Public Lab Wiki documentation

Post an event

This is a revision from March 19, 2014 15:43. View all revisions
15 | 49 | | #9772

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Regional events

Most chapter pages list regional events on their left sidebar, for example Look in the sidebar for the "post an event" button to add yours. If you have recently created a new region page and wish to add event listings & a "post an event" button to your sidebar, tag your page with events:theregionname, for example events:gulf-coast. If you have questions, email

Google calendar

We also have a Google calendar, which is how you get listed on the page. To have your event shown on this calendar, email

How to host an event

Want some advice on hosting an event -- how to reach people, what to provide, how long it should be, etc? Take a look at the Host a Balloon Mapping Workshop page for some great tips.


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