Public Lab Wiki documentation

Gulf Coast

This is a revision from November 07, 2011 15:42. View all revisions
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Since May 2010, we have been using balloon mapping to capture aerial imagery of spill-affected sites in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. Our work on the Gulf Coast has been done in cooperation with groups such as the Louisiana Bucket Brigade and the University of South Alabama on a community-led monitoring of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The data we have gathered can be viewed in:

the Public Laboratory Archive

More images and information can be found at:

We’re not trying to duplicate the satellite or flyover imagery (though we’ve helped to coordinate some of the flyovers and trying to ensure that the data is publicly accessible). We are helping Gulf Coast residents to use balloons, kites, and other simple and inexpensive tools to produce their own documentation of the spill… and hoping that such data collection will support environmental research, policy, and regulatory changes in coming years.

Current focuses (Nov 2011) include:

  • Producing our second paper map (with the support of DevelopmentSeed) of Wilkinson Bay.
  • Providing digital archives of collected images to libraries across the Gulf Coast
  • Mapping at Helen Woods Park in Mobile Bay, Alabama where an oyster reef is being constructed by hundred of volunteers
  • Continued mapping at sites in Louisiana including Grand Isle, Bay Jimmy, and other areas in the Barataria region
  • Connecting with researchers regarding data use and potential collaborations
  • Testing out new PLOTS tools- infrared and UV cameras

Grassroots Mapping: Kickstarter Pitch from TungstenMonkey on Vimeo.

We're organizing mapping 'trips' on the coast. If you're interested in participating in a trip or conducting your own mapping session, please contact us at the mailing list, and we'll help you get started. (equipment, training, finding volunteers, etc.)


...feel free to add your name!

Contact information

How can you help?


  • Canon cameras or Android phones (see Balloon Mapping Materials)
  • Weather balloons (5 feet diameter or more)
  • string, lots of string

Mapping Resources

Other mapping efforts

How-to Mapping Guides

Look at our 4-page PDF guide to get started.