Public Lab Wiki documentation


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2 | 6 | | #13940

The pDR-1500 is Thermo Scientific's proprietary real-time PM monitor. It is an optical PM system with a filter for gravimetric calibration. The name stands for personal Data Ram.

It can be equipped with a single-stage cyclone impactor for filter-based calibration of a single category of PM: PM10, PM4, PM2.5, or PM1.

Operating the pDR-1500

The pDR-1500 is designed to provide real-time personal exposure information. It can be operated at any angle and even clipped to a belt. the pDR-1500 isn't the easiest accessory to wear, however, at 1.2kg (2.5 lbs).

Filters can be acquired from and sent back to Chester LabNET for gravimetric analysis & calibration at $20/each:

Chester LabNET, 12242 SW Garden Place, Tigard OR 97223. Phone: 503.624.2183


  • four AA Batteries
  • one 37mm fiberglass filter every 24/hours
  • calibration once/year

It is recommended to start each 24-hour period with fully charged or new AA batteries and a new 37mm fiberglass filter, whether or not filter-based calibration will be used during the monitoring period.

Who operates the pDR-1500?

the pDR-1500 is used by a variety of environmental monitoring groups, both for direct real-time monitoring and to calibrate other real-time monitors. the EPA uses the pDR-1500 in their Village Green monitoring project.

Public Lab's pDR-1500

Public Lab has acquired a pDR-1500 available for loan. It was produced in 2011 and is in need of an updated calibration.

pDR-1500 Serial # 0115247955

