Infragram Media
A collection of images for the Infragram plant health camera project
(by Jeff Warren)
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Caption: Normal color photo (top) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) image (bottom).NDVI image was derived from two color channels in a single photo taken with a camera modified with a special infrared filter. Note that tree trunks, brown grass, and rocks have very low NDVI values because they are not photosynthetic. Healthy plants typically have NDVI values between 0.1 and 0.9. Images by Chris Fastie.
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Caption: Normal color photo (left), superblue infrared photo (middle), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) image (right) of trailing arbutus. NDVI image was derived from two color channels in the single superblue photo which was taken with a camera modified with a special infrared filter. Healthy plants typically have NDVI values between 0.1 and 0.9. Note that flowers have very low NDVI values because they are not photosynthetic. Images by Chris Fastie.
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Caption: Normal color photo (left), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) image (right). NDVI image was derived from two color channels in a single superblue photo which was taken with a camera modified with a special infrared filter. Healthy plants typically have NDVI values between 0.1 and 0.9. Note that tree trunks and brown vegetation have have very low NDVI values because they are not photosynthetic. Images by Chris Fastie.
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Caption: Normal color photo (left), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) image (right). NDVI image was derived from two color channels in a single superblue photo which was taken with a camera modified with a special infrared filter. Healthy plants typically have NDVI values between 0.1 and 0.9. Note that tree trunks and brown vegetation have have very low NDVI values because they are not photosynthetic. Images by Chris Fastie.
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(by Chris Fastie)
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(by Chris Fastie)
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(by Mathew Lippincott)
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(by Tom Taylor)
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(by Chris Fastie)
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(by Chris Fastie)
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(by Don Blair and Ned Horning)
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(by Jeff Warren)
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(by Chris Fastie)
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(by Chris Fastie)
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(by Chris Fastie)
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(by Mathew Lippincott)
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(by Mathew Lippincott)
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(by Jeff Warren)
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(by Chris Fastie)
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(by Jeff Warren)
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(by Jeff Warren)
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(by Jeff Warren)
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(by Chris Fastie)
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(by Jeff Warren)
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