Public Lab Wiki documentation

Home Testing for Endocrine Disruptors

This is a revision from December 22, 2011 19:55. View all revisions
8 | 19 | | #634


This tool is being developed to...

Currently, to do this, people have to... Our approach is better than what exists because...

Applications and example uses

We're using it here .... for detecting...

It looks like this... (photos)

How to make your own

Short blurb

  • image (of the inside, or the kit laid out on the ground, a "sum up" image, best if labelled)
  • list of parts
  • prices
  • time to build? "2 hours" or "30 mins"
  • prerequisites -- you'll need a screwdriver, or the GlowDoodle software

If this is too long, link to another page...

How to use it

  • basic usage in text
  • links to illustrated guides
  • a YouTube video or several?

If this is too long, link to another page...

Get involved!

  • List next steps
  • short-term goals
  • and places to start contributing

If need be, link to the mailing list so people know where to go to get in touch.


Description of project:

We are attempting to develop a testing kit for environmental estrogens using yeast that contain the human estrogen receptor as described in this paper.

List the bibliography.

Draw a diagram how the YES assay works.

Contributors: Avery Louie at Olin College RISD Yuyu and Mara Sara Wylie

To Do List before January 23rd grow week!

  1. read up on growing yeast--particularly home brewing kits
  2. read up on how to prepare water samples for testing. --Bisphenol A samples from water bottle --water from tap --water with Phthalates --what other samples could we test?
  3. develop concepts for designing home testing kits
  4. develop concept for gallery show

Link to related posts (Mara tag earlier post) [[|Bibliography for Estrogen Screen project]]

[[|possible vessel for estrogen cultures]]