
###What We want to do

We are a group of middle school students (15 years old) from Farsund, Norway led by our science teacher, Per VerĂ¥s. We are seeking to develop an open source multi-platform system that is easily reproduceable,  low -cost, and that measures water quality.

Part of this project will involve using a drone as a tool in collecting data in  measuring water quality.

 Our goal is for other schools in Norway to reproduce and modify our approach, so that student-scientists can help in the development of sensors that monitor parameters such as water temperature, conductivity, and ph using inexpensive components. 

Our approach will be Arduino based, and our project will be entered into the Norsk JuniorVannPris (Stockholm Junior  Water Competition) for the year 2015.

Last year our water project entitled "CumuloNimbus" won first place in Norway in the Stockholm Junior Water Competition. In that project we sent a high altitude weather balloon to 33 kilometers in the upper stratosphere and measured the altitude of the polar jet streams over Norway using audio signals.  

###Our attempt and results

Our project is in  early development.  We will be posting updates to this page as we formalize our project.

Because we have been very active in high altitiude ballooning, with several  launches to 33 kilometers in the last four years, we want to develop sensors that can also be launched to near space.  A link to our Space Balloon Website is found here [Norway Space Balloon ](http://flip.it/o1TPT) 

Multi-platform, relatively  low cost  wireless sensors, Arduino based,  launched by high altitude balloons, and drones, are our presnt and future focus. 

###Questions and next steps

Our initial focus will simply be to learn basic Arduino programming. We are using the Arduino Uno from the Sparkfun Inventor's kit, and are in the process of learning basic programming  skills.

In this early stage we have some simple goals. In the next several weeks we will create a pilot project around temperature sensing, and post our progress on this website.

###Why We are  interested

We  are interested in engaging other students and teachers here in Norway in an attempt to motivate them  to engage in challenging, open air activities that have as their focus the environment-and here in Norway nothing can be more important than securing clean water. 

Engaging student scientists to measure simple parameters that attempt to measure  water  quality.  

###Links to Water Related Sources

[Nordic Baltic Seminar 2012 Presentation ](http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/env/documents/2012/wat/workshops/Nordic_Baltic_Seminar_Oslo/2.Norway_presentatation_challenges.pdf)

###Links to our other School Projects

We will add links to our other projects here.

Follow us on Twitter. [NewtonGjengen Twitter](https://twitter.com/Newtongjengen)