Home Testing for Endocrine Disruptors
Description of project:
We are attempting to develop a testing kit for environmental estrogens using yeast that contain the human estrogen receptor as described in this paper.
List the bibliography.
Draw a diagram how the YES assay works.
Contributors: Avery Louie at Olin College RISD Yuyu and Mara Sara Wylie
To Do List before January 23rd grow week!
- read up on growing yeast--particularly home brewing kits
- read up on how to prepare water samples for testing. --Bisphenol A samples from water bottle --water from tap --water with Phthalates --what other samples could we test?
- develop concepts for designing home testing kits
- develop concept for gallery show
Link to related posts (Mara tag earlier post) [[http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/hometesting-environmental-estrogens|Bibliography for Estrogen Screen project]]
[[http://publiclaboratory.org/notes/mara/10-27-2011/possible-estrogen-culture-vessels|possible vessel for estrogen cultures]]