Google Analytics. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Liz, Sara, Mathew Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/123
$$$ pageWe’re interested in either creating a new page/system for donations or figuring out how to integrate all existing forms of income into a single page. Will require some research into both microfinance options and standard donation systems. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High-Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/124
PLOTS App DevelopmentPoint: Liz Team: Stewart, Sara Importance: Exploratory project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/125
Place pages overhaulThis project will create pages that are more dynamic than the current pages including the integration of events for each site, meet-up groups, forums (really?), links into related wiki pages and content, etc. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/126
Integrate mailing list with home pageThe goal of this project is to increase interaction between the mailing list and the website by facilitating the push and pull of data and conversations between these two communication methods. Specifically we will review and revise current cross communication such as the mailing list feed on the website. Point: Sara Team: RJ, Stewart, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium- by October Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/12 (originally a duplicate issue: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/127)
Make user profiles “cute” and more usefulFirst we want to make user profiles more attractive- adding images, better ways for users to connect and making sure that you can actually find someone you’re looking for. The second part of this project is to explore a badge system such as barnstars (wikipedia) or the Mozilla badges. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/128
Thermal image archivingWe need to settle on what this data looks like and attempt to categorize it for sorting/tagging/archiving, and if it come in different formats than we attempt a 1.0 categorization. The goal is to create the most effective format and archive such that people will be encouraged to contribute and help cultivate it onward. Point: Stewart Team: Sara, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium-low Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/129
Bitnami stack for MapMill and MapKnitterWe’ve started off in the Gulf Coast by creating DVDs of images and maps for libraries. We’d like to create MapKnitter and MapMill into formats that can be demoed and used offline. The principal use scenario is for locations where there isn’t a strong Internet connection- which is alot of places. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew, Stewart, Anita, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/130
Annotations/geo-comments for mapsPLOTS would like to use annotations to record field notes and facilitate conversations about the things going on within the maps themselves. Map observers can comment or ask questions about what they see. Stories behind the map such as irrigation design or pollution can be told. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Jeff, Mathew, RJ Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/131
Programming bottleneckExploring strategies for attracting more programmers to the PLOTS site and tools, potentially reaching out to Drupal or other FOSS communities and holding a hackathon. Also 2013 Google Summer of Code. Point: Jeff Team: Stewart, Shannon Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/132
Sandbox category for toolsRenaming or modifying tool status labels and creating better documentation for criteria for different tags. Displaying or branding status more clearly on tool pages. Mockups and wiki content. Point: Jeff Team: n/a Importance: n/a Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/133
"Mega-like" buttons (open to re-naming)Exploratory/brainstorming about how to engage users asynchronously across the lifetime of a project. Cheerleaders might subscribe to hear when projects reach certain stages, or offer bounties or resources contingent on certain outcomes depending on what each has to offer. Point: Mathew Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/134
Case studies on website useInterested in developing case studies around use of the Public Laboratory website? This project might be of particular interest to social scientists in the community that want to talk to others about how they perceive different functions of the website. Point: Shannon Team: not yet assigned Importance: low- September Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/135
Can be solved by anyoneVisual overload on home pageSeparation of different use cases on home page (new technical user, new activist user, returning users...) and better lead into use cases ("how to get involved" stories) might result in a more approachable site. A short video intro and possibly binary tree could be used. Point: Jeff Team: not assigned/collaborative? Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/136
User interface for "editing/changing the website"Clarify and if need be simplify how to edit or add to the site. Offer staged invitation to at first simply post research notes and later edit or create wiki pages. Advanced uses may not need to be apparent to new users. Make people aware that they can materially change the website via editing wiki pages.
Tool page- development of documentation/dashboardThis project aims to revise the documentation of tool development on the website in order to increase community access and participation in development through better tools for tracking involvement, communicating/setting/meeting project development needs and goals and improving information flows between tool development projects. Specifically we will redesign the tools homepage, tool pages, and a develop “tool developer” dashboard. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/138
Documentation overload/strategyToo much documentation creates its own problems. A unified index of how-tos could work if it is up to date. Other options include a help chatroom or better wiki indexing. Resolve orphaned documentation problem. Point: Mathew Team: Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/139
Better organization for research notesThe goal of this item is to enable easier browsing of research notes by people unfamiliar with PLOTS. Basic categories of spectral techniques or balloon mapping arranged in order of technical nature or date created would be great. Possibly no thumbnails would allow more results to be shown on the page. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/140
Re-examining and extending GrassrootsMapping.orgThe Grassroots Mapping blog (grassrootsmapping.org) is awesome, but we’ve really moved away from using it. We are interested in recreating the blog as a more comprehensive Public Laboratory site where people can share stories that might not fit in the “research note” category. On this project you’ll help with the site redesign, generating content and wrangling people to write. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Adam Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/141
Links to apps on websiteBetter interconnect the peripheral "apps" like MapKnitter and SpectralWorkbench with the Plots site. common user login, better links from tool pages to apps. Point: Jeff Team: Adam Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/142
Events page rethinkThe Events page needs to link to sites and have searchable text, not just the embedded Google Cal api. Events should be presented uniformly and efficiently. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/143
GMF and website interconnectionExplore ways to better integrate the Grassroots Mapping Forum with the website, including more interactivity from the Forum and potentially generating Forums pdfs directly from the website using tags. Point: Mathew Team: Stewart, Jeff, Shannon Importance: ongoing project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/144 * Link between GMF and website - new feature, how do we build forums - M do better job as a GD template "Walking papers"-style offline contribution toolsPublic Laboratory research and archive entry forms essentially. Example: We create a PLOTS stylized template for the map details page that is filled out by the mapping party and when the map is added to the website the form is transcribed. In some cases this will allow more participation on the website among non-digital people, but it should also help people realize what to do after the flight, and could go along with our current paper instructions from the kit. We could also create offline forms for other things such as research notes. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Sara, Liz Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/145
Site navigation overviewDesign assessment and work on menus, headers, user interface related to navigation for different kinds of users. Analysis of Google Analytics, wireframing and testing of new header designs. Potential splitting of Logged-in and Non-logged-in headers. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/146
Revert | |
7 | warren |
May 17, 2012 16:17
| over 12 years ago
Formatting based on: http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/gsoc-ideas Due DatesApril 18: Point people write 1-2 sentence descriptions April 19: Team review complete April 20: Send to list to see if others are interested in working on these tasks May 15: Proposals for each item due Discussion has started in Github on some projects; feel free to jump in there or on the main mailing list (publiclaboratory@googlegroups.com). Solution may require programmingUser interface with website- involvement in projectsThis project will address involvement questions such as how to host a meet-up, how do I get involved in a regional Public Lab project or on a Public Lab tool. We’ll also be developing a system to address topics that people are requesting assistance with. Point: Shannon Team: Liz, Sara, Mathew (passive) Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/121
Subscription to feedsThe goal of this project is to increase the usability of subscriptions by making them easier to make and track. We also aim to use the subscriptions to facilitate online collaboration by allowing individuals to know and communicate with those following them. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/122
Dashboard needs wireframeUser dashboards suffer from lack of actionability (clear calls to action), crowding, and other issues. We will look at other sites' dashboards, make mockups, solicit feedback, and analyze current use patterns in Google Analytics. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Liz, Sara, Mathew Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/123
$$$ pageWe’re interested in either creating a new page/system for donations or figuring out how to integrate all existing forms of income into a single page. Will require some research into both microfinance options and standard donation systems. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High-Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/124
PLOTS App DevelopmentPoint: Liz Team: Stewart, Sara Importance: Exploratory project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/125
Place pages overhaulThis project will create pages that are more dynamic than the current pages including the integration of events for each site, meet-up groups, forums (really?), links into related wiki pages and content, etc. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/126
Integrate mailing list with home pageThe goal of this project is to increase interaction between the mailing list and the website by facilitating the push and pull of data and conversations between these two communication methods. Specifically we will review and revise current cross communication such as the mailing list feed on the website. Point: Sara Team: RJ, Stewart, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium- by October Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/12 (originally a duplicate issue: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/127)
Make user profiles “cute” and more usefulFirst we want to make user profiles more attractive- adding images, better ways for users to connect and making sure that you can actually find someone you’re looking for. The second part of this project is to explore a badge system such as barnstars (wikipedia) or the Mozilla badges. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/128
Thermal image archivingWe need to settle on what this data looks like and attempt to categorize it for sorting/tagging/archiving, and if it come in different formats than we attempt a 1.0 categorization. The goal is to create the most effective format and archive such that people will be encouraged to contribute and help cultivate it onward. Point: Stewart Team: Sara, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium-low Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/129
Bitnami stack for MapMill and MapKnitterWe’ve started off in the Gulf Coast by creating DVDs of images and maps for libraries. We’d like to create MapKnitter and MapMill into formats that can be demoed and used offline. The principal use scenario is for locations where there isn’t a strong Internet connection- which is alot of places. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew, Stewart, Anita, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/130
Annotations/geo-comments for mapsPLOTS would like to use annotations to record field notes and facilitate conversations about the things going on within the maps themselves. Map observers can comment or ask questions about what they see. Stories behind the map such as irrigation design or pollution can be told. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Jeff, Mathew, RJ Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/131
Programming bottleneckExploring strategies for attracting more programmers to the PLOTS site and tools, potentially reaching out to Drupal or other FOSS communities and holding a hackathon. Also 2013 Google Summer of Code. Point: Jeff Team: Stewart, Shannon Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/132
Sandbox category for toolsRenaming or modifying tool status labels and creating better documentation for criteria for different tags. Displaying or branding status more clearly on tool pages. Mockups and wiki content. Point: Jeff Team: n/a Importance: n/a Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/133
"Mega-like" buttons (open to re-naming)Exploratory/brainstorming about how to engage users asynchronously across the lifetime of a project. Cheerleaders might subscribe to hear when projects reach certain stages, or offer bounties or resources contingent on certain outcomes depending on what each has to offer. Point: Mathew Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/134
Case studies on website useInterested in developing case studies around use of the Public Laboratory website? This project might be of particular interest to social scientists in the community that want to talk to others about how they perceive different functions of the website. Point: Shannon Team: not yet assigned Importance: low- September Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/135
Can be solved by anyoneVisual overload on home pageSeparation of different use cases on home page (new technical user, new activist user, returning users...) and better lead into use cases ("how to get involved" stories) might result in a more approachable site. A short video intro and possibly binary tree could be used. Point: Jeff Team: not assigned/collaborative? Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/136
User interface for "editing/changing the website"Clarify and if need be simplify how to edit or add to the site. Offer staged invitation to at first simply post research notes and later edit or create wiki pages. Advanced uses may not need to be apparent to new users. Make people aware that they can materially change the website via editing wiki pages.
Tool page- development of documentation/dashboardThis project aims to revise the documentation of tool development on the website in order to increase community access and participation in development through better tools for tracking involvement, communicating/setting/meeting project development needs and goals and improving information flows between tool development projects. Specifically we will redesign the tools homepage, tool pages, and a develop “tool developer” dashboard. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/138
Documentation overload/strategyToo much documentation creates its own problems. A unified index of how-tos could work if it is up to date. Other options include a help chatroom or better wiki indexing. Resolve orphaned documentation problem. Point: Mathew Team: Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/139
Better organization for research notesThe goal of this item is to enable easier browsing of research notes by people unfamiliar with PLOTS. Basic categories of spectral techniques or balloon mapping arranged in order of technical nature or date created would be great. Possibly no thumbnails would allow more results to be shown on the page. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/140
Re-examining and extending GrassrootsMapping.orgThe Grassroots Mapping blog (grassrootsmapping.org) is awesome, but we’ve really moved away from using it. We are interested in recreating the blog as a more comprehensive Public Laboratory site where people can share stories that might not fit in the “research note” category. On this project you’ll help with the site redesign, generating content and wrangling people to write. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Adam Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/141
Links to apps on websiteBetter interconnect the peripheral "apps" like MapKnitter and SpectralWorkbench with the Plots site. common user login, better links from tool pages to apps. Point: Jeff Team: Adam Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/142
Events page rethinkThe Events page needs to link to sites and have searchable text, not just the embedded Google Cal api. Events should be presented uniformly and efficiently. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/143
GMF and website interconnectionExplore ways to better integrate the Grassroots Mapping Forum with the website, including more interactivity from the Forum and potentially generating Forums pdfs directly from the website using tags. Point: Mathew Team: Stewart, Jeff, Shannon Importance: ongoing project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/144 * Link between GMF and website - new feature, how do we build forums - M do better job as a GD template "Walking papers"-style offline contribution toolsPublic Laboratory research and archive entry forms essentially. Example: We create a PLOTS stylized template for the map details page that is filled out by the mapping party and when the map is added to the website the form is transcribed. In some cases this will allow more participation on the website among non-digital people, but it should also help people realize what to do after the flight, and could go along with our current paper instructions from the kit. We could also create offline forms for other things such as research notes. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Sara, Liz Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/145
Site navigation overviewDesign assessment and work on menus, headers, user interface related to navigation for different kinds of users. Analysis of Google Analytics, wireframing and testing of new header designs. Potential splitting of Logged-in and Non-logged-in headers. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/146
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6 | liz |
May 07, 2012 13:35
| almost 13 years ago
Formatting based on: http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/gsoc-ideas Due DatesApril 18: Point people write 1-2 sentence descriptions April 19: Team review complete April 20: Send to list to see if others are interested in working on these tasks May 15: Proposals for each item due Solution may require programmingUser interface with website- involvement in projectsThis project will address involvement questions such as how to host a meet-up, how do I get involved in a regional Public Lab project or on a Public Lab tool. We’ll also be developing a system to address topics that people are requesting assistance with. Point: Shannon Team: Liz, Sara, Mathew (passive) Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/121
Subscription to feedsThe goal of this project is to increase the usability of subscriptions by making them easier to make and track. We also aim to use the subscriptions to facilitate online collaboration by allowing individuals to know and communicate with those following them. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/122
Dashboard needs wireframeUser dashboards suffer from lack of actionability (clear calls to action), crowding, and other issues. We will look at other sites' dashboards, make mockups, solicit feedback, and analyze current use patterns in Google Analytics. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Liz, Sara, Mathew Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/123
$$$ pageWe’re interested in either creating a new page/system for donations or figuring out how to integrate all existing forms of income into a single page. Will require some research into both microfinance options and standard donation systems. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High-Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/124
PLOTS App DevelopmentPoint: Liz Team: Stewart, Sara Importance: Exploratory project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/125
Place pages overhaulThis project will create pages that are more dynamic than the current pages including the integration of events for each site, meet-up groups, forums (really?), links into related wiki pages and content, etc. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/126
Integrate mailing list with home pageThe goal of this project is to increase interaction between the mailing list and the website by facilitating the push and pull of data and conversations between these two communication methods. Specifically we will review and revise current cross communication such as the mailing list feed on the website. Point: Sara Team: RJ, Stewart, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium- by October Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/12 (originally a duplicate issue: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/127)
Make user profiles “cute” and more usefulFirst we want to make user profiles more attractive- adding images, better ways for users to connect and making sure that you can actually find someone you’re looking for. The second part of this project is to explore a badge system such as barnstars (wikipedia) or the Mozilla badges. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/128
Thermal image archivingWe need to settle on what this data looks like and attempt to categorize it for sorting/tagging/archiving, and if it come in different formats than we attempt a 1.0 categorization. The goal is to create the most effective format and archive such that people will be encouraged to contribute and help cultivate it onward. Point: Stewart Team: Sara, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium-low Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/129
Bitnami stack for MapMill and MapKnitterWe’ve started off in the Gulf Coast by creating DVDs of images and maps for libraries. We’d like to create MapKnitter and MapMill into formats that can be demoed and used offline. The principal use scenario is for locations where there isn’t a strong Internet connection- which is alot of places. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew, Stewart, Anita, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/130
Annotations/geo-comments for mapsPLOTS would like to use annotations to record field notes and facilitate conversations about the things going on within the maps themselves. Map observers can comment or ask questions about what they see. Stories behind the map such as irrigation design or pollution can be told. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Jeff, Mathew, RJ Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/131
Programming bottleneckExploring strategies for attracting more programmers to the PLOTS site and tools, potentially reaching out to Drupal or other FOSS communities and holding a hackathon. Also 2013 Google Summer of Code. Point: Jeff Team: Stewart, Shannon Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/132
Sandbox category for toolsRenaming or modifying tool status labels and creating better documentation for criteria for different tags. Displaying or branding status more clearly on tool pages. Mockups and wiki content. Point: Jeff Team: n/a Importance: n/a Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/133
"Mega-like" buttons (open to re-naming)Exploratory/brainstorming about how to engage users asynchronously across the lifetime of a project. Cheerleaders might subscribe to hear when projects reach certain stages, or offer bounties or resources contingent on certain outcomes depending on what each has to offer. Point: Mathew Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/134
Case studies on website useInterested in developing case studies around use of the Public Laboratory website? This project might be of particular interest to social scientists in the community that want to talk to others about how they perceive different functions of the website. Point: Shannon Team: not yet assigned Importance: low- September Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/135
Can be solved by anyoneVisual overload on home pageSeparation of different use cases on home page (new technical user, new activist user, returning users...) and better lead into use cases ("how to get involved" stories) might result in a more approachable site. A short video intro and possibly binary tree could be used. Point: Jeff Team: not assigned/collaborative? Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/136
User interface for "editing/changing the website"Clarify and if need be simplify how to edit or add to the site. Offer staged invitation to at first simply post research notes and later edit or create wiki pages. Advanced uses may not need to be apparent to new users. Make people aware that they can materially change the website via editing wiki pages.
Tool page- development of documentation/dashboardThis project aims to revise the documentation of tool development on the website in order to increase community access and participation in development through better tools for tracking involvement, communicating/setting/meeting project development needs and goals and improving information flows between tool development projects. Specifically we will redesign the tools homepage, tool pages, and a develop “tool developer” dashboard. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/138
Documentation overload/strategyToo much documentation creates its own problems. A unified index of how-tos could work if it is up to date. Other options include a help chatroom or better wiki indexing. Resolve orphaned documentation problem. Point: Mathew Team: Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/139
Better organization for research notesThe goal of this item is to enable easier browsing of research notes by people unfamiliar with PLOTS. Basic categories of spectral techniques or balloon mapping arranged in order of technical nature or date created would be great. Possibly no thumbnails would allow more results to be shown on the page. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/140
Re-examining and extending GrassrootsMapping.orgThe Grassroots Mapping blog (grassrootsmapping.org) is awesome, but we’ve really moved away from using it. We are interested in recreating the blog as a more comprehensive Public Laboratory site where people can share stories that might not fit in the “research note” category. On this project you’ll help with the site redesign, generating content and wrangling people to write. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Adam Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/141
Links to apps on websiteBetter interconnect the peripheral "apps" like MapKnitter and SpectralWorkbench with the Plots site. common user login, better links from tool pages to apps. Point: Jeff Team: Adam Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/142
Events page rethinkThe Events page needs to link to sites and have searchable text, not just the embedded Google Cal api. Events should be presented uniformly and efficiently. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/143
GMF and website interconnectionExplore ways to better integrate the Grassroots Mapping Forum with the website, including more interactivity from the Forum and potentially generating Forums pdfs directly from the website using tags. Point: Mathew Team: Stewart, Jeff, Shannon Importance: ongoing project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/144 * Link between GMF and website - new feature, how do we build forums - M do better job as a GD template "Walking papers"-style offline contribution toolsPublic Laboratory research and archive entry forms essentially. Example: We create a PLOTS stylized template for the map details page that is filled out by the mapping party and when the map is added to the website the form is transcribed. In some cases this will allow more participation on the website among non-digital people, but it should also help people realize what to do after the flight, and could go along with our current paper instructions from the kit. We could also create offline forms for other things such as research notes. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Sara, Liz Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/145
Site navigation overviewDesign assessment and work on menus, headers, user interface related to navigation for different kinds of users. Analysis of Google Analytics, wireframing and testing of new header designs. Potential splitting of Logged-in and Non-logged-in headers. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/146
Revert | |
5 | warren |
May 04, 2012 14:41
| almost 13 years ago
Formatting based on: http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/gsoc-ideas Due DatesApril 18: Point people write 1-2 sentence descriptions April 19: Team review complete April 20: Send to list to see if others are interested in working on these tasks May 15: Proposals for each item due Solution may require programmingUser interface with website- involvement in projectsThis project will address involvement questions such as how to host a meet-up, how do I get involved in a regional Public Lab project or on a Public Lab tool. We’ll also be developing a system to address topics that people are requesting assistance with. Point: Shannon Team: Liz, Sara, Mathew (passive) Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/121
Subscription to feedsThe goal of this project is to increase the usability of subscriptions by making them easier to make and track. We also aim to use the subscriptions to facilitate online collaboration by allowing individuals to know and communicate with those following them. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/122
Dashboard needs wireframeUser dashboards suffer from lack of actionability (clear calls to action), crowding, and other issues. We will look at other sites' dashboards, make mockups, solicit feedback, and analyze current use patterns in Google Analytics. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Liz, Sara, Mathew Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/123
$$$ pageWe’re interested in either creating a new page/system for donations or figuring out how to integrate all existing forms of income into a single page. Will require some research into both microfinance options and standard donation systems. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High-Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/124
PLOTS App DevelopmentPoint: Liz Team: Stewart, Sara Importance: Exploratory project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/125
Place pages overhaulThis project will create pages that are more dynamic than the current pages including the integration of events for each site, meet-up groups, forums (really?), links into related wiki pages and content, etc. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/126
Integrate mailing list with home pageThe goal of this project is to increase interaction between the mailing list and the website by facilitating the push and pull of data and conversations between these two communication methods. Specifically we will review and revise current cross communication such as the mailing list feed on the website. Point: Sara Team: RJ, Stewart, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium- by October Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/12 (originally a duplicate issue: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/127)
Make user profiles “cute” and more usefulFirst we want to make user profiles more attractive- adding images, better ways for users to connect and making sure that you can actually find someone you’re looking for. The second part of this project is to explore a badge system such as barnstars (wikipedia) or the Mozilla badges. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/128
Thermal image archivingWe need to settle on what this data looks like and attempt to categorize it for sorting/tagging/archiving, and if it come in different formats than we attempt a 1.0 categorization. The goal is to create the most effective format and archive such that people will be encouraged to contribute and help cultivate it onward. Point: Stewart Team: Sara, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium-low Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/129
Bitnami stack for MapMill and MapKnitterWe’ve started off in the Gulf Coast by creating DVDs of images and maps for libraries. We’d like to create MapKnitter and MapMill into formats that can be demoed and used offline. The principal use scenario is for locations where there isn’t a strong Internet connection- which is alot of places. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew, Stewart, Anita, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/130
Annotations/geo-comments for mapsPLOTS would like to use annotations to record field notes and facilitate conversations about the things going on within the maps themselves. Map observers can comment or ask questions about what they see. Stories behind the map such as irrigation design or pollution can be told. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Jeff, Mathew, RJ Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/131
Programming bottleneckExploring strategies for attracting more programmers to the PLOTS site and tools, potentially reaching out to Drupal or other FOSS communities and holding a hackathon. Also 2013 Google Summer of Code. Point: Jeff Team: Stewart, Shannon Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/132
Sandbox category for toolsRenaming or modifying tool status labels and creating better documentation for criteria for different tags. Displaying or branding status more clearly on tool pages. Mockups and wiki content. Point: Jeff Team: n/a Importance: n/a Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/133
"Mega-like" buttons (open to re-naming)Exploratory/brainstorming about how to engage users asynchronously across the lifetime of a project. Cheerleaders might subscribe to hear when projects reach certain stages, or offer bounties or resources contingent on certain outcomes depending on what each has to offer. Point: Mathew Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/134
Case studies on website useInterested in developing case studies around use of the Public Laboratory website? This project might be of particular interest to social scientists in the community that want to talk to others about how they perceive different functions of the website. Point: Shannon Team: not yet assigned Importance: low- September Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/135
Can be solved by anyoneVisual overload on home pageSeparation of different use cases on home page (new technical user, new activist user, returning users...) and better lead into use cases ("how to get involved" stories) might result in a more approachable site. A short video intro and possibly binary tree could be used. Point: Jeff Team: not assigned/collaborative? Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/136
User interface for "editing/changing the website"Clarify and if need be simplify how to edit or add to the site. Offer staged invitation to at first simply post research notes and later edit or create wiki pages. Advanced uses may not need to be apparent to new users. Make people aware that they can materially change the website via editing wiki pages.
Tool page- development of documentation/dashboardThis project aims to revise the documentation of tool development on the website in order to increase community access and participation in development through better tools for tracking involvement, communicating/setting/meeting project development needs and goals and improving information flows between tool development projects. Specifically we will redesign the tools homepage, tool pages, and a develop “tool developer” dashboard. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/138
Documentation overload/strategyToo much documentation creates its own problems. A unified index of how-tos could work if it is up to date. Other options include a help chatroom or better wiki indexing. Resolve orphaned documentation problem. Point: Mathew Team: Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/139
Better organization for research notesThe goal of this item is to enable easier browsing of research notes by people unfamiliar with PLOTS. Basic categories of spectral techniques or balloon mapping arranged in order of technical nature or date created would be great. Possibly no thumbnails would allow more results to be shown on the page. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/140
Re-examining and extending GrassrootsMapping.orgThe Grassroots Mapping blog (grassrootsmapping.org) is awesome, but we’ve really moved away from using it. We are interested in recreating the blog as a more comprehensive Public Laboratory site where people can share stories that might not fit in the “research note” category. On this project you’ll help with the site redesign, generating content and wrangling people to write. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Adam Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/141
Links to apps on websiteBetter interconnect the peripheral "apps" like MapKnitter and SpectralWorkbench with the Plots site. common user login, better links from tool pages to apps. Point: Jeff Team: Adam Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/142
Events page rethinkThe Events page needs to link to sites and have searchable text, not just the embedded Google Cal api. Events should be presented uniformly and efficiently. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/143
GMF and website interconnectionExplore ways to better integrate the Grassroots Mapping Forum with the website, including more interactivity from the Forum and potentially generating Forums pdfs directly from the website using tags. Point: Mathew Team: Stewart, Jeff, Shannon Importance: ongoing project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/144 * Link between GMF and website - new feature, how do we build forums - M do better job as a GD template "Walking papers"-style offline contribution toolsPublic Laboratory research and archive entry forms essentially. Example: We create a PLOTS stylized template for the map details page that is filled out by the mapping party and when the map is added to the website the form is transcribed. In some cases this will allow more participation on the website among non-digital people, but it should also help people realize what to do after the flight, and could go along with our current paper instructions from the kit. We could also create offline forms for other things such as research notes. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/145
Site navigation overviewDesign assessment and work on menus, headers, user interface related to navigation for different kinds of users. Analysis of Google Analytics, wireframing and testing of new header designs. Potential splitting of Logged-in and Non-logged-in headers. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/146
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4 | sara |
April 27, 2012 21:13
| almost 13 years ago
Formatting based on: http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/gsoc-ideas Due DatesApril 18: Point people write 1-2 sentence descriptions April 19: Team review complete April 20: Send to list to see if others are interested in working on these tasks May 15: Proposals for each item due Solution may require programmingUser interface with website- involvement in projectsThis project will address involvement questions such as how to host a meet-up, how do I get involved in a regional Public Lab project or on a Public Lab tool. We’ll also be developing a system to address topics that people are requesting assistance with. Point: Shannon Team: Liz, Sara, Mathew (passive) Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/121
Subscription to feedsThe goal of this project is to increase the usability of subscriptions by making them easier to make and track. We also aim to use the subscriptions to facilitate online collaboration by allowing individuals to know and communicate with those following them. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/122
Dashboard needs wireframeUser dashboards suffer from lack of actionability (clear calls to action), crowding, and other issues. We will look at other sites' dashboards, make mockups, solicit feedback, and analyze current use patterns in Google Analytics. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Liz, Sara, Mathew Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/123
$$$ pageWe’re interested in either creating a new page/system for donations or figuring out how to integrate all existing forms of income into a single page. Will require some research into both microfinance options and standard donation systems. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High-Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/124
PLOTS App DevelopmentPoint: Liz Team: Stewart, Sara Importance: Exploratory project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/125
Place pages overhaulThis project will create pages that are more dynamic than the current pages including the integration of events for each site, meet-up groups, forums (really?), links into related wiki pages and content, etc. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/126
Integrate mailing list with home pageThe goal of this project is to increase interaction between the mailing list and the website by facilitating the push and pull of data and conversations between these two communication methods. Specifically we will review and revise current cross communication such as the mailing list feed on the website. Point: Sara Team: RJ, Stewart, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium- by October Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/127
Make user profiles “cute” and more usefulFirst we want to make user profiles more attractive- adding images, better ways for users to connect and making sure that you can actually find someone you’re looking for. The second part of this project is to explore a badge system such as barnstars (wikipedia) or the Mozilla badges. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/128
Thermal image archivingWe need to settle on what this data looks like and attempt to categorize it for sorting/tagging/archiving, and if it come in different formats than we attempt a 1.0 categorization. The goal is to create the most effective format and archive such that people will be encouraged to contribute and help cultivate it onward. Point: Stewart Team: Sara, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium-low Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/129
Bitnami stack for MapMill and MapKnitterWe’ve started off in the Gulf Coast by creating DVDs of images and maps for libraries. We’d like to create MapKnitter and MapMill into formats that can be demoed and used offline. The principal use scenario is for locations where there isn’t a strong Internet connection- which is alot of places. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew, Stewart, Anita, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/130
Annotations/geo-comments for mapsPLOTS would like to use annotations to record field notes and facilitate conversations about the things going on within the maps themselves. Map observers can comment or ask questions about what they see. Stories behind the map such as irrigation design or pollution can be told. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Jeff, Mathew, RJ Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/131
Programming bottleneckExploring strategies for attracting more programmers to the PLOTS site and tools, potentially reaching out to Drupal or other FOSS communities and holding a hackathon. Also 2013 Google Summer of Code. Point: Jeff Team: Stewart, Shannon Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/132
Sandbox category for toolsRenaming or modifying tool status labels and creating better documentation for criteria for different tags. Displaying or branding status more clearly on tool pages. Mockups and wiki content. Point: Jeff Team: n/a Importance: n/a Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/133
"Mega-like" buttons (open to re-naming)Exploratory/brainstorming about how to engage users asynchronously across the lifetime of a project. Cheerleaders might subscribe to hear when projects reach certain stages, or offer bounties or resources contingent on certain outcomes depending on what each has to offer. Point: Mathew Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/134
Case studies on website useInterested in developing case studies around use of the Public Laboratory website? This project might be of particular interest to social scientists in the community that want to talk to others about how they perceive different functions of the website. Point: Shannon Team: not yet assigned Importance: low- September Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/135
Can be solved by anyoneVisual overload on home pageSeparation of different use cases on home page (new technical user, new activist user, returning users...) and better lead into use cases ("how to get involved" stories) might result in a more approachable site. A short video intro and possibly binary tree could be used. Point: Jeff Team: not assigned/collaborative? Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/136
User interface for "editing/changing the website"Clarify and if need be simplify how to edit or add to the site. Offer staged invitation to at first simply post research notes and later edit or create wiki pages. Advanced uses may not need to be apparent to new users. Make people aware that they can materially change the website via editing wiki pages.
Tool page- development of documentation/dashboardThis project aims to revise the documentation of tool development on the website in order to increase community access and participation in development through better tools for tracking involvement, communicating/setting/meeting project development needs and goals and improving information flows between tool development projects. Specifically we will redesign the tools homepage, tool pages, and a develop “tool developer” dashboard. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/138
Documentation overload/strategyToo much documentation creates its own problems. A unified index of how-tos could work if it is up to date. Other options include a help chatroom or better wiki indexing. Resolve orphaned documentation problem. Point: Mathew Team: Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/139
Better organization for research notesThe goal of this item is to enable easier browsing of research notes by people unfamiliar with PLOTS. Basic categories of spectral techniques or balloon mapping arranged in order of technical nature or date created would be great. Possibly no thumbnails would allow more results to be shown on the page. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/140
Re-examining and extending GrassrootsMapping.orgThe Grassroots Mapping blog (grassrootsmapping.org) is awesome, but we’ve really moved away from using it. We are interested in recreating the blog as a more comprehensive Public Laboratory site where people can share stories that might not fit in the “research note” category. On this project you’ll help with the site redesign, generating content and wrangling people to write. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Adam Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/141
Links to apps on websiteBetter interconnect the peripheral "apps" like MapKnitter and SpectralWorkbench with the Plots site. common user login, better links from tool pages to apps. Point: Jeff Team: Adam Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/142
Events page rethinkThe Events page needs to link to sites and have searchable text, not just the embedded Google Cal api. Events should be presented uniformly and efficiently. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/143
GMF and website interconnectionExplore ways to better integrate the Grassroots Mapping Forum with the website, including more interactivity from the Forum and potentially generating Forums pdfs directly from the website using tags. Point: Mathew Team: Stewart, Jeff, Shannon Importance: ongoing project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/144 * Link between GMF and website - new feature, how do we build forums - M do better job as a GD template "Walking papers"-style offline contribution toolsPublic Laboratory research and archive entry forms essentially. Example: We create a PLOTS stylized template for the map details page that is filled out by the mapping party and when the map is added to the website the form is transcribed. In some cases this will allow more participation on the website among non-digital people, but it should also help people realize what to do after the flight, and could go along with our current paper instructions from the kit. We could also create offline forms for other things such as research notes. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/145
Site navigation overviewDesign assessment and work on menus, headers, user interface related to navigation for different kinds of users. Analysis of Google Analytics, wireframing and testing of new header designs. Potential splitting of Logged-in and Non-logged-in headers. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/146
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3 | warren |
April 27, 2012 00:10
| almost 13 years ago
Formatting based on: http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/gsoc-ideas Due DatesApril 18: Point people write 1-2 sentence descriptions April 19: Team review complete April 20: Send to list to see if others are interested in working on these tasks May 15: Proposals for each item due Solution may require programmingUser interface with website- involvement in projectsThis project will address involvement questions such as how to host a meet-up, how do I get involved in a regional Public Lab project or on a Public Lab tool. We’ll also be developing a system to address topics that people are requesting assistance with. Point: Shannon Team: Liz, Sara, Mathew (passive) Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/121
Subscription to feedsThe goal of this project is to increase the usability of subscriptions by making them easier to make and track. We also aim to use the subscriptions to facilitate online collaboration by allowing individuals to know and communicate with those following them. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/122
Dashboard needs wireframeUser dashboards suffer from lack of actionability (clear calls to action), crowding, and other issues. We will look at other sites' dashboards, make mockups, solicit feedback, and analyze current use patterns in Google Analytics. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Liz, Sara, Mathew Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/123
$$$ pageWe’re interested in either creating a new page/system for donations or figuring out how to integrate all existing forms of income into a single page. Will require some research into both microfinance options and standard donation systems. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High-Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/124
PLOTS App DevelopmentPoint: Liz Team: Stewart, Sara Importance: Exploratory project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/125
Place pages overhaulThis project will create pages that are more dynamic than the current pages including the integration of events for each site, meet-up groups, forums (really?), links into related wiki pages and content, etc. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/126
Integrate mailing list with home pageThe goal of this project is to increase interaction between the mailing list and the website by facilitating the push and pull of data and conversations between these two communication methods. Specifically we will review and revise current cross communication such as the mailing list feed on the website. Point: Sara Team: RJ, Stewart, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium- by October Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/127
Make user profiles “cute” and more usefulFirst we want to make user profiles more attractive- adding images, better ways for users to connect and making sure that you can actually find someone you’re looking for. The second part of this project is to explore a badge system such as barnstars (wikipedia) or the Mozilla badges. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/128
Thermal image archivingWe need to settle on what this data looks like and attempt to categorize it for sorting/tagging/archiving, and if it come in different formats than we attempt a 1.0 categorization. The goal is to create the most effective format and archive such that people will be encouraged to contribute and help cultivate it onward. Point: Stewart Team: Sara, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium-low Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/129
Bitnami stack for MapMill and MapKnitterWe’ve started off in the Gulf Coast by creating DVDs of images and maps for libraries. We’d like to create MapKnitter and MapMill into formats that can be demoed and used offline. The principal use scenario is for locations where there isn’t a strong Internet connection- which is alot of places. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew, Stewart, Anita, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/130
Annotations/geo-comments for mapsPLOTS would like to use annotations to record field notes and facilitate conversations about the things going on within the maps themselves. Map observers can comment or ask questions about what they see. Stories behind the map such as irrigation design or pollution can be told. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Jeff, Mathew, RJ Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/131
Programming bottleneckExploring strategies for attracting more programmers to the PLOTS site and tools, potentially reaching out to Drupal or other FOSS communities and holding a hackathon. Also 2013 Google Summer of Code. Point: Jeff Team: Stewart, Shannon Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/132
Sandbox category for toolsRenaming or modifying tool status labels and creating better documentation for criteria for different tags. Displaying or branding status more clearly on tool pages. Mockups and wiki content. Point: Jeff Team: n/a Importance: n/a Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/133
"Mega-like" buttons (open to re-naming)Exploratory/brainstorming about how to engage users asynchronously across the lifetime of a project. Cheerleaders might subscribe to hear when projects reach certain stages, or offer bounties or resources contingent on certain outcomes depending on what each has to offer. Point: Mathew Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/134
Case studies on website useInterested in developing case studies around use of the Public Laboratory website? This project might be of particular interest to social scientists in the community that want to talk to others about how they perceive different functions of the website. Point: Shannon Team: not yet assigned Importance: low- September Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/135
Can be solved by anyoneVisual overload on home pageSeparation of different use cases on home page (new technical user, new activist user, returning users...) and better lead into use cases ("how to get involved" stories) might result in a more approachable site. A short video intro and possibly binary tree could be used. Point: Jeff Team: not assigned/collaborative? Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/136
User interface for "editing/changing the website"Clarify and if need be simplify how to edit or add to the site. Offer staged invitation to at first simply post research notes and later edit or create wiki pages. Advanced uses may not need to be apparent to new users. Make people aware that they can materially change the website via editing wiki pages.
Tool page- development of documentation/dashboardThis project aims to revise the documentation of tool development on the website in order to increase community access and participation in development through better tools for tracking involvement, communicating/setting/meeting project development needs and goals. Specifically we will redesign tool pages, and a develop “tool developer” dashboard. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/138
Documentation overload/strategyToo much documentation creates its own problems. A unified index of how-tos could work if it is up to date. Other options include a help chatroom or better wiki indexing. Resolve orphaned documentation problem. Point: Mathew Team: Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/139
Better organization for research notesThe goal of this item is to enable easier browsing of research notes by people unfamiliar with PLOTS. Basic categories of spectral techniques or balloon mapping arranged in order of technical nature or date created would be great. Possibly no thumbnails would allow more results to be shown on the page. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/140
Re-examining and extending GrassrootsMapping.orgThe Grassroots Mapping blog (grassrootsmapping.org) is awesome, but we’ve really moved away from using it. We are interested in recreating the blog as a more comprehensive Public Laboratory site where people can share stories that might not fit in the “research note” category. On this project you’ll help with the site redesign, generating content and wrangling people to write. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Adam Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/141
Links to apps on websiteBetter interconnect the peripheral "apps" like MapKnitter and SpectralWorkbench with the Plots site. common user login, better links from tool pages to apps. Point: Jeff Team: Adam Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/142
Events page rethinkThe Events page needs to link to sites and have searchable text, not just the embedded Google Cal api. Events should be presented uniformly and efficiently. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/143
GMF and website interconnectionExplore ways to better integrate the Grassroots Mapping Forum with the website, including more interactivity from the Forum and potentially generating Forums pdfs directly from the website using tags. Point: Mathew Team: Stewart, Jeff, Shannon Importance: ongoing project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/144 * Link between GMF and website - new feature, how do we build forums - M do better job as a GD template "Walking papers"-style offline contribution toolsPublic Laboratory research and archive entry forms essentially. Example: We create a PLOTS stylized template for the map details page that is filled out by the mapping party and when the map is added to the website the form is transcribed. In some cases this will allow more participation on the website among non-digital people, but it should also help people realize what to do after the flight, and could go along with our current paper instructions from the kit. We could also create offline forms for other things such as research notes. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/145
Site navigation overviewDesign assessment and work on menus, headers, user interface related to navigation for different kinds of users. Analysis of Google Analytics, wireframing and testing of new header designs. Potential splitting of Logged-in and Non-logged-in headers. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/146
Revert | |
2 | warren |
April 27, 2012 00:09
| almost 13 years ago
Formatting based on: http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/gsoc-ideas Due DatesApril 18: Point people write 1-2 sentence descriptions April 19: Team review complete April 20: Send to list to see if others are interested in working on these tasks May 15: Proposals for each item due Solution may require programmingUser interface with website- involvement in projectsThis project will address involvement questions such as how to host a meet-up, how do I get involved in a regional Public Lab project or on a Public Lab tool. We’ll also be developing a system to address topics that people are requesting assistance with. Point: Shannon Team: Liz, Sara, Mathew (passive) Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/121
Subscription to feedsThe goal of this project is to increase the usability of subscriptions by making them easier to make and track. We also aim to use the subscriptions to facilitate online collaboration by allowing individuals to know and communicate with those following them. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/122
Dashboard needs wireframeUser dashboards suffer from lack of actionability (clear calls to action), crowding, and other issues. We will look at other sites' dashboards, make mockups, solicit feedback, and analyze current use patterns in Google Analytics. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Liz, Sara, Mathew Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/123
$$$ pageWe’re interested in either creating a new page/system for donations or figuring out how to integrate all existing forms of income into a single page. Will require some research into both microfinance options and standard donation systems. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High-Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/124
PLOTS App DevelopmentPoint: Liz Team: Stewart, Sara Importance: Exploratory project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/125
Place pages overhaulThis project will create pages that are more dynamic than the current pages including the integration of events for each site, meet-up groups, forums (really?), links into related wiki pages and content, etc. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/126
Integrate mailing list with home pageThe goal of this project is to increase interaction between the mailing list and the website by facilitating the push and pull of data and conversations between these two communication methods. Specifically we will review and revise current cross communication such as the mailing list feed on the website. Point: Sara Team: RJ, Stewart, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium- by October Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/127
Make user profiles “cute” and more usefulFirst we want to make user profiles more attractive- adding images, better ways for users to connect and making sure that you can actually find someone you’re looking for. The second part of this project is to explore a badge system such as barnstars (wikipedia) or the Mozilla badges. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/128
Thermal image archivingWe need to settle on what this data looks like and attempt to categorize it for sorting/tagging/archiving, and if it come in different formats than we attempt a 1.0 categorization. The goal is to create the most effective format and archive such that people will be encouraged to contribute and help cultivate it onward. Point: Stewart Team: Sara, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium-low Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/129
Bitnami stack for MapMill and MapKnitterWe’ve started off in the Gulf Coast by creating DVDs of images and maps for libraries. We’d like to create MapKnitter and MapMill into formats that can be demoed and used offline. The principal use scenario is for locations where there isn’t a strong Internet connection- which is alot of places. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew, Stewart, Anita, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/130
Annotations/geo-comments for mapsPLOTS would like to use annotations to record field notes and facilitate conversations about the things going on within the maps themselves. Map observers can comment or ask questions about what they see. Stories behind the map such as irrigation design or pollution can be told. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Jeff, Mathew, RJ Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/131
Programming bottleneckExploring strategies for attracting more programmers to the PLOTS site and tools, potentially reaching out to Drupal or other FOSS communities and holding a hackathon. Also 2013 Google Summer of Code. Point: Jeff Team: Stewart, Shannon Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/132
Sandbox category for toolsRenaming or modifying tool status labels and creating better documentation for criteria for different tags. Displaying or branding status more clearly on tool pages. Mockups and wiki content. Point: Jeff Team: n/a Importance: n/a Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/133
"Mega-like" buttons (open to re-naming)Exploratory/brainstorming about how to engage users asynchronously across the lifetime of a project. Cheerleaders might subscribe to hear when projects reach certain stages, or offer bounties or resources contingent on certain outcomes depending on what each has to offer. Point: Mathew Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/134
Case studies on website useInterested in developing case studies around use of the Public Laboratory website? This project might be of particular interest to social scientists in the community that want to talk to others about how they perceive different functions of the website. Point: Shannon Team: not yet assigned Importance: low- September Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/135
Can be solved by anyoneVisual overload on home pageSeparation of different use cases on home page (new technical user, new activist user, returning users...) and better lead into use cases ("how to get involved" stories) might result in a more approachable site. A short video intro and possibly binary tree could be used. Point: Jeff Team: not assigned/collaborative? Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/136
User interface for "editing/changing the website"Clarify and if need be simplify how to edit or add to the site. Offer staged invitation to at first simply post research notes and later edit or create wiki pages. Advanced uses may not need to be apparent to new users. Make people aware that they can materially change the website via editing wiki pages.
Tool page- development of documentation/dashboardThis project aims to revise the documentation of tool development on the website in order to increase community access and participation in development through better tools for tracking involvement, communicating/setting/meeting project development needs and goals. Specifically we will redesign tool pages, and a develop “tool developer” dashboard. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/138
Documentation overload/strategyToo much documentation creates its own problems. A unified index of how-tos could work if it is up to date. Other options include a help chatroom or better wiki indexing. Resolve orphaned documentation problem. Point: Mathew Team: Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/139
Better organization for research notesThe goal of this item is to enable easier browsing of research notes by people unfamiliar with PLOTS. Basic categories of spectral techniques or balloon mapping arranged in order of technical nature or date created would be great. Possibly no thumbnails would allow more results to be shown on the page. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/140
Re-examining and extending GrassrootsMapping.orgThe Grassroots Mapping blog (grassrootsmapping.org) is awesome, but we’ve really moved away from using it. We are interested in recreating the blog as a more comprehensive Public Laboratory site where people can share stories that might not fit in the “research note” category. On this project you’ll help with the site redesign, generating content and wrangling people to write. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Adam Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/141
Links to apps on websiteBetter interconnect the peripheral "apps" like MapKnitter and SpectralWorkbench with the Plots site. common user login, better links from tool pages to apps. Point: Jeff Team: Adam Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/142
Events page rethinkThe Events page needs to link to sites and have searchable text, not just the embedded Google Cal api. Events should be presented uniformly and efficiently. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/143
GMF and website interconnectionExplore ways to better integrate the Grassroots Mapping Forum with the website, including more interactivity from the Forum and potentially generating Forums pdfs directly from the website using tags. Point: Mathew Team: Stewart, Jeff, Shannon Importance: ongoing project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/144 * Link between GMF and website - new feature, how do we build forums - M do better job as a GD template "Walking papers"-style offline contribution toolsPublic Laboratory research and archive entry forms essentially. Example: We create a PLOTS stylized template for the map details page that is filled out by the mapping party and when the map is added to the website the form is transcribed. In some cases this will allow more participation on the website among non-digital people, but it should also help people realize what to do after the flight, and could go along with our current paper instructions from the kit. We could also create offline forms for other things such as research notes. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/145
Site navigation overviewDesign assessment and work on menus, headers, user interface related to navigation for different kinds of users. Analysis of Google Analytics, wireframing and testing of new header designs. Potential splitting of Logged-in and Non-logged-in headers. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/146
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April 27, 2012 00:08
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Formatting based on: http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/gsoc-ideas Due DatesApril 18: Point people write 1-2 sentence descriptions April 19: Team review complete April 20: Send to list to see if others are interested in working on these tasks May 15: Proposals for each item due Solved by ProgrammerUser interface with website- involvement in projectsThis project will address involvement questions such as how to host a meet-up, how do I get involved in a regional Public Lab project or on a Public Lab tool. We’ll also be developing a system to address topics that people are requesting assistance with. Point: Shannon Team: Liz, Sara, Mathew (passive) Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/121
Subscription to feedsThe goal of this project is to increase the usability of subscriptions by making them easier to make and track. We also aim to use the subscriptions to facilitate online collaboration by allowing individuals to know and communicate with those following them. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/122
Dashboard needs wireframeUser dashboards suffer from lack of actionability (clear calls to action), crowding, and other issues. We will look at other sites' dashboards, make mockups, solicit feedback, and analyze current use patterns in Google Analytics. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Liz, Sara, Mathew Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/123
$$$ pageWe’re interested in either creating a new page/system for donations or figuring out how to integrate all existing forms of income into a single page. Will require some research into both microfinance options and standard donation systems. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High-Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/124
PLOTS App DevelopmentPoint: Liz Team: Stewart, Sara Importance: Exploratory project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/125
Place pages overhaulThis project will create pages that are more dynamic than the current pages including the integration of events for each site, meet-up groups, forums (really?), links into related wiki pages and content, etc. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/126
Integrate mailing list with home pageThe goal of this project is to increase interaction between the mailing list and the website by facilitating the push and pull of data and conversations between these two communication methods. Specifically we will review and revise current cross communication such as the mailing list feed on the website. Point: Sara Team: RJ, Stewart, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium- by October Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/127
Make user profiles “cute” and more usefulFirst we want to make user profiles more attractive- adding images, better ways for users to connect and making sure that you can actually find someone you’re looking for. The second part of this project is to explore a badge system such as barnstars (wikipedia) or the Mozilla badges. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/128
Thermal image archivingWe need to settle on what this data looks like and attempt to categorize it for sorting/tagging/archiving, and if it come in different formats than we attempt a 1.0 categorization. The goal is to create the most effective format and archive such that people will be encouraged to contribute and help cultivate it onward. Point: Stewart Team: Sara, Shannon, Jeff Importance: Medium-low Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/129
Bitnami stack for MapMill and MapKnitterWe’ve started off in the Gulf Coast by creating DVDs of images and maps for libraries. We’d like to create MapKnitter and MapMill into formats that can be demoed and used offline. The principal use scenario is for locations where there isn’t a strong Internet connection- which is alot of places. Point: Shannon Team: Mathew, Stewart, Anita, Jeff Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/130
Annotations/geo-comments for mapsPLOTS would like to use annotations to record field notes and facilitate conversations about the things going on within the maps themselves. Map observers can comment or ask questions about what they see. Stories behind the map such as irrigation design or pollution can be told. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Jeff, Mathew, RJ Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/131
Programming bottleneckExploring strategies for attracting more programmers to the PLOTS site and tools, potentially reaching out to Drupal or other FOSS communities and holding a hackathon. Also 2013 Google Summer of Code. Point: Jeff Team: Stewart, Shannon Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/132
Sandbox category for toolsRenaming or modifying tool status labels and creating better documentation for criteria for different tags. Displaying or branding status more clearly on tool pages. Mockups and wiki content. Point: Jeff Team: n/a Importance: n/a Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/133
"Mega-like" buttons (open to re-naming)Exploratory/brainstorming about how to engage users asynchronously across the lifetime of a project. Cheerleaders might subscribe to hear when projects reach certain stages, or offer bounties or resources contingent on certain outcomes depending on what each has to offer. Point: Mathew Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/134
Case studies on website useInterested in developing case studies around use of the Public Laboratory website? This project might be of particular interest to social scientists in the community that want to talk to others about how they perceive different functions of the website. Point: Shannon Team: not yet assigned Importance: low- September Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/135
Solved by communityVisual overload on home pageSeparation of different use cases on home page (new technical user, new activist user, returning users...) and better lead into use cases ("how to get involved" stories) might result in a more approachable site. A short video intro and possibly binary tree could be used. Point: Jeff Team: not assigned/collaborative? Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/136
User interface for "editing/changing the website"Clarify and if need be simplify how to edit or add to the site. Offer staged invitation to at first simply post research notes and later edit or create wiki pages. Advanced uses may not need to be apparent to new users. Make people aware that they can materially change the website via editing wiki pages.
Tool page- development of documentation/dashboardThis project aims to revise the documentation of tool development on the website in order to increase community access and participation in development through better tools for tracking involvement, communicating/setting/meeting project development needs and goals. Specifically we will redesign tool pages, and a develop “tool developer” dashboard. Point: Sara Team: Mathew, Jeff Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/138
Documentation overload/strategyToo much documentation creates its own problems. A unified index of how-tos could work if it is up to date. Other options include a help chatroom or better wiki indexing. Resolve orphaned documentation problem. Point: Mathew Team: Liz Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/139
Better organization for research notesThe goal of this item is to enable easier browsing of research notes by people unfamiliar with PLOTS. Basic categories of spectral techniques or balloon mapping arranged in order of technical nature or date created would be great. Possibly no thumbnails would allow more results to be shown on the page. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/140
Re-examining and extending GrassrootsMapping.orgThe Grassroots Mapping blog (grassrootsmapping.org) is awesome, but we’ve really moved away from using it. We are interested in recreating the blog as a more comprehensive Public Laboratory site where people can share stories that might not fit in the “research note” category. On this project you’ll help with the site redesign, generating content and wrangling people to write. Point: Shannon Team: Jeff, Adam Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/141
Links to apps on websiteBetter interconnect the peripheral "apps" like MapKnitter and SpectralWorkbench with the Plots site. common user login, better links from tool pages to apps. Point: Jeff Team: Adam Importance: high Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/142
Events page rethinkThe Events page needs to link to sites and have searchable text, not just the embedded Google Cal api. Events should be presented uniformly and efficiently. Point: Adam Team: Jeff Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/143
GMF and website interconnectionExplore ways to better integrate the Grassroots Mapping Forum with the website, including more interactivity from the Forum and potentially generating Forums pdfs directly from the website using tags. Point: Mathew Team: Stewart, Jeff, Shannon Importance: ongoing project Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/144 * Link between GMF and website - new feature, how do we build forums - M do better job as a GD template "Walking papers"-style offline contribution toolsPublic Laboratory research and archive entry forms essentially. Example: We create a PLOTS stylized template for the map details page that is filled out by the mapping party and when the map is added to the website the form is transcribed. In some cases this will allow more participation on the website among non-digital people, but it should also help people realize what to do after the flight, and could go along with our current paper instructions from the kit. We could also create offline forms for other things such as research notes. Point: Stewart Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: High Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/145
Site navigation overviewDesign assessment and work on menus, headers, user interface related to navigation for different kinds of users. Analysis of Google Analytics, wireframing and testing of new header designs. Potential splitting of Logged-in and Non-logged-in headers. Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Sara Importance: Medium Github home: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/146
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