N.O.W. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k3LmuvQ0YDPZA_TmwgK_vFsbYeeAaM7HLgV673GY3_w/edit?...
Public Lab is an open community which collaboratively develops accessible, open source, Do-It-Yourself technologies for investigating local environmental health and justice issues.
14 CURRENT | NewtonGjengen |
March 05, 2016 00:06
| almost 9 years ago
N.O.W.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k3LmuvQ0YDPZA_TmwgK_vFsbYeeAaM7HLgV673GY3_w/edit?usp=sharing What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproducable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Our project has a goal something similiar to the RIFFLE Open Water Project with modifications appropriate to our area of the world. We are also looking at projects such as http://publiclab.org/wiki/coqui which uses sound as a platform. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, using low cost materials. This project has been inspired, in part, by a similar project known as RIFFLE. See https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Picture taken 210 minutes after launch from our first High Altitude Mission, White Eagle One. Notice the sun drenched Norwegian coastline. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. We will breadboard our project using FRITZING http://fritzing.org/download/?donation=0 and AUTODESK for CAD prototyping for our sensor housing. http://aidp.phoenixeducom.com/mindmap-site.php. Also see http://www.123dapp.com/design Manylabs also has some tools we will likely use. Many Labs Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon We will be participating in the Global Space Balloon Challenge from Stanford University in California with our school team from Farsund known as THOR-2. We will simultaneously be developing a platform for measuring temperature, barometric pressure, and other types of sensors, for our sixth launch to Near Space in April, 2015. Global Space Balloon Challenge Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our present and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Software Resources and Simulationhttp://123d.circuits.io/circuits http://openjscad.org/# Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter IN NORWEGIAN-FROM OUR REPORT S.O.S.Norway Open Water A blog with a water quality form for students in Norway useful for documenting water quality. NOW FormKARTN.O.W. ELEV PROSJEKTHome 1.3.16 EN INTRODUKSJON til NOW Når vi holder på med dette prosjektet så har vi en baktanke om å inspirere andre elever i alle aldersgrupper til å drive med vannforskning. Målet vårt er å utvikle en "open source" enhet som skal måle vannkvaliteten. Denne enheten som vi bruker vil da bruke temperaturmålere og diverse andre sensorer for å måle vannkvaliteten. Arduino programvaren og maskinplattform vil da være tilgjengelig for skoler i Norge som også kan legge til og endre prosjektet vårt. Det er da slik vi utvikler et samfunn ledet av student forskere som vil overvåke vannkvaliteten på innsjøer og elver i Norge i løpet av et helt skole år. Gjennom tiden da vi har utarbeidet de andre ballong prosjektene så brukte vi diverse vær instrumenter som vi selv har programert med Arduino for å måle blant annet temperatur og lignende. Vårt mål er da å bruke de samme instrumentene til å måle temperaturen i vannet i over tid. Ballong prosjektene våre har hvert med på å inspirere andre elever på andre skole, og vi har også hvert så heldig å fått idèer og inspirasjon fra disse elevene også. Vårt siste forsøk var med Mandal ungdom og videregående skole. Dessverre fikk vi ikke sendt ballongen opp i verdensrommet som vi hadde beregnet og håpet på. Men det er likevel et eksempel på at de har hvert med å inspirere oss, samtidig som vi har fått være med å inspirere dem. Det er veldig viktig og forstå at det måleinstrumentet vi har utarbeidet med elevene i Mandal har blant annet målt metangass og vannkvalitet. Vi kan også bruke det på bakken for å måle vanntemperatur og vannkvalitet. Den neste ballongen vi skal sende til verdensrommet i April 2016 kommer til å være utstyrt med en en gass sensor som måler metangass. Denne sensoren kommer til å være utviklet av oss. Poenget med hele N.O.W prosjektet er å inspirere andre elever på skoler rundt forbi til å kunne tenke felles og utvikle det videre med for eksempel denne nettsiden. Vi har i tillegg veldig lyst til å samle masse informasjon om vanntemperatur og lignende i en app som vi kan få lastet ned fra internett. NOW Prosjektet Hva vårt prosjekt handler om Vårt prosjekt kan beskrives med fire bokstaver: SOWI (So Why) Samarbeid Observasjon Water (vann) Innovasjon Samarbeid handler om hvordan vi har nådd fram til ulike skoler og startet nye prosjekter med dem. Observasjon er om hvordan vi bruker ulike måleapparater for å få kunnskap og fakta om det som er rundt. Water Vann er også en viktig del av det vi holder på med. Vi bruker disse nevnte måleapparatene for å kontrollere vannkvaliteten i våre nærområder. Vår blogg, "Norway Open Water", går ut på SOWI. Ved å kombinere samarbeid, observasjon, vann og innovasjon har vi skapt et webområde som har i mål å samle unge studenter som er interessert i forskning til å bidra med sine observasjoner og målinger for å skape et samlet nettverk. Innovasjon er òg en viktig del av vårt prosjekt. Vi ønsker å blant annet inspirere andre elever til å forske og også med å gi dem verktøyene de trenger for å skape nye ideer. Vi holder i tillegg på med et prosjekt under navnet "Science In a Box" som går ut på å skape innovasjon blant unge forskerstudenter. Ved å ta i bruk dette kan vi skape en interesse i vannkvalitet og vannforskning. Med samarbeid med andre elever overvåke vi vannkvaliteten http://norwayopenwater.blogspot.no/ __ |
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13 | NewtonGjengen |
March 05, 2016 00:01
| almost 9 years ago
N.O.W.What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproducable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Our project has a goal something similiar to the RIFFLE Open Water Project with modifications appropriate to our area of the world. We are also looking at projects such as http://publiclab.org/wiki/coqui which uses sound as a platform. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, using low cost materials. This project has been inspired, in part, by a similar project known as RIFFLE. See https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Picture taken 210 minutes after launch from our first High Altitude Mission, White Eagle One. Notice the sun drenched Norwegian coastline. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. We will breadboard our project using FRITZING http://fritzing.org/download/?donation=0 and AUTODESK for CAD prototyping for our sensor housing. http://aidp.phoenixeducom.com/mindmap-site.php. Also see http://www.123dapp.com/design Manylabs also has some tools we will likely use. Many Labs Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon We will be participating in the Global Space Balloon Challenge from Stanford University in California with our school team from Farsund known as THOR-2. We will simultaneously be developing a platform for measuring temperature, barometric pressure, and other types of sensors, for our sixth launch to Near Space in April, 2015. Global Space Balloon Challenge Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our present and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Software Resources and Simulationhttp://123d.circuits.io/circuits http://openjscad.org/# Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter IN NORWEGIAN-FROM OUR REPORT S.O.S.Norway Open Water A blog with a water quality form for students in Norway useful for documenting water quality. NOW FormKARTN.O.W. ELEV PROSJEKTHome 1.3.16 EN INTRODUKSJON til NOW Når vi holder på med dette prosjektet så har vi en baktanke om å inspirere andre elever i alle aldersgrupper til å drive med vannforskning. Målet vårt er å utvikle en "open source" enhet som skal måle vannkvaliteten. Denne enheten som vi bruker vil da bruke temperaturmålere og diverse andre sensorer for å måle vannkvaliteten. Arduino programvaren og maskinplattform vil da være tilgjengelig for skoler i Norge som også kan legge til og endre prosjektet vårt. Det er da slik vi utvikler et samfunn ledet av student forskere som vil overvåke vannkvaliteten på innsjøer og elver i Norge i løpet av et helt skole år. Gjennom tiden da vi har utarbeidet de andre ballong prosjektene så brukte vi diverse vær instrumenter som vi selv har programert med Arduino for å måle blant annet temperatur og lignende. Vårt mål er da å bruke de samme instrumentene til å måle temperaturen i vannet i over tid. Ballong prosjektene våre har hvert med på å inspirere andre elever på andre skole, og vi har også hvert så heldig å fått idèer og inspirasjon fra disse elevene også. Vårt siste forsøk var med Mandal ungdom og videregående skole. Dessverre fikk vi ikke sendt ballongen opp i verdensrommet som vi hadde beregnet og håpet på. Men det er likevel et eksempel på at de har hvert med å inspirere oss, samtidig som vi har fått være med å inspirere dem. Det er veldig viktig og forstå at det måleinstrumentet vi har utarbeidet med elevene i Mandal har blant annet målt metangass og vannkvalitet. Vi kan også bruke det på bakken for å måle vanntemperatur og vannkvalitet. Den neste ballongen vi skal sende til verdensrommet i April 2016 kommer til å være utstyrt med en en gass sensor som måler metangass. Denne sensoren kommer til å være utviklet av oss. Poenget med hele N.O.W prosjektet er å inspirere andre elever på skoler rundt forbi til å kunne tenke felles og utvikle det videre med for eksempel denne nettsiden. Vi har i tillegg veldig lyst til å samle masse informasjon om vanntemperatur og lignende i en app som vi kan få lastet ned fra internett. NOW Prosjektet Hva vårt prosjekt handler om Vårt prosjekt kan beskrives med fire bokstaver: SOWI (So Why) Samarbeid Observasjon Water (vann) Innovasjon Samarbeid handler om hvordan vi har nådd fram til ulike skoler og startet nye prosjekter med dem. Observasjon er om hvordan vi bruker ulike måleapparater for å få kunnskap og fakta om det som er rundt. Water Vann er også en viktig del av det vi holder på med. Vi bruker disse nevnte måleapparatene for å kontrollere vannkvaliteten i våre nærområder. Vår blogg, "Norway Open Water", går ut på SOWI. Ved å kombinere samarbeid, observasjon, vann og innovasjon har vi skapt et webområde som har i mål å samle unge studenter som er interessert i forskning til å bidra med sine observasjoner og målinger for å skape et samlet nettverk. Innovasjon er òg en viktig del av vårt prosjekt. Vi ønsker å blant annet inspirere andre elever til å forske og også med å gi dem verktøyene de trenger for å skape nye ideer. Vi holder i tillegg på med et prosjekt under navnet "Science In a Box" som går ut på å skape innovasjon blant unge forskerstudenter. Ved å ta i bruk dette kan vi skape en interesse i vannkvalitet og vannforskning. Med samarbeid med andre elever overvåke vi vannkvaliteten http://norwayopenwater.blogspot.no/ __ |
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12 | NewtonGjengen |
March 04, 2016 15:25
| almost 9 years ago
N.O.W.What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproducable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Our project has a goal something similiar to the RIFFLE Open Water Project with modifications appropriate to our area of the world. We are also looking at projects such as http://publiclab.org/wiki/coqui which uses sound as a platform. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, using low cost materials. This project has been inspired, in part, by a similar project known as RIFFLE. See https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Picture taken 210 minutes after launch from our first High Altitude Mission, White Eagle One. Notice the sun drenched Norwegian coastline. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. We will breadboard our project using FRITZING http://fritzing.org/download/?donation=0 and AUTODESK for CAD prototyping for our sensor housing. http://aidp.phoenixeducom.com/mindmap-site.php. Also see http://www.123dapp.com/design Manylabs also has some tools we will likely use. Many Labs Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon We will be participating in the Global Space Balloon Challenge from Stanford University in California with our school team from Farsund known as THOR-2. We will simultaneously be developing a platform for measuring temperature, barometric pressure, and other types of sensors, for our sixth launch to Near Space in April, 2015. Global Space Balloon Challenge Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our present and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Software Resources and Simulationhttp://123d.circuits.io/circuits http://openjscad.org/# Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter IN NORWEGIAN-FROM OUR REPORT S.O.S.Norway Open Water A blog with a water quality form for students in Norway useful for documenting water quality. NOW FormKARTN.O.W. ELEV PROSJEKTHome 1.3.16 EN INTRODUKSJON til NOW Når vi holder på med dette prosjektet så har vi en baktanke om å inspirere andre elever i alle aldersgrupper til å drive med vannforskning. Målet vårt er å utvikle en "open source" enhet som skal måle vannkvaliteten. Denne enheten som vi bruker vil da bruke temperaturmålere og diverse andre sensorer for å måle vannkvaliteten. Arduino programvaren og maskinplattform vil da være tilgjengelig for skoler i Norge som også kan legge til og endre prosjektet vårt. Det er da slik vi utvikler et samfunn ledet av student forskere som vil overvåke vannkvaliteten på innsjøer og elver i Norge i løpet av et helt skole år. Gjennom tiden da vi har utarbeidet de andre ballong prosjektene så brukte vi diverse vær instrumenter som vi selv har programert med Arduino for å måle blant annet temperatur og lignende. Vårt mål er da å bruke de samme instrumentene til å måle temperaturen i vannet i over tid. Ballong prosjektene våre har hvert med på å inspirere andre elever på andre skole, og vi har også hvert så heldig å fått idèer og inspirasjon fra disse elevene også. Vårt siste forsøk var med Mandal ungdom og videregående skole. Dessverre fikk vi ikke sendt ballongen opp i verdensrommet som vi hadde beregnet og håpet på. Men det er likevel et eksempel på at de har hvert med å inspirere oss, samtidig som vi har fått være med å inspirere dem. Det er veldig viktig og forstå at det måleinstrumentet vi har utarbeidet med elevene i Mandal har blant annet målt metangass og vannkvalitet. Vi kan også bruke det på bakken for å måle vanntemperatur og vannkvalitet. Den neste ballongen vi skal sende til verdensrommet i April 2016 kommer til å være utstyrt med en en gass sensor som måler metangass. Denne sensoren kommer til å være utviklet av oss. Poenget med hele N.O.W prosjektet er å inspirere andre elever på skoler rundt forbi til å kunne tenke felles og utvikle det videre med for eksempel denne nettsiden. Vi har i tillegg veldig lyst til å samle masse informasjon om vanntemperatur og lignende i en app som vi kan få lastet ned fra internett. NOW Prosjektet Hva vårt prosjekt handler om Vårt prosjekt kan beskrives med fire bokstaver: SOWI (So Why) Samarbeid Observasjon Water (vann) Innovasjon Samarbeid handler om hvordan vi har nådd fram til ulike skoler og startet nye prosjekter med dem. Observasjon er om hvordan vi bruker ulike måleapparater for å få kunnskap og fakta om det som er rundt. Water Vann er også en viktig del av det vi holder på med. Vi bruker disse nevnte måleapparatene for å kontrollere vannkvaliteten i våre nærområder. Vår blogg, "Norway Open Water", går ut på SOWI. Ved å kombinere samarbeid, observasjon, vann og innovasjon har vi skapt et webområde som har i mål å samle unge studenter som er interessert i forskning til å bidra med sine observasjoner og målinger for å skape et samlet nettverk. Innovasjon er òg en viktig del av vårt prosjekt. Vi ønsker å blant annet inspirere andre elever til å forske og også med å gi dem verktøyene de trenger for å skape nye ideer. Vi holder i tillegg på med et prosjekt under navnet "Science In a Box" som går ut på å skape innovasjon blant unge forskerstudenter. Ved å ta i bruk dette kan vi skape en interesse i vannkvalitet og vannforskning. Med samarbeid med andre elever overvåke vi vannkvaliteten http://norwayopenwater.blogspot.no/ __ |
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11 | NewtonGjengen |
February 19, 2015 16:32
| almost 10 years ago
N.O.W.What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproducable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Our project has a goal something similiar to the RIFFLE Open Water Project with modifications appropriate to our area of the world. We are also looking at projects such as http://publiclab.org/wiki/coqui which uses sound as a platform. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, using low cost materials. This project has been inspired, in part, by a similar project known as RIFFLE. See https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Picture taken 210 minutes after launch from our first High Altitude Mission, White Eagle One. Notice the sun drenched Norwegian coastline. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. We will breadboard our project using FRITZING http://fritzing.org/download/?donation=0 and AUTODESK for CAD prototyping for our sensor housing. http://aidp.phoenixeducom.com/mindmap-site.php. Also see http://www.123dapp.com/design Manylabs also has some tools we will likely use. Many Labs Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon We will be participating in the Global Space Balloon Challenge from Stanford University in California with our school team from Farsund known as THOR-2. We will simultaneously be developing a platform for measuring temperature, barometric pressure, and other types of sensors, for our sixth launch to Near Space in April, 2015. Global Space Balloon Challenge Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our present and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Software Resources and Simulationhttp://123d.circuits.io/circuits http://openjscad.org/# Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter IN NORWEGIAN-FROM OUR REPORT S.O.S.__ |
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10 | NewtonGjengen |
November 24, 2014 07:43
| about 10 years ago
N.O.W.What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproducable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Our project has a goal something similiar to the RIFFLE Open Water Project with modifications appropriate to our area of the world. We are also looking at projects such as http://publiclab.org/wiki/coqui which uses sound as a platform. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, using low cost materials. This project has been inspired, in part, by a similar project known as RIFFLE. See https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Picture taken 210 minutes after launch from our first High Altitude Mission, White Eagle One. Notice the sun drenched Norwegian coastline. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. We will breadboard our project using FRITZING http://fritzing.org/download/?donation=0 and AUTODESK for CAD prototyping for our sensor housing. http://aidp.phoenixeducom.com/mindmap-site.php. Also see http://www.123dapp.com/design Manylabs also has some tools we will likely use. Many Labs Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon We will be participating in the Global Space Balloon Challenge from Stanford University in California with our school team from Farsund known as THOR-2. We will simultaneously be developing a platform for measuring temperature, barometric pressure, and other types of sensors, for our sixth launch to Near Space in April, 2015. Global Space Balloon Challenge Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our present and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Software Resources and Simulationhttp://123d.circuits.io/circuits http://openjscad.org/# Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter __ |
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9 | NewtonGjengen |
November 23, 2014 09:09
| about 10 years ago
N.O.W.What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproducable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, using low cost materials. This project has been inspired, in part, by a similar project known as RIFFLE. See https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Picture taken 210 minutes after launch from our first High Altitude Mission, White Eagle One. Notice the sun drenched Norwegian coastline. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our present and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Software Resources and Simulationhttp://123d.circuits.io/circuits http://openjscad.org/# Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter __ |
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8 | NewtonGjengen |
November 23, 2014 08:55
| about 10 years ago
N.O.W.What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproducable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, using low cost materials. This project has been inspired, in part, by a similar project known as RIFFLE. See https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Picture taken 210 minutes after launch from our first High Altitude Mission, White Eagle One. Notice the sun drenched Norwegian coastline. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our present and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Software Resources and Simulationhttp://123d.circuits.io/circuits Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter __ |
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7 | NewtonGjengen |
November 22, 2014 12:20
| about 10 years ago
N.O.W.What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproducable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, using low cost materials. This project has been inspired, in part, by a similar project known as RIFFLE. See https://github.com/OpenWaterProject/riffle Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Picture taken 210 minutes after launch from our first High Altitude Mission, White Eagle One. Notice the sun drenched Norwegian coastline. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our present and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter __ |
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6 | NewtonGjengen |
November 22, 2014 12:13
| about 10 years ago
N.O.W.What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproducable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, using low cost materials. Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Picture taken 210 minutes after launch from our first High Altitude Mission, White Eagle One. Notice the sun drenched Norwegian coastline. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our present and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter __ |
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5 | NewtonGjengen |
November 22, 2014 09:15
| about 10 years ago
N.O.W.What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproduceable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, using low cost materials. Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Picture taken 210 minutes after launch from our first High Altitude Mission, White Eagle One. Notice the sun drenched Norwegian coastline. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our present and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter __ |
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4 | NewtonGjengen |
November 22, 2014 09:14
| about 10 years ago
N.O.W.What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproduceable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, using low cost materials. Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Picture taken 210 minutes after launch from our first High Altitude Mission, White Eagle One. Notice the sun drenched Norwegian coastline. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our present and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter |
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3 | NewtonGjengen |
November 22, 2014 09:08
| about 10 years ago
N.O.W.What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproduceable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, using low cost materials. Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our present and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter |
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2 | NewtonGjengen |
November 22, 2014 09:06
| about 10 years ago
N.O.W.What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproduceable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, using low cost materials. Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our presnt and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter |
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1 | NewtonGjengen |
November 22, 2014 08:53
| about 10 years ago
N.O.W.What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproduceable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, and our project will be entered into the Norsk JuniorVannPris (Stockholm Junior Water Competition) for the year 2015. Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our presnt and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter |
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0 | NewtonGjengen |
November 22, 2014 08:38
| about 10 years ago
N.O.W.What We want to doWe are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per Verås. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproduceable, low -cost, and that measures water quality. Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in measuring water quality. Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. Our approach will be Arduino based, and our project will be entered into the Norsk JuniorVannPris (Stockholm Junior Water Competition) for the year 2015. Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals. Our attempt and resultsOur project is in early development. We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project. Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space. A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here Norway Space Balloon Multi-platform, relatively low cost wireless sensors, Arduino based, launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our presnt and future focus. Questions and next stepsOur initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming skills. In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website. Why We are interestedWe are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure water quality. Links to Water Related SourcesNordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation Links to our other School ProjectsWe will add links to our other projects here. Follow us on Twitter. NewtonGjengen Twitter |
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