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The pollution of water bodies (e.g. rivers and lakes) is a problem that many communities are, or may be susceptible to. Ottawa, Canada is a city that would face severe consequences in the event of water pollution, as it depends on water bodies (e.g. the Ottawa River) as the primary source of drinking water for the city. The goal of this chapter in Ottawa will be to monitor the pollution levels in various bodies of water throughout the city.


The members of the Ottawa Chapter will collect samples from a specific body of water on a daily basis. The spectras of these samples would then be captured through the use of Public Lab’s D-I-Y spectrometry tools or a home-made spectrophotometer

Desktop_Spectrometry_Kit.png (Desktop Spectrometry Kit)

HomemadeSpectrophotometer.jpg (Homemade Spectrophotometer)

These samples of water will then be analyzed using the Spectral Workbench by Public Lab.