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phil3D "@phil3D awards a barnstar to mathew for their awesome contribution! " | Read more » over 7 years ago
stoft "They look good in the pic. It is difficult to get a ideal gradients with actual dots or lines. You might try attenuating the florescence light vs l..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
mathew " gradient_print.pdf @stoft just got these back. The silver nitrate emulsion is line-screened at 300dpi, and goes from 100% black to 100% clear..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
mathew "@stoft I just sent off a group of fades on acetate to the photo printer we use for our slits. We'll try it out soon. " | Read more » almost 10 years ago
btbonval "On the plots, it looks like you have linearly sampled x-data, around 300 nm to 700 nm. The question is whether each x-value is equally spaced. If t..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
warren "The interval is from pixel width on the sensor, so I think it's a safe assumption? " | Read more » almost 10 years ago
btbonval "@warren You aren't taking integrals, you're accumulating y-values. This might be equivalent if and only if the difference between x-value samples ..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
btbonval "In numpy, it'd be fairly easy. # establish that x and y are 1d vectors xdata = data[0,:] ydata = data[1,:] # perform cumulative sc..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
warren "Hi bryan - my code is here: -- I wonder if you did an implementation how different the line ..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
btbonval "If you have access to matrix math, I can vectorize the previous algorithm to speed it up. If you're in client javascript, I'm unaware of any good v..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
btbonval "Here's a dirty and slow way to determine the 50% mark: Firstly, normalize your data by dividing the integral (area under the curve). The area unde..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
stoft "btbonval - point taken, centriod is for 2D; their line just represents the 'center of distribution' " | Read more » almost 10 years ago
stoft "btbonval - true. I was just suggesting a fast integer approximation as a simple means to test and get a 1-number result. The existing work in patte..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
btbonval "@stoft the centroid would be a point (x,y), not a line (x=B for all y). sorry to nitpick verbiage. I got all mathy in this post, figured I'd keep u..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
btbonval "What @stoft described in the first message is usually accomplished using a matched filter in DSP. " | Read more » almost 10 years ago
stoft "I think the term you are looking for is the "centroid" -- think of it as the point where the shape/volume/whatever would be physically balanced -- ..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
btbonval "@warren The line that you describe would be the weighted mean of the dataset (integral divided by two, aka area under the curve divided by two as @..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
mathew "@stevie running three samples and averaging them is a great idea. You can see in the labels that I started running 3-5 tests per sample to go for ..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
mathew "@stoft Dave, we're getting similar brightnesses between our readings of different oils by varying the concentration and/or light path, which seem t..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
warren "I don't know the word for this kind of thing, but maybe @btbonval does :-) The line divides the graph into two equal areas: " | Read more » almost 10 years ago
stevie "Good work here. I like the blowout warning idea. Experimenting with the oil density is def. another good step, but I agree that the distinct variat..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
stoft "Looks promising. Maybe these are obvious but... - Pick 3-5 oils, or oil mixtures, as a reference test set -- low to high density -- then use them f..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
warren "Unfortunately some of these lines are covered by others. I guess I should make the key show a wavelength too? " | Read more » almost 10 years ago
warren "OK, I added a couple more features -- one which bisects a graph with a vertical line where the area of the graph is equally divided -- what's that ..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago