Public Lab Wiki documentation

desktop spectrometry kit 3.0

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The Public Lab Desktop Spectrometry Kit 3.0 is the latest version of the spectrometer. Read more about our Spectrometry program, the Oil Testing Kit it is is a part of, or the history of development. Previous versions 2 & 2.5 are here.

Parts List

ID all the parts Custom Box printed on Neenah Sundance Eclipse Black Smooth 100 # paper. Download the print and cut files: "gumstick" webcam (from a laptop screen) with USB cable * 45 degree wooden block, 3cm x 3cm x 3cm

Using your spectrometer

Once you've assembled your spectrometer and are ready to use it, plug it in and visit to begin recording data with it. The web-based software works in the Chrome, Firefox and Opera browsers on most computers and Android phones.

(Peer) Support

Public Lab is not a corporation; we're an open community of DIY environmental science researchers which you have just joined! The best place to get help is the spectrometry mailing list; to join, sign up in the form to the left.

The spectrometry mailing list is made up of people like you, who are building and improving open source spectrometry techniques. Ask questions, look for help, and consider helping others too!

You can also post a question on this site; it helps to share some photos or screenshots of what you're trying to do:

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How to put it together:

Design Notes

consult the following notes on development for the evolution of this design. @mathew (paper spectrometer 1)[/notes/mathew/11-07-2014/a-paper-spectrometer-design] @mathew (paper spectrometer 2)[/notes/mathew/12-06-2014/a-paper-spectrometer-design-pt-2]